Statistics for Aquatic Alphabet - K

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A legendary sea octopus from Norse mythology, with a monstrous size that allows it to destroy ships in the sea and drags its sailors down to the ocean's depths.Kraken
Also called orcas, these apex predators have a distinguished black and white body, and are known to feed on almost every species of large whale.Killer Whale
Large in size, these brown algae/seaweeds grow in forests of their own species, and help remove carbon dioxide from the ocean through photosynthesis.Kelp
This is the second largest species of penguin on Earth, being beaten by only the emperor penguin.King Penguin
The largest and most valuable species of Pacific salmon for fishing and eating, also known as Chinook salmon.King Salmon
Ornamental fish with vibrant white, black, and orange coloring. They are most known for being in outdoor ponds and water gardens, and symbolize good fortune in Japanese culture.Koi
These small crustaceans are a vital source of food for whales, penguins, and icefish within the food chain. The mass of just one of this animal is only one gram.Krill
Consumption of this large crustaceans exceed 40 million pounds per year in the USA. They can be distinguished by the prominent spines on their body.King Crab
They come in two known colors: a green-silver color and a rosy-pink color. They get their name from how males challenge the dominancy of other of its same species, which looks like kissing.Kissing Gourami
It is referred to as "salmon" in Australian English and its species epithet is "trout" in Latin. However, it is neither salmon nor trout. In New Zealand, it is called . . .Kahawai
This sturgeon was almost hunted to extinction for its roe. There are reports of them toppling fishing boats and drowning fishermen, but no evidence exists of them hunting people.Kaluga
These sea ducks breed on the Arctic coasts of America, Europe, and Asia. Their bodies are mostly white and black, with a vibrant red and yellow bill that stands out.King Eider
Two populations of this species exist in the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic. It is one of four species of fish that the FDA warns children and pregnant women to avoid eating due to its methylmercury concentration.King Mackerel
This is the largest shark that we know of that displays bioluminescence, and is commercially fishes especially in Japan and Portugal for its meat and liver oil.Kitefin Shark
They feed on barnacles and mollusks, and their teeth fuse into a parrot-like beak when reaching adulthood.Knifejaw

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