Facts of Colombia


Cobras and Crocs and 'Keets, Oh My!

After Brazil, Colombia is the second most biodiverse country in the world! It is also one of only 17 "Megadiverse" countries in the world!


For public TV and radios, It is mandatory to play the Colombian national anthem at 6AM and 6PM.


someone had too much coffee this morning....... Anyway, Colombia is one of the leading producers of coffee beans! Think about that when you take your morning cup of joe.......

Feel the rainbow, taste the rainbow....

Cano Cristales is a river in Colombia, and in the late months of the year, the riverbed changes color from blue, to red, to green, to black, and many more!

why aint this legal here yet

Graffiti is not only legal in Bogota, but encouraged! As said by thefactfile.org, "The government not only tolerates graffiti, but also encourages and sponsors the art."

Lots of presents.....

With 18 holidays, Colombia has the second most national holidays after India, which has 21! that is about 2/3 of an average month of the year partying!

Its a bird! Its a Plane!

Say you have every butterfly in the world in your hand. Take out five of them. Nearly every time, 1 out of 5 butterflies are found in Colombia!

Cross the Canal

Due to the Panamanian border, Colombia is the only SA country to have a border on both the Pacific and the Atlantic oceans!

That's a mouthful

The Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta is the highest coastal mountain range in the world, with it's highest peak being over 18000 feet high!


Colombia is the worlds largest producer of emeralds! Over half of the emeralds produced in the world are mined in Colombia. However, the largest emerald was found in Brazil!


Congrats to BigGeographyGuy for getting last blog's Oof Quiz correct!

Level 61
Oct 5, 2021
Oof Quiz: What quiz of mine has the most answers and how many?
Level 43
Oct 5, 2021

But I think the largest diamond of the world is from Botswana...

Level 61
Oct 5, 2021
this says emerald, and that is how we spell Brazil here
Level 43
Oct 6, 2021
Oh, I need glasses lol