Statistics for Number Decoding Quiz

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  • This quiz has been taken 98 times
  • The average score is 10 of 11

Answer Stats

ClueNumber% Correct
This number takes two lines to draw, and is between the values of 6 and 97
This number is made up of two circles. Sideways, it represents infinity.8
This number was the latest to be added to our number soup. It is the lowest integer that is not negative.0
This number can be made up of one line, two, or three. It normally looks like a vertical line with a short line sticking out of the top corner. It is also the lowest whole positive integer.1
This number is the lowest two digit value.10
This number often referred to as a dozen.12
This is the age at which Americans traditionally go to college.18
This number is often used when people exaggerate things to a high number, and has one more zero than one hundred thousand.1,000,000
This two-digit number is considered by many to be unlucky, and is skipped off of most hotel floors. It is between the value of ten and twenty.13
This number is a famous decimal used in area and circumference of circles. It is infinite, so either type name or first three digits.3.14
This number is very commonly used. Also, its square and sum of itself has the same value as each other.2

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