Interesting Facts - Page 124

Olympic gold medals are 92.5% silver.
There are six uninhabited communes in France. They were destroyed during WWI and are still maintained as administrative subdivisions for memorial reasons. They even have mayors.
Monaco is well-known for its Monte Carlo casino. At the same time, gambling is illegal for Monaco's citizens.
The Madagascar Plan was a proposal by Nazi Germany to forcibly relocate European Jews to the island of Madagascar. The plan was ditched in 1942.
During the Continuation War between the USSR and Finland, there was a serious proposal to evacuate Finns to the U.S. state of Alaska.
Level ∞
Feb 16, 2021
All facts on this page credit of Pullasorsa.
Level 42
Feb 16, 2021
Are my facts enough
Level 45
Feb 16, 2021
Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is the longest word in the English Dictionary
Level 45
Feb 16, 2021
Winnipeg is closer to Southern tip of Texas than it is to St. Johns, Newfoundland!
Level ∞
Feb 16, 2021
You already posted them. No spam please.
Level 51
Feb 16, 2021
Sokh is an Uzbek enclave that is 99% Tajik, 0.7% Kyrgyz, and 0.3% Uzbek.
Level 71
Feb 28, 2021
within Kyrgyzstan, right?
Level 49
Aug 25, 2022
They should just give it to Tajikistan or Kyrgyzstan
Level 51
Feb 16, 2021
The Uzbek, Kyrgyz, Tajik border looks like this Source: RealLifeLore Youtube
Level ∞
Feb 16, 2021
Already sorta covered in #537:

"European colonial powers have been criticized for creating country borders by drawing straight lines on a map, ignoring complicated ethnic divisions. But what would happen if you drew the borders differently? The answer is Kyrgyzstan, whose long and ridiculously convoluted borders were drawn based on ethnic divisions. Unfortunately, the results have not been encouraging, with endless border disputes between Kyrgyzstan and its neighbors."

Level 51
Feb 16, 2021
Level 51
Feb 16, 2021
It seems like I was on THIS page on the EXACT time that you commented!
Level ∞
Feb 16, 2021
Level 51
Feb 16, 2021
Level 52
Feb 16, 2021
The Italian Parliament has the third-most members of any national legislature in the world. Source: Wikipedia
Level 52
Feb 16, 2021
Also, Equatorial Guinea's parliament is larger than Peru's, and Belize's Parliament is larger than the UAE's.

Once again, my source is Wikipedia.

Level 52
Feb 16, 2021
Last fact: China's Congress (2,980 members) is so large you could fit the British Parliament (1,443 members), American Congress (535 members), Indian Parliament (790 members), and Belgium's Parliament (210 members) inside and still have room left over.
Level ∞
Feb 16, 2021
And yet, despite the large size of China's congress, they exert almost no influence whatsoever, merely existing to rubber stamp decisions that have already been made by the people who really matter.
Level 52
Feb 17, 2021
Quite true.