Random letter-M


Random Stuff- Letter M


Micronations are self-proclaimed pieces of land that can be on different planets or on the internet. One of the most popular examples is Sealand which has been existing for decades after it was created in 1967. The reason why Sealand is still standing is because of the court battle and that it was made on an abandoned fort illegally built by the British. Sealand usually does not have more than 50 people living on it at once. Sealand is just one of these micronations there are others like Molossia.

MIcronations-How to become one

To become a micronation all you have to do is state it. Thats it. Most of them are online with not that much but a few of them claim land but are quickly gone due to pressure from the country it say is their or lost hope. Some of them like Sealand or Bir Tawil are in unclaimed places where it is actually legal to claim them but they are not regonized by any country. Sealand is the most notable one for reason get onto later but the thing is that micronation can happen anywhere and there are hundreds or them.

Micronations-Problems and motable micronation

Because micronations will probably never be recognized by any countries they will probably not become a country but there is a really tiny chance they could. They also could be declared war on by host countries. Notable examples are Sealand which I talked about, Molossia which claims a part of Nevada, and Asgardia which is a fictional micronation in space.

Random geography thing-Melbourne

Melbourne is a populous city in the country of Australia which has had a very interesting history. Melbourne is also the capital of the state of Victoria. The size of the metropolitan area of Melbourne is 9993 km big and has 31 municipalities inside of it. The population of Melbourne is over 5 million people. Aboriginal people used to live in Australia around 40,000 years ago and Melbourne was a very popular meeting place for the clans. Later the British took it over and called it Port Phillip. It was usually called Naarm. After this, it became a part of the British colony of New South Wales. In 1835 the city of Melbourne was actually founded and settled a lot. In 1851 the city became the capital of Victoria and was transformed into one of the best cities in the world in wealth.

Story-Part 1

This is a story about a kid called Jack and his adventure through middle school

*Jack wakes up at 9:00*

Jack: Oh no I am going to be late

*He rushes to get ready for his middle school*

Jack: Whew made it in time with just a second to spare

Math teacher: Get it together Jack, Because of that you're tardy.

Jack: Noooo!!! That unfair.

Math teacher: Not my fault.

*Learns about solving inequalities (like his life).*

*Jack is done with his math class and is talking with his friend in the hallway.*

Jack: So how was science class for you

Liam: Amazing we did a lab where we dissected frogs

Jack: Eww, does that mean I have to do that today

Liam: Yep get excited about it

Jack: Oh no

*Jack reaches math class*

Jack: Why is there like 20 blue glowy thingies

???: What are you doing in here

Jack: Am in the wrong class

???: You of course are, you don't belong here

Jack: Ok well bye

???: You came in and saw this now you can't unsee it

*Jack starts running fast like really fast*

*Jack suddenly faints*

Well that it hope and I you liked it.

Level 60
Oct 9, 2021
If for example, you use *suddenly faints*, you would use asterisks. If you use Jack suddenly faints you would do it in italics.

Another example is *reaches math class* or, Jack reaches math class.

He rushes to get ready for his middle school would be italics.

Level 60
Oct 9, 2021
But nice short story.
Level 39
Oct 9, 2021
Im confused
Level 60
Oct 9, 2021
Basically you misuse the asterisks. Asterisk is used for an action, like *sighs*. Italics would be for a full sentence.
Level 39
Oct 10, 2021
Ok, thanks!