Statistics for U.S. Presidents Random Quiz #2

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The 16th President of the United States (1861-1865).Abraham Lincoln
West Virginia (1863) and Nevada (1864) were admitted to the Union during his presidency.Abraham Lincoln
Presided over most of the U.S. Civil War (1861-1865).Abraham Lincoln
Signed the Emancipation Proclamation (1863), legally freeing all slaves.Abraham Lincoln
The 17th President of the United States (1865-1869).Andrew Johnson
His most disastrous political miscalculation was to veto the Civil Rights Act of 1866 on the grounds that it conferred citizenship on the freedmen at a time when 11 out of 36 states were unrepresented in the Congress, and that it discriminated in favor of African Americans and against whites. (Congress overrode his veto.)Andrew Johnson
In his “Swing Around the Circle” campaign speaking tour in 1866, he compared himself to Jesus Christ, argued with hecklers and threatened to fire Cabinet secretaries who disagreed with him.Andrew Johnson
In 1890, he signed the Dependent and Disability Pension Act, which provided pensions to disabled Civil War veterans (regardless of the cause of their disability).Benjamin Harrison
In 1924, he signed the Indian Citizenship Act, granting citizenship to all Native Americans born in the United States. He also advocated to make lynching a federal crime, but failed to get Congress to act on it.Calvin Coolidge
Advocated in 1881 for strengthening the Navy, which had shrunk from 700 vessels during the Civil War to 52, most of which were obsolete.Chester A. Arthur
The 21st President of the United States (1881-1885).Chester A. Arthur
Utah (1896) was admitted to the Union during his presidency.Grover Cleveland
The 24th President of the United States (1893-1897).Grover Cleveland
The 22nd President of the United States (1885-1889).Grover Cleveland
The 20th President of the United States (1881).James A. Garfield
Assassinated in 1881 while waiting to board a train in Washington, D.C.James A. Garfield
Won a Nobel Peace Prize for mediating a peace conference during the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905.Theodore Roosevelt
The 26th President of the United States (1901-1909).Theodore Roosevelt
Oklahoma (1907) was admitted to the Union during his presidency.Theodore Roosevelt
In 1906, he signed an executive order mandating the use of reformed spelling (as advocated by the Simplified Spelling Board) in his official communications and messages to Congress. He later rescinded the order after being ridiculed in the press and receiving a resolution of protest from the House of Representatives.Theodore Roosevelt
An ardent conservationist, he placed about 230 million acres of land under public protection by establishing the United States Forest Service, creating five National Parks, proclaiming 18 new National Monuments, establishing the first 51 bird reserves, four game preserves and 150 National Forests.Theodore Roosevelt
The 18th President of the United States (1869-1877).Ulysses S. Grant
Colorado (1876) was admitted to the Union during his presidency.Ulysses S. Grant
His administration created the Department of Justice (1870), which allowed Attorney General Amos T. Ackerman to vigorously prosecute the Ku Klux Klan during Reconstruction.Ulysses S. Grant
His attempt to annex Santo Domingo (now the Dominican Republic) as a U.S. territory was foiled by Congress in 1869.Ulysses S. Grant
The 29th President of the United States (1921-1923).Warren G. Harding
New Mexico (1912) and Arizona (1912) were admitted to the Union during his presidency.William Howard Taft
Assassinated in 1901 by an anarchist in Buffalo, N.Y.William McKinley
During his presidency, Congress voted to declare war against Spain (1898) after the U.S.S. Maine was blown up by an underwater mine in Havana Harbor, where it had been sent to protect U.S. interests during the Cuban War of Independence.William McKinley
The 25th President of the United States (1897-1901).William McKinley
In 1900, he and other western powers sent 5,000 troops to Peking (now Beijing) to protect Americans and other westerners in China during the Boxer Rebellion.William McKinley
The 28th President of the United States (1913-1921).Woodrow Wilson
In the first in-person presidential address to Congress since John Adams, he outlined his domestic agenda in 1913: the conservation of natural resources, banking reform, tariff reduction, and better access to raw materials for farmers by breaking up Western mining trusts.Woodrow Wilson
Sent troops to occupy Haiti (1915) and the Dominican Republic (1916), and authorized interventions in Cuba, Panama and Honduras, despite having criticized his predecessors’ foreign policies as being too imperialistic.Woodrow Wilson
Was instrumental in establishing the League of Nations — the first worldwide intergovernmental organization whose principal mission was to maintain world peace.Woodrow Wilson
The 27th President of the United States (1909-1913).William Howard Taft
Signed the Edmunds Act into law in 1882, making polygamy a federal crime, barring polygamists from holding public office, and taking away their right to vote.Chester A. Arthur
The only President to serve two non-consecutive terms (as of January 2024).Grover Cleveland
The 19th President of the United States (1877-1881).Rutherford B. Hayes
His veto of the Volstead Act, designed to enforce Amendment XVIII (prohibition), was overridden by Congress.Woodrow Wilson
Only President born in Kentucky.Abraham Lincoln
Was impeached by the House of Representatives beginning on 24 February 1868 for knowingly violating the Tenure of Office Act and for questioning the legitimacy of Congress. The Senate declined to convict him.Andrew Johnson
Died in office in 1923, apparently of cardiac arrest, in San Francisco.Warren G. Harding
Sent troops to occupy Nicaragua in 1912, when continued instability threatened U.S. interests. The occupation lasted until 1933.William Howard Taft
During his presidency, the U.S. military massacred over 250 Lakota at the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation near Wounded Knee Creek in South Dakota (1890).Benjamin Harrison
The 30th President of the United States (1923-1929).Calvin Coolidge
Upon discovery of a tumor in his mouth, a secret surgery was performed in 1893, during which parts of his upper left jaw and hard palate were removed.Grover Cleveland
Became the first President to use federal troops to break a strike against a private company during the Great Railroad Strike of 1877.Rutherford B. Hayes
Because Congress would not ratify the Treaty of Versailles, which formally ended WWI hostilities, it was necessary for him to sign individual treaties with Germany, Austria and Hungary in 1921 … without the U.S. joining the League of Nations.Warren G. Harding
His administration ended the Spanish-American War in 1899 with the Treaty of Paris, by which Spain relinquished its claims on Cuba and the U.S. paid $20 million to annex Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philippines.William McKinley
North Dakota (1889), South Dakota (1889), Montana (1889), Washington (1889), Idaho (1890) and Wyoming (1890) were admitted to the Union during his presidency.Benjamin Harrison
The 23rd President of the United States (1889-1893).Benjamin Harrison
His term was a period of rapid economic growth often called the “Roaring Twenties.”Calvin Coolidge
His Secretary of State Frank B. Kellogg participated in writing the Kellogg-Briand Pact (ratified in 1929), which provided the founding principle for international law after World War II.Calvin Coolidge
Signed the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882, banning nearly all immigration from China for ten years.Chester A. Arthur
In 1888, signed the Scott Act, which barred Chinese immigrants who left the U.S. from returning.Grover Cleveland
Aspired to remain neutral as World War I broke out (1914-1917), but ultimately asked Congress to declare war against Germany after Germany engaged in a series of attacks against U.S. shipping and tried to convince Mexico to join them in a war against the U.S.Woodrow Wilson
Domestically, he signed the Federal Highway Act of 1921 (which pumped $162 million into the U.S. highway system), advocated for regulation of radio broadcasting, inserted himself into labor disputes (notably those of coal miners and railroad workers), and convinced steel manufacturers to reduce steelworkers’ 12 hours per day/7 days per week schedule to a standard 8-hour day.Warren G. Harding
Assassinated in Washington, D.C., in 1865.Abraham Lincoln
Known as the “trust-buster,” he brought 44 antitrust suits against companies whose business practices restrained trade or who charged unfair prices.Theodore Roosevelt
Became the first President to help settle a labor dispute (the Coal strike of 1902).Theodore Roosevelt
After his death, a number of scandals came to light, including the Teapot Dome scandal, two extramarital affairs, and a daughter born out of wedlock.Warren G. Harding
Nebraska (1867) was admitted to the Union during his presidency.Andrew Johnson
Signed into law the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890, which prohibited anticompetitive agreements and unilateral conduct that monopolized or attempted to monopolize a market.Benjamin Harrison
In his inaugural address (1869), he urged ratification of the Fifteenth Amendment and called for “proper treatment” of Native Americans.Ulysses S. Grant
Failed to convince Congress to pass legislation to replace the Civil Rights Act of 1875 when it was struck down by the Supreme Court in 1883.Chester A. Arthur
His Secretary of the Interior, Lucius Q. C. Lamar, caused railroads to forfeit about 81 million acres of land for failing to extend their rail lines according to agreements with the government.Grover Cleveland
Sought to renegotiate the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty to allow the U.S. to construct a canal through Panama without British involvement and to attempt to reduce British influence in the strategically located Kingdom of Hawai’i.James A. Garfield
Authorized Secretary of State James G. Blaine to call for a Pan-American conference in 1882 to mediate disputes among the Latin American nations and to serve as a forum for talks on increasing trade.James A. Garfield
Ended Reconstruction and returned the South to “home rule” (1877).Rutherford B. Hayes
His address to Congress in 1923 was the first to be broadcast over the radio.Calvin Coolidge
Under pressure from Congress, dropped his push to restore Queen Liliuokalani to the throne of Hawai’i and established diplomatic relations with the government of Sanford B. Dole (the Dole pineapple guy).Grover Cleveland
Saved taxpayers about $10 million by refinancing the national debt.James A. Garfield
In 1878, mediated a territorial dispute between Argentina and Paraguay over the Gran Chaco region. The territory was awarded to Paraguay, who renamed a city and a department in the President’s honor.Rutherford B. Hayes
Investigated and prosecuted corruption in the Indian Service, General Land Office and Post Office Department.Theodore Roosevelt
During his presidency, the Sixteenth Amendment was passed, allowing Congress to levy an income tax without apportioning it among the states on the basis of population, thus overruling the Supreme Court decision in Pollock v. Farmers' Loan & Trust Co., which held that Congress’s previous attempt to levy such a tax was unconstitutional.William Howard Taft
Only President born in New Jersey.Grover Cleveland
Attempted to reform the civil service to a merit-based system, but was foiled by a Congress whose members preferred to retain the spoils system that supported cronyism and nepotism.Rutherford B. Hayes
Continued his predecessor’s policy of breaking up monopolistic businesses, bringing 70 lawsuits under the Sherman Antitrust Act.William Howard Taft
Worked with Congress to establish the Federal Reserve System.Woodrow Wilson
Was a committed non-interventionist, declining to continue foreign policy initiatives begun by his predecessors.Grover Cleveland

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