Interesting Facts - Page 52

Finnish sniper Simo Häyhä killed about 500 Russians during the Winter War of 1939-40. He didn't use a scope as he didn't want sunlight to reflect off the lens and reveal his position. He put snow in his mouth so no one could see his breath. His nickname: The White Death.
99% of children in Tanzania are vaccinated against measles, but only 89% of Canadian children are.
The true scale of China's execution of political prisoners may be far larger than is generally acknowledged. There are almost no organ donors in China, yet as many as 20,000 organ transplants are performed each year. Furthermore, wait times for organ transplants are very low compared to other countries.
According to the latest estimates, there are slightly more bacteria cells in your body than human cells. However, because human cells are much larger, all the bacteria only weighs about 0.2 kilograms.
Just one deathcap mushroom has enough toxin to kill an adult human. Unfortunately, when you eat one you won't feel ill for several hours. By the times symptoms manifest, severe organ damage may have already taken place. They are supposedly delicious.
Level 48
Sep 20, 2019
Level 68
Nov 12, 2019
Sources on the China thing?
Level ∞
Nov 12, 2019

Free version here.

Level ∞
Nov 16, 2019
Here's another article that just came out. China claims that they don't do this anymore but they clearly do:

Level 70
Mar 14, 2022
Bear in mind that over 27,000 people die every DAY in China: I'm sure it would not take much to manage 20,000 transplants a year.
Level 24
Jan 17, 2020

Am I a joke to you?

Level 46
Apr 22, 2021
simo: yes
Level 34
Aug 28, 2023

Simo:(sees iron sights):Hey there!

Level 60
Apr 29, 2020
#260. Fun way to die. :)
Level 70
Dec 7, 2020
What is the source for the #257 on Canadian and Tanzanian children? If going off of WHO data, it looks as if current data (retrieved December 2020) shows Canada is doing better on both doses of measles.
Level ∞
Dec 7, 2020

Level 61
Dec 4, 2022
I hope this is true because it is very cool, but The White Death once was asked if he felt anything when killing those soldiers, and he said "The Recoil"
Level 69
Apr 14, 2023
Not sure I believe some of the countries with Top 100 soccer/football teams. There's not a Chinese team that could compete in the English League 1.
Level 56
May 17, 2023
Level 46
Nov 3, 2023
Be polite. Be efficient. Have a plan to kill everyone you meet.
Level 40
Dec 1, 2023
Okay, I knew that Häyhä was skilled, but had no idea that he didn't use a scope, let alone using snow so they couldn't detect his breathing! Incredibly clever!