School in Italy



Every country has a different school system. Today, we're going to discover Italy's.

In the beginning, I can say that grades in Italy go from 1 to 10. However, they can change from teacher to teacher. There are teachers who start from 2, 3 or 4 and others who consider 8 or 9 their highest grade. There's even a higher grade, 10 e lode, that is sometimes awarded during exams. Some schools, however, don't award 10 e lode. It's often a question of being lucky. This means having good teachers, who are good in explaining to the students and valutating them. Sometimes, teachers choose different highest grades for the "prove, o verifiche, scritte" and the "prove, o verifiche, orali".

Verifiche scritte are, literally, written tests. Verifiche orali are, literally, speaking tests. They can also be called "interrogazioni". The teacher asks questions to the students about the subjects they have studied, and the students answer them.

Another important aspect of Italian school is that students always stay in the same class, for example 1B, 4C, 2F... Every class has its own timetable, the same students and teachers during all the school year, unless a student decides to change school or class. This can happen when a certain student doesn't get well with the classmates or, in a Liceo or an Istituto Tecnico, when he doesn't like the subjects taught in the school.

Scuola Materna

The "Scuola Materna" is the school for kids aged 3-5 years, but sometimes scholars celebrate their sixth birthday during the second term, or, as we call here, secondo quadrimestre. Kids spend there three years.

In this school kids learn the basics of living in a community by practical experience with their classmates. Generally, kids there draw and have fun together.

Scuola Elementare

The "Scuola Elementare" is where children aged from 6 to 10/11 years old study. In the beginning, students learn the alphabet, how to write and read correctly, the basics of mathematics, but it gets progressively harder. Out of the five years, the third and fourth are the hardest, because that's when students officially begin studying English and other subjects like History, Geography, Music... They study them before, too, but it's simpler because, for example, they don't play the flute (I don't know why Italian teachers are so obsessed with this instrument) and when they're 8 they begin to study human history from the Big Bang until the Romans.

Scuola Media

Children and teens aged from 11 to 13/14 years old study in the "Scuola Media". Even if they study there for just three years, it's very hard. There are loads of homework, teachers can be supporting or not. At the end of the last school year, there's an important exam where students can get grades from 3 to 10, and, only in some schools, 10 e lode for the best student/students of the class. It's called "Esame di Terza Media" and changes through the years. For example, before the Covid pandemic there were writing and oral tests.

Scuola Superiore

"Scuola Superiore" is a general term that includes both Liceo and Istituto Tecnico.

During their last year in the Scuola Media, students have to choose in what Scuola Superiore they will study for the next five years, until they are 18/19 years old. The Scuola Superiore can be a Liceo, a more theoric school, or a Istituto Tecnico, a more practical school. For example, Liceo Classico, for humanitarian studies (loads of hours about ancient Greek and Latin); Liceo Scientifico, centred on maths; Liceo Linguistico, to study languages; Liceo Artistico, art and design; Istituto Tecnico Alberghiero, to learn how to cook and work in a restaurant or a hotel, for example; and others.

At the end of the last year students have to pass an exam, called "Esame di Maturità", that, like the "Esame di Terza Media", changes through the years. Tests of different kinds of schools, like Liceo Classico and Liceo Scientifico, are different, because they're centred on different subjects and abilities.


The Università is basically University. There people study three or six years and specialise on a Facoltà, that is a faculty/subject.
Level 43
Dec 27, 2022
Maybe I could try doing the same with Brazil
Level 70
Dec 28, 2022
Yeah, good idea!
Level 73
Dec 29, 2022
Interesting blog.. I like learning about different educational systems.

Choosing what you will have to study for the next five years at the age of 13/14 seems difficult.

For example, in India, where I live, you have to choose them only after you have passed 10th grade (15/16 yo) and that too only if you have received enough marks.

Level 70
Dec 29, 2022
It's a difficult choice, indeed, so that a relatively high number of students, during their first or their second year, decides to study in a different school. The first two school years are called "biennio", while the other three are called "triennio". The trennio is more specialised than the biennio.

Indian school system seems very interesting. I think that when you're 15 or 16 you're more prepared to decide.

Level 73
Dec 29, 2022
We Indians loathe our system very much, with some going as far away and saying that even North Korean system might be better than us. :P Anyway, times are changing and so are the viewpoints and the system being reformed.

Yes, by the time one is 15 or 16, they are mature enough to decide, but again there are few options, with the most popular being science. There's a reason people associate us Indians with tech and IT.

If you won't mind me asking, which type of liceo are you in or plan to study in?

Level 70
Dec 22, 2023
We Italians loathe our school system, too :D.
Level 54
Mar 21, 2023
Hi dear dianalove! Sorry to contact you there.

With several other JetPunk bloggers, since the begining of the year, we are trying to accomplish several objectives for the JetPunk blog section, and especially its "foreign" parts. Unfortuntely, we are missing collaborators for some featured languages. And you seemed us to be the choice for Italian. Would you be interested in helping us? We could give you some more information here, if it's the case.

Thank you in advance for your answer!

Level 70
Mar 27, 2023
I'd like to participate, but I'm busy, so I don't know if I'll be often available... Can I participate though I'm busy?
Level 54
Mar 30, 2023
Yes, of course. We all participate when wehave time. We all have a life beside JetPunk. We would be glad to work on this project with you, even if it's not that often.
Level 70
Apr 4, 2023
I joined :).
Level 54
Apr 17, 2023
Thank you very much! Do you have any difficulties to talk on Discord? Because there is two accounts named "dianalove" on the server, and none of them send any messages. If you need some help, feel free to ask. ;-)
Level 70
Apr 18, 2023
Yeah, I didn't know how to interact, I'll be grateful if I receive help ;), thanks.
Level 54
Apr 18, 2023
Oh, well, if you hve the ID and the password of the account you created, you just have to log in, click on "general" on the left of your screen and then write and send whatever you want. Is it clearernow or do you till have some problems...?
Level 70
Apr 19, 2023