
Digits of Pi

How many places of Pi can you get in 15 seconds?
Quiz by kalbahamut
Last updated: September 3, 2018
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First submittedMarch 16, 2013
Times taken886,516
Average score20.0%
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 / 50 guessed
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104 Recent Comments
Level 15
Aug 28, 2019
my best is with 10 seconds remaining. I took over a thousand tries most likely and just kept reloading the page every time i made a mistake. I feel like someone who is crazy fast typist could get one more second on me but not 2
Level 70
Oct 2, 2019
It is possible to do it in almost no time at all if your computer is slow and doesn't start counting down immediately. I think this is probably what happened when I got the best time I ever have.
Level 15
Oct 9, 2019
that's true i got it once with 15 seconds remaining all because the thing glitched out and didn't even start counting. But i dont count that one since it was a glitch. So my best without glitching is 10 seconds remaining. i'd like to see someone beat that.
Level 66
Mar 15, 2021
Ok. So just open five All First-Level Subdivision tabs? That should do it.
Level 38
Jun 21, 2024
Time to buy a computer from 1983! Yay!
Level 15
Oct 9, 2019
also, if you check on the quiz info you can see the date and time taken for each attempt and how many they got. There are only 2 with 5 seconds taken and they are on the same date. Those are mine. There is one with 4 seconds taken and that almost made my heart skip a beat until i saw that only 11 digits were typed on that attempt.
Level 15
Oct 9, 2019
I mean not the quiz info but click on the quiz info and then click on the next link that pops up after that and scroll down below the first chart.
Level 15
Oct 9, 2019
nvm im stupid that's just your personal tries lol. Im an idiot.
Level 36
Nov 25, 2019
Kalbahamut, been a year since i came to this website, but i still love your quizzes. thanks for your dedication!
Level 82
Nov 25, 2019
I haven't made many quizzes in the past year. Most of them are from 2013-2014. But thanks.
Level 46
Dec 18, 2019
Who else came onto this in December 2019 and thought "there are probably as many comments on this quiz as there are digits in pi. (I know pi is infinite, it's a joke, please be gentle. Kalbahamut is extremely aggressive when it comes to this, I don't particularly want to get bashed online.)
Level 82
Dec 18, 2019
not there yet but now we are two comments closer!
Level 18
Feb 20, 2020
I need more time
Level 62
Mar 17, 2020
DONE! 100%
Level 60
Apr 8, 2020
3.14159, this is π

Followed by 2-6-5-3-5-8-9

Circumference over diameter

7-9, then 3-2-3

OMG! Can't you see?


And now we're on a spree

38 and 32, now we're blue

Oh, who knew?

7, 950 and then a two

88 and 41, so much fun

Now a run


Then 3-7, 51

Half way done!

0-5-8, now don't be late

2-0-9, where's the wine?

7-4, it's on the floor

Then 9-4-4-5-9

2-3-0, we gotta go

7-8, we can't wait


We're almost near the end, keep going

62, we're getting through

0-8-9-9, on time


There's only a few more!

8-2, then 5-3

42, 11, 7-0 and 67

We're done! Was that fun?

Learning random digits

So that you can brag to your friends

Level 38
Jun 21, 2024
Haha! I’ve heard that song a few times.
Level 60
Apr 24, 2020
Level 34
May 20, 2020
3141592653 is all I know.


Level 35
May 24, 2020
so far my best is 3.14159265358979323846264338279502884
Level 26
May 30, 2020
Level 44
Jul 8, 2024
I'm only at 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620 :(
Level 49
Jun 5, 2020
A fine quiz, excellent idea!
Level 28
Jun 17, 2020
I can do them all in order but 15 seconds is not enough time at all! maybe make it 30 seconds because it says that only 1% of people who tried it, got to the last number
Level 35
Aug 3, 2020
Level 46
Sep 15, 2020
Maybe put at least a few more seconds in the time
Level 94
Sep 17, 2020
I can name the first 18 digits of Pi. Middle range memory. Quite average, actually.
Level 59
Oct 27, 2020
I only got 3.141592653589793238462643383279 and whoever got to the end (that 1%), I am very impressed!
Level 57
Nov 4, 2020
Way too easy. Make it 300 digits and then it will be a little challenging. Keep in mind I am known throughout my school as the champion of Pi memorization.
Level 82
Nov 4, 2020
I'll keep that in mind.
Level 41
Dec 9, 2020
Can you please make it to where you can type them out of order?
Level 66
Mar 15, 2021
No. That would mean you would just have to type 10 numbers and the quiz would be over.
Level 60
Apr 21, 2021
it's probably a joke lol
Level 60
Dec 30, 2020
did anyone else use the pi song
Level 29
Oct 21, 2021
whats the pi song
Level 44
Jul 8, 2024
I use the pi game on the google calculator.
Level 64
Jan 19, 2021
22%= 4 points? wow
Level 55
Feb 3, 2021
done in 11 seconds, just memorise the sequence
Level 16
Mar 11, 2021
I got 34, I can probably manage 37 - 38 at most but I am not very fast with typing. I know at least 40 - 60 digits but I can't type them fast enough.
Level 52
Mar 14, 2021
My favorite types of pie are Apple, Cherry, and Oreo.
Level 29
Oct 21, 2021
Level 75
Mar 14, 2021
happy pi day everyone!
Level 66
Mar 15, 2021
Oh. I didn't realize that that was why it was front paged today...
Level 29
Oct 21, 2021
Sorry it ain't pi day for me
Level 26
Mar 16, 2021
round of applause for those who made it to 50!!!
Level 56
Apr 13, 2021
mmmm, pie
Level 35
May 14, 2021
I can name all the digits of pi:


Level 82
May 15, 2021
you missed a couple
Level 65
Jun 9, 2021
Level 42
Nov 14, 2021
uhm.. It goes on and on, it is an infinite number (It goes on forever).
Level 60
Sep 26, 2023
The joke is that Santinoaldo has all of the digits, not necessarily in the right order or amounts.
Level 17
Jun 28, 2021
All 50 with 3 seconds left
Level 29
Oct 21, 2021
your amazing at a math and remembering I've read a book partly centered around Pi and I can't remember all of those
Level 70
Aug 5, 2021
"Pi is exactly three!!"

-Professor Frink

Level 68
Aug 30, 2021
Level 26
Sep 6, 2021
Level 29
Oct 21, 2021
Hats of to the 1% of people who can get the 38th-50th place I always write it like 3.145
Level 78
Nov 29, 2021
I think I would do a lot better without the yellow box
Level 60
Mar 14, 2022
Happy Pi day everyone!
Level 76
Apr 17, 2022
I know all the digits of pi!











Hey, I didn't say they were in the right order.

Level 49
Apr 24, 2022
If anyone wants to try 100 digits of Pi, here’s the link:

Level 82
Apr 24, 2022
I think this one was originally 200 or 250 digits in 15 seconds, the point was just to see how far you could get in the time allotted. QM changed it to 50 so that it was possible to get 100%.
Level 55
May 10, 2022
32/50. I know more but this is extremely fast
Level 22
May 12, 2022
3.14159265358979323846 is all I know but it only took 10 seconds so I could probably get to like 35 digits
Level 46
May 16, 2022
I know 51 digits, the problem is I can't type them fast enough.
Level 30
May 22, 2022
Finally, 50/50 with 2 seconds left... now my fingers hurt.
Level 15
Jun 3, 2022
Level 27
Jun 26, 2022
was hard 49 out of 50

beated 99.9% OF QUIZ TAKERS

Level 35
Jun 26, 2022
U coulda mentioned i had to actually type the first 3. at the start...
Level 39
Aug 5, 2022
Uhhhhh, Pi is an infinite number
Level 51
Aug 27, 2022
i can do like 50 and more but i dont have enough time to type
Level 43
Aug 27, 2022
79 then 323...
Level 21
Aug 30, 2022
I did it in 8sec
Level 21
Aug 30, 2022
Haha i got it done in only 7sec
Level 21
Aug 30, 2022
It is really hard to type that fast and not hit the wrong number!
Level 19
Sep 26, 2022
You got the 12th letter wrong, It's not '8' its 9. Thank you.
Level 82
Sep 26, 2022
the 12th letter? Do you mean number? No, it's not wrong.
Level 19
Sep 26, 2022
Please make the time bigger. Like 1:00 please.
Level 82
Sep 26, 2022
Level 59
Oct 22, 2022
50/50 :)
Level 21
Nov 1, 2022
Got it in 5sec
Level 37
Jan 23, 2023
I only got the first 16.
Level 43
Jan 28, 2023
That's one of the steepest curves I've ever seen in the stats for a quiz
Level 68
Mar 14, 2023
It's one of those quizzes that makes me consider that I should be doing something more productive. At least 196 countries come in useful in day-to-day life. It might be fun to memorize XX digits of pi; but it's pretty wasteful.
Level 44
Mar 11, 2023
this time limit is really stupid give a minute or something
Level 68
Mar 14, 2023
15, Happy Pi Day
Level 65
Mar 14, 2023
Amateurs memorise digits of pi, professionals calculate them on the spot
Level 18
Mar 14, 2023
happy pi day! got 49/50 ARGHHHH
Level 18
Mar 14, 2023
update: i got all 50 digits in 13 seconds!!

also learnt 200 digits of pi for pi day

Level 54
Mar 14, 2023
pumkin pi :)
Level 66
Mar 14, 2023
Level 38
Mar 16, 2023
all 50 in 8 seconds, im trying to learn the first 200
Level 14
Aug 31, 2023
I memorized to 117 digits(including the 3.) 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706798214808651328230
Level 21
Sep 11, 2023
nice can't even see it all in the text box
Level 42
Sep 17, 2023
Took me a few tries, but finally got it within the timeframe. It's a fun time to try and beat and doable if you are willing to put in the effort
Level 30
Sep 25, 2023
thx lil mabu
Level 61
Nov 15, 2023
True mabu fans will get at least 3/11 on this quiz:
Level 55
Sep 26, 2023
fastest time 7 seconds
Level 58
Jan 6, 2024
Is Kalbo still on Jetpunk? Haven’t seen the big dog in a while
Level 82
Feb 11, 2024
Level 22
Jan 7, 2024
made an impossible version of this quiz and am now trying to beat it because this quiz is very easy.


Level 16
Feb 21, 2024
Finally my stupid hobby of memorizing digits off pi paid off. finished the test 100% within 12s
Level 34
Feb 29, 2024
only got five :)
Level 44
Jul 8, 2024
8 seconds!
Level 25
Jul 20, 2024
genocide supporter