Jetpunk Survivor #8 - FOURTH CHALLENGE



Last time, the Pamilya Tribe lost the challenge. Let's see the votes.

Vote #1: Nazgul

Vote #2: SirPhilippines

Vote #3: superquizzer

Vote #4: SirPhilippines

Vote #5: SirPhilippines

SirPhilippines, that's three, and that's enough to eliminate you.

SirPhilippines, the tribe has spoken.

12th: SirPhilippines

The Contest

The next contest involves logic and more math puzzles! There will be a point system, just like last challenge, because that works better.

#1: Treasure Hunt

A thief has visited six cities in an unknown order exactly once. Can you put the cities in order of which they were visited?


A. The two cities that start with M are visited back to back, as were the two cities that start with P.

B. Phoenix was one of the first four cities visited.

C. The thief began and ended in different countries.

D. The trips to Montgomery and Pittsburgh were not back to back.

E. The thief flew immediately from Miami to Phoenix.

F. The thief visited the city of Quebec before Calgary.

Points: 60 (10 for each city placed in the correct order)

#2: Four-Digit Code

Find the four-digit code using these clues.

3470: Two numbers are correct, but in the wrong spots.

1592: None of these numbers are correct.

5206: One of these numbers is correct and in the correct spot.

1307: Two numbers are correct, but in the wrong spots.

4837: Two numbers are correct and in the correct spots.

What is the number? (50 points)

#3: Secret City

Find the secret city by using the five clues left below.






(30 points)

#4: Package Delivery

(I got this challenge from a book)

Five customers shipped boxes of different weights and sizes. Each box has different weights, dimensions, customers, and prices.

Using the clues, determine the size, price and weight of each customer's box.

1. Of Katrina's box and the largest package of the 5, one weighed 4.5 lbs and the other cost $27.09 to ship.

2. The 12-inch wide package weighed more than the one that was most expensive to ship.

3. The lightest of the packages was a perfect cube.

4. The 5 different packages were the:

a. the smallest one (which wasn't Mitch's)

b. the second-lightest box,

c. Tristan's (which didn't cost $29.67 to ship)

d. the second heaviest-box,

e. and the one that cost $27.09 to ship.

5. The package that weighed 4.8lbs belonged to neither Tristan nor Abigail.

6. Of the 10-inch tall box and the one that was cheapest to ship, one belonged to Mitch and the other to Katrina.

7. Abigail's package weighed a third of a pound less than the 8 x 10 x 8 box.








4.2 lbs

4.5 lbs

4.8 lbs

5.1 lbs

5.4 lbs








6 x 8 x 8

8 x 10 x 8

8 x 12 x 12

10 x 10 x 10

12 x 16 x 12

Points: 150 (30 for each correct matchup)

Write your answers as follows: Customer, Weight, Price, Dimension

#5: Letter Substitution

Each letter represents a digit from 0-9. No two digits equal the same letter, no two letters can equal the same digit.

Note: x = multiplication sign.


D + D + D = G

D x H = B x B

B + B + I = J

What does each letter (A-J) equal?

Points: 50 (5 per each correct letter)

#6: Cookie Problem

Four people, Andy, Betty, Charles, and Deborah, share 35 cookies.

Andy got twice as many cookies as Betty.

Betty got a third the amount of cookies as Charles.

No cookies could be split into portions such as halves or thirds.


What is the least amount of cookies that Deborah could have gotten? (20 points)

How many distinct (different) amounts of cookies that Deborah could have received? (30 points)

#7: Family Tree

In a family, there are a particular amount of women who are related in some way.

There are:

2 grandmothers

5 mothers

7 daughters

4 granddaughters

How many women are in this family? (40 points)

#8: Guess My Number

Two people who are masters of logic and deduction choose a number from 1-30. They guess each others' numbers with the following conversation:

A: Is your number half mine?

B: I don't know. Is your number half mine?

A: I don't know. Is your number triple mine?

B: I don't know. Is your number one-fourth of mine?

A: I don't know.

B: I know your number.

What is A's number? (60 points)

#9: The Annoying Mole

A mole has dug five holes in a row. In your head, you label them from 1-5. Every night, the mole jumps to an adjacent hole. Every morning, you can check one of the holes. How many days do you need to ensure that you have found the mole? (50 points)

#10: The Knight, the Knave, and the Spy

(I got this puzzle online, but I can't quote it because you guys would can't see the answer online)

There are three people (Alex, Ben, and Cody), one of whom is a knight, one a knave, and one a spy. The knight tells the truth, the knave always lies, and the spy can either lie or tell the truth. Alex says, "Cody is a knave." Ben says: "Alex is a knight." Cody says: "I am the spy." Who is the knight, who is the knave, and who is the spy? (60 points)

All answers are due by Wednesday, 11/29, at 11:59PM PST.

Score: /600 pts

Level 63
Nov 26, 2023
What are the chances that I post my riddles blog at the same time as this one?? lolllll

You did a good job Gekko, pretty much what I'd imagined

Level 60
Nov 26, 2023
Hey, didn’t think you’d get it out today!
Level 60
Nov 26, 2023
This week works a lot better than the last
Level 54
Nov 26, 2023
For puzzle two, when a number is correct and in wrong spot so all the correct numbers are in wrong spot or just one of them?
Level 45
Nov 27, 2023
That means the number is in the code but not in the correct “position” within the code.
Level 60
Nov 26, 2023
For the 4 digit code should we assume that the word ‘only’ precedes all the clues?
Level 45
Nov 27, 2023
Level 60
Nov 26, 2023
For the Family one, is it assuming each woman only gives birth to one child? I don’t see a possible way otherwise.
Level 45
Nov 27, 2023
No, a woman can give birth to more than one child.
Level 60
Nov 26, 2023
For the mole one, the mole can move back and forth and occupy the same hole as long as it’s adjacent, correct?
Level 45
Nov 27, 2023