Statistics for Aquatic Alphabet - C

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This group of crustaceans is famous across the world for being on beaches and having large pincers.Crab
They are most known for their orange and white color, as well as their symbiotic relationship with sea anemones.Clownfish
You can find pearls in these, but it is extremely rare as it can take from six months to four years for this mollusc to produce one.Clam
This is one of the most common fish used as an ingredient for fish and chips in the United Kingdom.Cod
These fish have multiple barbels around their mouth that look like whiskers, and are known to have a hard bite.Catfish
It's squid, but not living. It's what you get if someone serves it to you on a plate.Calamari
These organisms are important for creating reefs that can house up to or more than 25% of all marine species.Coral
These crustaceans are an essential part of Cajun culture and cuisine.Crawfish
Though considered as trash fish and invasive in most of the United States, they are valued for food and aquariums in much of Europe and Asia.Carp
A theory has been made, but never proven true, that Amelia Earhart crashed at the Nikumaroro atoll and was eaten by this species of crab.Coconut Crab
These cephalopods can change their skin color, using it to camouflage and hypnotize their prey.Cuttlefish
Many believed this species to have gone extinct millions of years ago, until its rediscovery in 1938.Coelacanth
This small, parasitic shark will latch onto prey with its mouth and spin its body to leave crater wounds on the flesh.Cookiecutter Shark
Lake Malawi holds at least 700 different species of this fish.Cichlid
This tiny, translucent fish feeds on the blood of other fish species, hence their nickname "vampire fish".Candiru
They are white, with a black comb-like pattern on their body. They serve as cleaners for larger, predatory fish.Combfish
A family of fish known for their squared body shape and hexagonal patterns on their skin. They are closely related to pufferfish.Cowfish
There are two species of this type of fish, with one being referred to as "white" and the other as "black".Crappie
These sea toads have large gill chambers that allow them to inflate themselves by swallowing large amounts of water.Coffinfish

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