Polarisation of Opinions


I'm so tired of people who just defend their points, without reflecting or analysing the others. This happens especially between young and old people. People should believe in and stand for their points, of course. People without opinions aren't healthy, too. But it's fundamental to think and reflect before.

Example: Is it better to read books or e-books?

We will take a person, A, who prefers books and another one, B, who prefers e-books. In a daily life situation, usually the debate becomes a fight because everyone just wants to defend their opinions. Books are better for the eyes, but cause deforestation. But we have to consider that today smartphones have eye comfort shields.

Situations like this threaten the bond between people and, in a greater way, the entire organisation of society. So we have different parties in politics and people who just extremise their opinions in order to prove their points. This can happen between children, but in society it can be unhealthy. Leaders should focus on what makes the society productive and progressist at the same time. It's complicated, yes, but people should open their minds to see the pros and the cons of every situation and to work focusing on the results of this analysis.

In a word? Thinking.

Level 67
Mar 6, 2023
True... especially on the internet. Your debate field either becomes a.) a hub of trolls and close-minded people, or b.) an echo chamber.
Level 63
Mar 6, 2023
As they say, I do not plus, but multiply
Level 60
Mar 7, 2023
Yeah, most times debate fields either turn out to be a hub for trolls and close minded people, or an echo chamber.
Level 59
Mar 6, 2023
E-Books, you can find a sketchy PDF for free, somewhere.