Interesting Facts - Page 101

George Washington died after doctors removed about 40% of his blood, employing the then-common practice of bloodletting.
President James Garfield would probably have survived being shot if not for the terrible medical treatment he received. His doctors repeatedly stuck their unwashed fingers into his wound, accidentally punctured his gallbladder, and denied him adequate nutrition. Even still, Garfield had such a strong constitution that it took more than two months for him to die after being shot.
When U.S. President James A. Garfield was shot by a lunatic in 1881, he did not have any bodyguards. In fact, his movements and schedule were published in newspapers, making it relatively easy for his assassin to find him and shoot him.
Alexander Graham Bell invented the metal detector to help find the bullet that was trapped in President James Garfield's body. His device would have worked, except that Garfield's incompetent doctor only let him use the device on one side of Garfield's body when the bullet lay on the other side.
Before modern times, barbers did more than cut hair. They also performed surgery, dental care, and blood-letting. The red and white striped barber pole initially stood for blood and bandages.
Level 39
Oct 24, 2020
How did bloodletting even become a thing in the first place?
Level ∞
Oct 24, 2020
I wonder. It turns out that George Washington actually asked for the blood-letting.
Level 84
Oct 24, 2020
In the beforetimes, people believed that blood, as well as other fluids: phlegm, yellow bile and black bile, were "humors" or vital fluids for the human body, and that such humors had to be in proper balance to maintain oneself healthy.

Thus, whenever doctors deemed that a person was sick due to their blood creating an imbalance, they would drain "a bit of it" by means of leeches or a puncture, a procedure that came to be known as "bloodletting". In Washington's case, he asked for it, much like today's people who pop a pill without going to the doctor (sometimes it works, sometimes a doctor visit is better).

Thankfully, during the 19th century, people started to question its validity, and the medical community stopped gradually its usage. Nowadays, it's reserved to very, very specific cases, but with so many precautions never even imagined long before.

Level 71
Dec 15, 2020
504: Maybe the doctor was quite aware that the bullet lay on the other side but feared any new invention would lessen doctors importance.
Level 64
Dec 15, 2020
Fact 504.5: The metal detector actually didn't work because Garfield was on a metal bed when he went through the metal detector.
Level 76
Jan 6, 2021
504: when the bullet lay on the other side, not lied.
Level ∞
Jan 6, 2021
Level 71
Jul 12, 2021
PeregrineFalcon wins the 'Gold Nitpickers' award for January 2021 ..... congratulations.
Level 77
Mar 5, 2023
We don’t know whether that bullet was truthful.
Level 41
Sep 22, 2021
#501, I guess that other 60% really needed to step up.
Level 32
Oct 13, 2022
505: The blue stood for veins cut during bloodletting