
Merged Country Flags

Can you guess the two countries whose flags were merged into these abominations?
Quiz by dthnggg
Last updated: October 10, 2020
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First submittedSeptember 26, 2020
Times taken72,681
Average score75.0%
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United States
East Timor
South Africa
Sri Lanka
Saudi Arabia
North Macedonia
South Korea
Papua New Guinea
101 Recent Comments
Level 73
Sep 28, 2020
Some people are gonna be pissed off about combining Israel and Pakistan's flags!
Level 65
Oct 30, 2020
As an Israeli, I'm not pissed off, but I did draw a blank as to what the second country was... Oops
Level 72
Feb 25, 2023
I’m Israeli, and I just thought, well the Quizmaster has a sense of humour!
Level 82
Sep 29, 2020
feel like this is going to start some wars...
Level 44
Sep 29, 2020
Got 32/32 but my page was slow so I finished with 0:58 >_
Level 65
Oct 5, 2020
This was a great idea for a quiz. Make another!
Level 70
Oct 16, 2020
Very good quiz idea! Great job!
Level 72
Oct 30, 2020
The Germany/Turkey one will probably happen in the future
Level 61
Oct 30, 2020
was looking for this comment
Level 75
Sep 21, 2023
Turks are dictating german policy already, they are a huge voting block controlling the election results.
Level 65
Oct 30, 2020
I can't believe the flack you got for this quiz. I enjoyed it tremendously. A few got me (Ethiopia and Colombia, I couldn't see the Colombian flag before I ran out of time) and a could I just blanked. But I enjoy a quiz like this that has me scratching my head. Well done.
Level 73
Oct 30, 2020
Really enjoyed this- I know all my flags so the normal ‘which flag is this’ ones are a bit boring, but this one actually had me thinking. Look a while to get East Timor!
Level 53
Oct 30, 2020
I'm sure Bulgarian won't be too happy with the

لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله

on their flag :'D

Level 75
Sep 21, 2023
Why not, like 20% of their population are Muslims
Level 74
Sep 21, 2023
More like 10%, according to Wikipedia.
Level 67
Oct 30, 2020
the german flag with the crescent is the actual future flag of germany!
Level 62
Oct 30, 2020
Why is everyone hating on this quiz? I think this is a fun idea. What a drama people make about one name being misspelled.
Level 61
Oct 30, 2020
Damn I didn't know people took Jetpunk so seriously until I read this comment section
Level 61
Oct 30, 2020
I think the quiz was a really good idea and I would love to see more, congratulations dthnggg!
Level 47
Oct 30, 2020
great idea!

you've done great when I can't even try this out of disgust, lol

Level 61
Oct 30, 2020
It was harder than expected in some cases for me
Level 89
Oct 30, 2020
Montreal should adopt the Canada/France one for their City Flag!
Level 79
Oct 30, 2020
Please make another!
Level 46
Oct 30, 2020
Uruguay would make more sense instead of Argentina.
Level 59
Oct 30, 2020
Great quiz - super creative and the quality of the graphics isn't an issue. gets your head working in a different way. Make more if you can.
Level 40
Oct 30, 2020
I hope putting Turkey and Germany together had an inside meaning hahaha
Level 61
Oct 30, 2020
Ngl, the East-Timor and South Africa flag looks hella dope
Level 67
Oct 30, 2020
This quiz was hard. Only got 1 point. Need to study my flags a bit more.
Level 59
Oct 30, 2020
With all due respect the Pakistani Government had to ban this quiz in the nation due to the merging of their National Flag with a weird star which seems to be of a non existent country.
Level 73
Oct 30, 2020
This might be my new favorite quiz. Keep them coming!
Level 66
Oct 30, 2020
the samoan and taiwanese flag are the same with those colours... i tried samoa so many times
Level 58
Oct 31, 2020
This is the single most cursed quiz on this site
Level 67
Oct 31, 2020
Very nice (visually) combining of the flags! :)
Level 57
Nov 1, 2020
Sweet quiz, and awesome flag designs. France / Canada is my favourite, followed by USA / Vietnam.
Level 42
Nov 1, 2020
1.Great Quiz

2.How do you make these flags

3.What about these merged flags for part 2 1.United Arab Emirates and Samoa 2.Nepal and Georgia 3.Spain and Italy

4.Peru and Laos 5. Trinidad and Tobago and Denmark 6.Turkey and India 7.Romania and Slovenia 8.Kuwait and Poland 9.Ireland and Switzerland 10.Austria and Mexico all the rest make yourself

Level 75
Nov 1, 2020
Nice quiz. My only suggestion would be to darken the USA/Vietnam flag. The pale red threw me off. Well done!
Level 61
Nov 2, 2020
That is not the flag of Taiwan. The flag of Taiwan is a Blue square in the corner. This is a rectangle so this is actually the flag of Samoa. Should be changed
Level 45
Nov 2, 2020
the red and blue are more neon so its taiwan
Level 59
Nov 2, 2020
Wouldn't it be more accurately Liberia and Vietnam for the first one? because Liberia has 1 star instead of 50?
Level 60
Dec 1, 2020
at first i thought it was liberia too
Level 28
Feb 23, 2021
it shoul be
Level 72
Dec 28, 2023
There are too many stripes for it to be Liberia.
Level 60
Dec 1, 2020
almost missed turkey cuz there are so many flags with the crescent and star
Level 51
Jan 23, 2021
Dang, Bolivia and Ethiopia!
Level 25
Feb 7, 2021
Level 25
Feb 7, 2021
I forgot Bolivia :((
Level 28
Feb 23, 2021
shouldn't liberia be accepted for the 2nd question? it only has one star
Level 57
Mar 17, 2021
East Timor/South Africa looking damn good
Level 54
Mar 20, 2021
Great Quiz. I really enjoyed it as this is the one that got me to level 48. I was like, isn't the last one just Ethiopia and nothing else? Then I had one of those Do'h moments.

Sorry for all the hate you got on this quiz. It's shameful how a reasonable misspelling of Mauritania(which wasn't even the Quiz Creator's doing btw) was dragged into this sort of a conversation. I was wondering why NigelS' comment got so many likes, then I saw the rest of the comments.

Level 32
Apr 23, 2021
Thats what I thought about Ethiopia too. I could not figure out what the other flag too.
Level 39
Apr 12, 2021
I missed only Pakistan
Level 54
Apr 22, 2021
Awesome Quiz! I really love the idea!
Level 32
Apr 23, 2021
Fun quiz!
Level 26
May 19, 2021
For some reason, I blanked out on the Armenian one.
Level 53
Jun 2, 2021
Couldn't the last one also be Ghana instead of Bolivia?
Level 56
Jun 23, 2021
I loved this quiz. It's really fun for somebody who knows all the flags and wants a challenge.
Level 69
Aug 22, 2021
top right could also be samoa
Level 30
Aug 30, 2021
Ethiopia and Bolivia is a deadly combination 😬

Nice quiz.

Level 73
Oct 1, 2021
These flags look brilliant! Such a fun quiz, thank you.
Level 58
Oct 15, 2021
I kept typing Quebec for three times for the first one and didn't know why it is wrong lol
Level 69
Oct 18, 2021
vietnamese usa and israeli pakistan are cursed
Level 43
Nov 9, 2021
i got pakistan at literally the LAST second like I didnt even know if i got it
Level 43
Nov 9, 2021
the ethiopia+bolivia one is difficult because in the ethiopian flag the red and green are switched..
Level 51
Nov 19, 2021
macedonia's flag looks like rising sun and Koreans hate it but it is ok because it means liberty not japan's war crime flag
Level 47
Mar 22, 2022
laos + tunisia looks pretty dope
Level 62
Apr 20, 2022
For the second one, it could just as easily be Samoa and Uruguay.
Level 57
May 13, 2024
The Taiwanese flag has a lighter shade of red than Samoa and the sun on the flag of Uruguay is different from the Argentinian one.
Level 84
Jul 3, 2022
Great quiz!!!
Level 78
Sep 21, 2022
Any reason why Pakistan's flag doesn't have the star and crescent?
Level 67
Oct 20, 2022
Because it's not Pakistan's flag.
Level 50
Oct 4, 2022
Can I make a sequel to this quiz?
Level 50
Oct 6, 2022
Level 52
Oct 27, 2022
Go ahead :)

Just be creative!

Level 59
Nov 11, 2022
Franada, United States of Vietnam, South Timor, Gerkey, Iranitania, Laonisia, Sri Portugal, Saudi Bulgaria, Argentaiwan, Macekorea, Angolina, Israkistan, Montenewguinea, Armenanon, Cubakia, Boliopia.

You’re welcome

Level 34
Dec 16, 2022
Cool names
Level 53
Sep 21, 2023
or North Korea
Level 34
Dec 16, 2022
It took me forever to figure out Bolivia. Sneaky 🤓
Level 38
Dec 16, 2022
I loved south africa and timor leste flag it was stunning
Level 58
Jan 9, 2023
Nice quiz
Level 38
Mar 21, 2023
I love the flags but the quiz itself could be better, i downloaded the flags
Level 42
May 3, 2023
i thought the taiwan was samoa so it was my only mistake 🤦🏼
Level 53
May 23, 2023
This is the list of country names with these flags.

1. Francada

2. Taiwentina

3. United States of Vietnam

4. United Koredonia

5. South-East Timrica

6. Angina

7. Almanistan (most likely Almaniya)

8. Isristan (also might be Palestan)

9. Iratania (or Mauran)

10. Papua New Montenegro

11. Laosia

12. Armenon

13. Port Lanka

14. Cubakia

15. Saudi Bulgaria

16. Boliopia

P.S. I don't want to offend anyone. This is just for fun. Btw, I am from Armenon.

Level 69
Sep 21, 2023
I like United Vietnamates better. :)
Level 60
Jun 22, 2023
United States + Vietnam could be Liberia +Vietnam.
Level 61
Aug 19, 2023
Got Bolivia, but not USA. lol
Level 78
Sep 21, 2023
One day I’ll learn all the flags. One day I’ll remember whose tri-band flag colours are whose. One day… but today I got 0 points. Wonderful quiz, though!
Level 52
Sep 21, 2023
Add Samoa as the type in for Taiwan
Level 45
Sep 22, 2023
Taiwan is better for this as the original flag had a singular star as opposed to Samoa's multiple stars. Also the color
Level 30
Sep 22, 2023
Level 42
Sep 22, 2023
Most of them aren't abominations LOL.

I thought Laos would be Cambodia, when it didn't work I went to Costa Rica and Thailand, no clue then.

I got lost with the black in Angola and barely thought anything of the stars.

When I saw Turkey and Germany, I joked "Berlin!"

Level 26
Sep 23, 2023
very nice and original quiz. would've been better with the yellow box feature
Level 59
Sep 24, 2023
The irony that the US and Vietnam are together.
Level 52
Sep 25, 2023
Bolivia and Ghana could both work smh.
Level 64
Nov 28, 2023
This is so brilliant - I'd love to have more of this!
Level 43
Dec 19, 2023
Is it just me or did anyone else get mixed up with Argentina - Taiwan and Uruguay - Samoa?
Level 61
Feb 17, 2024
Kept guessing Samoa instead of Taiwan. Should perhaps allow Samoa as well.
Level 21
Mar 11, 2024
so fricken yes is cheese say is
Level 49
Apr 3, 2024
Couldn't number 2 also be Tonga?
Level 48
May 2, 2024
I mean, if the yellow star for Vietnam was a red cross and the red background was white, yes.
Level 27
May 13, 2024
a lot of fun! fun to figure out what parts were put in from each flag
Level 40
May 30, 2024
I originally thought that Taiwan was Samoa