
Easy General Knowledge #1

You should probably be able to get 100% on this easy general knowledge test!
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: December 17, 2019
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First submittedJune 1, 2016
Times taken143,698
Average score85.0%
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Whose long reign as Queen of the United Kingdom started in 1952?
Queen Elizabeth II
Who was the first African-American President of the United States?
Barack Obama
What color are flamingos, normally?
What is the capital of Greece?
What is the highest mountain in the world?
Mt. Everest
What planet of the solar system is closest to the sun?
In the Bible, who delivered the Ten Commandments from God to the people of Israel?
What rock band is led by Mick Jagger?
The Rolling Stones
What is the southernmost country in Africa?
South Africa
What do vertebrates have that invertebrates don't?
What is the most populous state in the U.S.?
What 1980 film was the sequel to "Star Wars"?
The Empire Strikes Back
What cartoon character says "What's up, Doc?"
Bugs Bunny
What is the most popular spectator sport in Canada?
Ice Hockey
What is the currency of the United Kingdom?
Pound Sterling
What is the first element in the periodic table?
In what ocean would you find the country of Sri Lanka?
Indian Ocean
What country did both Crocodile Dundee and the Crocodile Hunter hail from?
Who was Prime Minister of the United Kingdom during most of WWII?
Winston Churchill
What European explorer landed in the New World in 1492?
Christopher Columbus
Level 65
Jun 1, 2016
The 7th question is very difficult for someone who is not Christian.
Level 85
Jun 3, 2016
or Jewish or Muslim or saw the Best Picture of 1956 or who ever heard "All You Zombies".
Level 65
Jun 5, 2016
Well none of those things pertained to me either so I guess there is no reason I should've known it? :D
Level 66
Aug 14, 2016
None pertain to me, but I have read the Bible to come to a religious (or non religious) decision so I suppose I know.
Level 48
Dec 31, 2021
I do not care about the bible (even though I am Christian, or at least, in part.)
Level 42
Jul 23, 2024
that doesnt make sense
Level 56
May 25, 2022
huh? i dont know much about judaism but why would a muslim know this
Level 81
Nov 13, 2022
All three religions essentially share the Old Testament, but Christians branched off from Judaism when Jesus was proclaimed Messiah, and Islam branched off after Muhammad had a divine revelation and was proclaimed a prophet.
Level 34
Jul 23, 2024
Probably an even easier question for Jews than for Christians. Moses is pretty much the main character of the Old Testament that Jews follow in the the same way Jesus is the main character of the New Testament that Christians follow
Level 54
Oct 10, 2016
Moses is not Christian. The 10 Commandments is in the old testement, which has rules for: Christianity, Judaism and Islam. The New testement is for Christianity. It is also an easy answer if you are good at history.
Level 82
Oct 10, 2016
If you count up all the people in the world who grew up in countries that were either majority Muslim/Christian/Jewish or where there was a sizable Muslim/Christian/Jewish minority, I think you would get over 5 billion people. Maybe if you're from China or Japan you might not have heard of Moses.
Level 65
Mar 19, 2017
Of course I've heard of Moses (from living in the US), but I don't know about him!
Level 51
Apr 14, 2017
And even those in China and Japan almost certainly have moved if they're able to use Jetpunk.
Level 51
Apr 14, 2017
(The English version, that is.)
Level 46
Dec 18, 2019
Don't go into whether or not it is actually 'history'.
Level 71
Nov 26, 2021
I read an answer on Quora where the author once met a Chinese guy who compared Mao to Moses. I know that might not be indicative of all Chinese people knowing him, but he seems to be well known even among people who follow non-Abrahamic religions.
Level 82
Oct 10, 2016
I'm not Christian. That question was very easy.
Level 44
Mar 10, 2018
Im an atheist and I got it right

its easy question.. of course atheists know more about religion in general than christians do haha

Level 62
Apr 23, 2021
I'm also atheist but I was raised Christian so I still knew it.
Level 50
Oct 10, 2016
or jewish, or muslim, or owns a television set, or has ever read anything
Level 65
Mar 19, 2017
Not Jewish, not Muslim, don't watch religious shows, and don't read Abrahamic religious books.
Level 73
Dec 18, 2019
They don't even have to be religious books or shows. The Simpson's did their version of the Moses story, and the story is referenced in so many non religious places that it hardly matters if you are religious at all. if you don't know this, you are, without a doubt, in the minority.
Level 73
Dec 18, 2019
Also seems crazy to me that you have reached level 60 on jetpunk without coming across a question about Moses.
Level 64
Oct 10, 2016
I'm atheist but it was still easy, Moses is referenced quite a lot in pop culture so you can do it just by cycling through famous biblical characters.
Level 78
Oct 11, 2016
This is like saying that the flamingos question is very difficult for someone who is not a zoologist. Nonsense.
Level 65
Mar 19, 2017
Yikes, I unintentionally stirred up a ton of comments....
Level 42
Mar 25, 2019
haha......I failed to answer that...
Level 43
Jun 2, 2019
I'm very athiest and I didn't even have to pause
Level 71
Nov 16, 2019
Im atheistiest!
Level 58
Dec 19, 2019
Or someone who doesn't know anything about Human history or Religions. I'm an Atheist and that was really easy but ok
Level 57
Mar 31, 2021
I only got it because he parted the red sea I just though he had to be doing it for something
Level 60
Sep 26, 2021
Yeah, me too!
Level 77
Jun 1, 2016
I support this kind of quizzes. You should make Kids zone, or something like that in Top categories. Youngsters should start to get knowledge with easier games.Good job :)
Level 77
Jun 2, 2016
Haven't you read the comments on quizzes? It's always the 8-year-olds who score 100% on quizzes like "The most obscure cities of the world".
Level 61
Oct 10, 2016
Level 71
Nov 16, 2019
Usually it is the 11 year olds
Level 65
Jun 2, 2016
There is a "Kids" tag though. And an "Easy" tag
Level 60
Jun 2, 2016
For once I got 100% on one of these quizzes without having to cheat a little. But it is called "Easy General Knowledge' for a reason. Keep them coming!
Level 65
Jun 5, 2016
+1 I agree!
Level 58
Oct 10, 2016
it's not much easier then others for someone how's not english or american.
Level 25
Oct 10, 2016
As an European, this makes me think I'd love an "Easy US quizz", to see what I'm lacking.
Level 47
Oct 9, 2018
I think that it is a European, even though it does not follow the rule, it just sounds better.
Level 70
Oct 10, 2016
While we all learn in school to type "Mt. Everest" when the question contains "Mountain + big", that is not always correct.

Mauna Kea is known as the "tallest" mountain of the world. Further, the summit of Cimborazo is the highest point of the Earth (closest to the sun and furthest from the centre of the Earth).

Mt. Everest is just the location where the air pressure at ground is minimum.

Level 73
Oct 10, 2016
Yeah, and that's the thought process most would go through when solving a quiz with the title "Easy General Knowledge 1".
Level 13
Oct 11, 2016
You are correct that Mauna Kea is the tallest mountain, However Chimborazo is not the highest above sea level, with an elevation of 6,263m, compared to Everest's 8,848m. Chimborazo is simply the point on the earth's surface that is furtherest from the earth's centre, due to it's location along the equatorial bulge.

Level 73
Dec 18, 2019
I hate this argument, no one who asks the question "what is the tallest mountain on earth?" wants the answer from the sea floor. it's very clear that they are talking about being above sea level, you're just being annoying.
Level 61
Dec 18, 2019
There's always one.
Level 47
Oct 10, 2016
Very easy, indeed.
Level 27
Oct 10, 2016
i did ok full marks but im terrible at this stuff
Level 26
Oct 10, 2016
never seen star wars but got it on the first guess!
Level 29
Oct 10, 2016
That was easy
Level 52
Oct 10, 2016
i got all except the mcjagger one :(
Level 65
Oct 10, 2016
Why is this a quiz, and better question, why is this featured?
Level 71
Nov 16, 2019
What is your issue with it?
Level 53
May 25, 2024
This quiz isn't easy for those who don't frequently consume western media (e.g., Rolling Stones, Bugs Bunny, Star Wars).
Level 41
Oct 13, 2016
I nearly forgot about the backbone but everything else was a doddle
Level 43
Oct 13, 2016
I didn't get three of them ...
Level 19
Nov 7, 2016
How can you say it is easy? (NOT sarcasm)
Level 58
Dec 26, 2016
Surely "bones" or "skeleton" should work as well as spine?!? No?
Level 33
Oct 24, 2017
"bones" doesn't work but "back bone" does
Level 75
Dec 18, 2019
I would hope that vertebrae would work, too.
Level 67
Jan 27, 2022
Thats exactly what I typed. It was accepted!
Level 82
Mar 31, 2021
No. While invertebrates have no bones, some vertebrates don't either but still have a spine. Sharks and other cartilaginous fish (rays, skates) have no bones but are classified as vertebrates because they still have a spinal (aka "vertebral") column, just made out of cartilage instead of bone.
Level 51
Jan 8, 2017
I'll take the 5 points with just under 3mins remaining. Thanks!
Level 55
Apr 20, 2017
3:00 minutes left! Easiest quiz in the world.
Level 17
Nov 24, 2017
Not too hard
Level 44
Mar 10, 2018
BTW I d like to mention that Flamingos are normally white, unless they eat certain food. I can't remember what it is but it makes them pink, Ive seen them at the zoo where they were white before haha
Level 60
Dec 18, 2019
I typed in white before I typed in pink for the same reason, their colouring is totally diet based. Forgot this was an 'easy' quiz and assumed there was more to that word 'normally'.
Level 20
Mar 30, 2018
Lol for 'What's up Doc' I was so sure it was Marty McFly.
Level 15
Jul 5, 2018
The bible part isn't very general
Level 73
Dec 18, 2019
yes it is, and I'm not religious in the slightest.
Level 59
Nov 26, 2021
Not everyone is from a country where an Abrahamic religion is a major part of the culture
Level 45
Sep 30, 2018
Nice quiz! :) Great for when my younger sibs want to join me on here and we need something we can all do. Although, they like the normal general knowledge ones too, but they can be a bit American-centric for us Brits ;)
Level 65
Aug 21, 2019
Please accept Lizzy for Queen Elizabeth?
Level 27
Dec 19, 2019
Prince Philip, is that you?
Level 49
Jul 25, 2024
Please don't accept it
Level 37
Dec 18, 2019
Although being a Hindu, I knew the answer is Moses but I had a brain fart and tried Noah instead.
Level 67
Dec 18, 2019
Didn't know Moses...didn't care either. Religion is way to debateble as in being an 'easy general knowlegde' thing, way too dependend on where you live, grow up, that kind of stuff.
Level 57
Dec 18, 2019
Shouldn't the first black president of the United States be Bill Clinton?
Level 79
Dec 18, 2019
Argghh... missed the Star Wars question - I typed 'The Empire Strikes Again'....
Level 67
Dec 18, 2019
Had to google the Star Wars question. Have never seen star wars before.
Level 41
Dec 19, 2019
The rest was quite easy for me, but Hydrogen took me a good half of the time to come up with.
Level 61
Feb 17, 2020
mauna key is taller than everest
Level 68
Feb 18, 2020
Level 66
Feb 22, 2020
Ooftownroad, Mauna Kea is the TALLEST mountain on earth, but Everest is the HIGHEST. They ask the highest mountain.
Level 76
Mar 9, 2020
Maybe specify that you are talking about A New Hope for the Star Wars question? It sounds like it's talking about the entire series, so I tried Star Trek, Spaceballs, etc.
Level 81
May 26, 2022
In what universe is star trek a sequel to star wars
Level 77
Nov 13, 2022
The original movie, when it came out in 1977, was just called Star Wars. No episode number, no subtitle. "Episode IV: A New Hope" wasn't added until it was re-released in 1981, and it wasn't commonly called anything but Star Wars until the release of The Phantom Menace in 1999.

So, when The Empire Strikes Back was released in 1980, it was the sequel to Star Wars.

Level 70
Apr 30, 2020
I'm glad it said "landed" in the New World instead of "discovered"
Level 26
May 1, 2021
same. colombus day should be removed.
Level 66
May 10, 2020
I only got 14 oooops
Level 51
Jul 17, 2020
I only missed Moses. That does make sense because I am a Hindu.
Level 58
Sep 15, 2020
Huh, didn't know Hindus think the Bilble doesn't exist...
Level 79
Nov 17, 2020
He was great in Lord of the Rings.
Level 52
Mar 6, 2021
Should be able to get 100%? I'm not a science geek, why should I know hydrogen is the 1st periodic table element? I'm also not a music geek, so Google was very kind to me with the Rolling Stones question.

I protest!

Level 26
May 1, 2021
i looked up that one. I knew every other one except the moses one - 13 year old boy
Level 83
Apr 28, 2024
Idk how it is in other countries, but the first few elements of the periodic table were kind of drilled into us during secondary school chemistry.
Level 60
Jun 24, 2021
Never have read the Bible
Level 48
Nov 26, 2021
Others were easy but the Star Wars and cartoon ones I had no clue.
Level 27
Nov 26, 2021
It took me a while to guess Hydrogen as well. I kept thinking it was Carbon for some reason.
Level 28
Jan 28, 2022
please try my Countries-Easy Multiple choice quiz it was my first quiz so dont judge me too much please. thanks.

Level 31
May 25, 2022
i got an 85% lol
Level 16
May 28, 2022
As a non-english speaker, the hardest for me were some names. I knew the answer (in french), but lost a lot of time trying to find the english translation >.<

For Colombus (Colomb for me) I even tried the spanish/portugese name "Colon" but nothing.... maybe you could add this possibility for others like me^^

Level 67
Jul 13, 2022
I don't know in spanish, but his name in portuguese is "Colombo".
Level 67
Jul 13, 2022
I only didn't know Bugs Bunny's quesiton, I've never watched the cartoon in english.
Level 20
Oct 26, 2022
12/20 finally a general knowledge quiz my level lol
Level 84
Nov 13, 2022
Shaq should be an acceptable type-in for the "What's up Doc" question.

(This isn't a serious suggestion btw, I want to see if y'all get the reference without googling)

Level 48
Nov 18, 2022
I wrote in "Rolling Stone" or "Rolling Stones" but it didn't take it
Level ∞
May 15, 2024
Rolling Stones would have worked. We never require "the" at the beginning of answers.
Level 15
Jul 4, 2024
first try looks like i just have more brain cells than the common person on this website! Lol :) jkjkjkjkjkjk