Statistics for Things With 8 Legs or Arms

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  • This quiz has been taken 10 times
  • The average score is 5 of 13

Answer Stats

HintAnswer% Correct
Little Miss Muffet was put right off her lunch after seeing one.Spider
Represents the eighth sign of the zodiac (and has its own constellation).Scorpion
These cephalopods are very intelligent, and are good at problem-solving (like how to escape from their aquariums when they're being studied).Octopus
Durga is an eight-armed goddess of war in which religion? She rides a tiger and holds a different weapon in each hand.Hinduism
Starkad was a giant and hero in which mythology? He had eight arms until Thor cut off all but two.Norse / Viking
These arachnids are small-bodied but with long legs. Their common name comes from the autumnal crop-gathering period when they might often be spotted.Harvestman
Inevitably associated with "the poor ----", it means a small child.Mite
Do you know the name of Odin's magnificent eight-legged horse? (pictured)Sleipnir
These colourful Echinoderms often have five arms. But there is an Australian species that has eight.Starfish
'Solifuges' became well known on the internet during the 2003 Iraq war, when soldiers posted misleading photos to make them look enormous. What's their desert-related common name?Camel spider
Whip scorpions can defend themselves by squirting a revolting liquid that contains acetic acid. So their appropriate common name is...?Vinegaroon
These are super tiny arachnids that live in soil and leaf litter. They have cute little pincers making them look like scorpions, but they're not scorpions really. So their name is, appropriately...?Pseudoscorpion
Also, you hope your teacher will mark your homework with one of these.Tick

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