
Official European Union Languages

Name the languages that have official status in EU countries.
Note: Cyrillic and Hellenic alphabets cannot be used.
When you guess the language, the countries will also appear
Quiz by Mogysht
Last updated: December 5, 2019
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First submittedMarch 11, 2014
Times taken182,296
Average score79.2%
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Official in:
Bulgarian (български)
Croatian (hrvatski)
Czech Republic
Czech (čeština)
Danish (dansk)
Belgium, Netherlands
Dutch (nederlands)
Ireland, Malta
Estonian (eesti keel)
Finnish (suomi)
Belgium, France, Luxembourg
French (français)
Austria, Belgium, Germany,
German (deutsch)
Cyprus, Greece
Greek (ελληνικά)
Hungarian (magyar)
Official in:
Irish (Gaeilge)
Italian (italiano)
Latvian (latviešu valoda)
Lithuanian (lietuvių kalba)
Maltese (malti)
Polish (polski)
Portuguese (português)
Romanian (română)
Slovak (slovenčina)
Slovene (slovenščina)
Spanish (español)
Finland, Sweden
Swedish (svenska)
100 Recent Comments
Level 58
Jul 5, 2018
If "Note: Cyrillic and Hellenic alphabets cannot be used." (in the description), then why is Greek an official language?
Level 82
Jul 17, 2018
You don't see the different between Greek and ελληνικά?
Level 71
Dec 16, 2018
it just means you have to use the roman alphabet to type the answers
Level 57
Jan 14, 2021
The caveat doesn’t specify whether the EU won’t use Cyrillic/Greek scripts, or if it just won’t accept an answer written in that language. It threw me off for a bit too, until I entered in Greek and it worked.
Level 69
Oct 5, 2023
The quiz doesn't accept these alphabets. The EU very much does.
Level 45
Jul 17, 2018
My strategy is I do the best i can on the first try then i study the answers and then I do the ones i missed first and the i type the obvious ones like french
Level 58
Nov 28, 2018
I missed English. Omg!!!
Level 50
Dec 9, 2018
We all miss it ;)
Level 50
Dec 7, 2018
Why do all the languages appear in their native form in parenthesis except Irish, which is written as "gaelic" - an English word?

The correct translation is "Gaeilge"

Level 50
Dec 9, 2018
Fixed, thanks!
Level 71
Dec 16, 2018
I think it is a nice touch you added all the native words for the languages
Level 43
Dec 8, 2018
I’m from Ireland and speak Irish and yeah it is gaeilge
Level 50
Dec 9, 2018
Noted, thanks!
Level 43
Dec 8, 2018
I got all of them, very easy.

Less time??

Level 50
Dec 9, 2018
Okay, let me change it to less :)
Level 71
Dec 16, 2018
Ahh soo there is the problem... I need a bit MORE time, so if I did this quiz two weeks ago, I might ve passed ;)
Level 71
Dec 16, 2018
Ugh I forgot irish, did get malta though.. and I knew/tried the others I missed but apparently wrote them wrong. I know the countries in english, but to turn those words into the names of the language isnt allways as easy (especially since it isnt consistant , some are -ish others are -ian etc) Wasted time on norway tried norwegian norse nordic....
Level 21
Jan 13, 2019
Wow... I didn't even know Malta was a real country. I thought they made it up for The Maltese Falcon. Like Xanadu or El Dorado. You learn something new every day.
Level 23
Jan 17, 2019
I wrote Maltese as a joke because Malta came into my mind, didn't know it was an actual language
Level 48
Feb 1, 2019
I can't believe I got all but Italian.
Level 82
Feb 20, 2019
Luxembourgish should be on here.
Level 72
May 16, 2023
While Luxembourgish is an official language of Luxembourg, it is not an official language of the EU.
Level 40
Mar 11, 2019
I thought this was for the UN, not the EU, and I was sooo confused
Level 41
Mar 25, 2019
Well the UK is leaving the EU on 29 March 2019 according to Google. So does that mean that the EU quizzes have to change after that?
Level 82
May 10, 2019
Probably but it won't much affect this quiz.
Level 50
May 13, 2019
Funny, but it hasn't yet left the EU.
Level 29
Feb 25, 2021
English is still an official EU language because Ireland and Malta are still in.
Level 23
Nov 24, 2021
ThE Uk LeFt ThE eU
Level 47
Jul 23, 2019
I was surprised to not see Luxembourgish on here.
Level 43
Aug 22, 2019
Seeing as the names in between parentheses are the names in the native language, I gather that Irish should be "Irish (gailge)" and not "Irish (gaelic)",
Level 50
Oct 11, 2019
Good call!
Level 48
Oct 9, 2019
Am I the only one that wrote andorranese and netherlandish - hahaha
Level 50
Oct 11, 2019
Hahaha, I guess.
Level 65
Nov 8, 2019
I had 23 with 2 minutes left, took me until 22 seconds to remember that Maltese existed. Great quiz!
Level 50
Jan 4, 2020
Thank you, I appreciate your feedback!
Level 60
Nov 29, 2019
The description of the quiz is wrong. The languages included here are the ones having official status in the EU (as a whole) and not the languages having official status in EU countries as the description says. The latter includes all the answers of this quiz plus Luxembourgish (official in Luxembourg) and Turkish (official in Cyprus).
Level 40
Dec 6, 2019
forgot polish and hungarian. no idea how
Level 64
Feb 3, 2020
You will have to remove the UK now :(
Level ∞
Feb 3, 2020
Level 56
May 19, 2020
I think you should also accept Serbo-Croatian for Croatian
Level 72
May 19, 2020
I doubt you typed "Serbo-Croatian" without thinking of typing Croatian first. But yea, add it
Level 48
Jun 10, 2021
someone in the balkans is being beat up because you said that.
Level 72
May 19, 2020
Why isn't Luxembourgish one of them?
Level 74
May 19, 2020
Level 74
May 19, 2020
And btw Croatian, Slovene and Hungarian are also official languages of Austria
Level 29
May 19, 2020
You really need to change the description to 'Official languages in the EU, not the EU countries.

That means that Letzebuergesch should be one, and other official languages of the country.

Level 36
May 19, 2020
Embarrased I missed hungarian...
Level 32
Jun 6, 2020
I feel ridiculously stupid. I missed English, and it’s my native language.
Level 53
Jun 8, 2020
lol i was missing two and then got them on the last minute, they were irish and english
Level 60
Jul 8, 2020
Luxembourgish is a national language in Luxembourg, which was a founding member of the EU. Any reason it isn’t included? I know it doesn’t technically have “official status,” but neither do German or French in Luxembourg, they’re administrative languages.
Level 50
Aug 10, 2020
Luxembourgish is not official in the EU, but German and French are.
Level 51
Nov 8, 2020
What about Albanian or Macedonian?
Level 50
Nov 19, 2020
What about them?
Level 29
Feb 25, 2021
Albania, North Macedonia and Kosovo are not in the EU.
Level 11
Dec 2, 2020
nanananana your faster time is 1:24
Level 64
Dec 15, 2020
How. Did. I. Miss. SPANISH??????
Level 43
Dec 28, 2020
I kept typing Norwegian even though Norway isn’t part of the eu
Level 58
Jan 24, 2021
Could anyone explain why Maltese and Irish are official languages but not Luxembourgish? Come on, their status are almost the same
Level 50
Jan 26, 2021
It's because Luxembourg hasn't requested to have Luxembourgish as an official EU language.
Level 20
Sep 3, 2023
malti is the official language of malta alongside english.
Level 26
Mar 22, 2021
I almost forgot irish, since I saw it come up next to english before
Level 38
Mar 26, 2021
Luxembourg was one of the founding members and they didn't even get their language represented, F.
Level 53
Mar 7, 2022
Yes, but the EU to not translate their documents into Luxembourgish as Luxembourg have not applied for that to be done.
Level 48
Aug 1, 2021
Looks like many people tend to forget that Malta is a European country.
Level 68
Aug 4, 2021
Just forgot Polish, tryna get this language badge and making good progress
Level 59
Nov 12, 2021
somehow i only forgot Portuguese
Level 67
Dec 1, 2021
Can you accept Croat please?
Level 59
Dec 5, 2021
I almost missed French... the MOST obvious one...
Level 62
Dec 22, 2021
It said that english is spoken in Malta and Ireland,well what about the UK...then I remembered the UK left the EU in 2019.
Level 64
Jan 31, 2022
turkish is also an europian language. It's spoken in northern Cyprus
Level 34
Mar 8, 2022
That was easier than i would have thought.
Level 43
Mar 14, 2022
I forgot Italian....
Level 49
May 4, 2022
I forgot ENGLISH
Level 52
Jun 8, 2022
Level 41
Feb 22, 2023
Yeah, I tried that and thought, "wait a minute, isn't Luxembourgish an official language of Luxembourg?"
Level 43
Jun 10, 2022
I typed Sloven for Slovene and Maltese for Maltan, and those were the only ones I missed -_- *face palm*
Level 16
Jun 13, 2022
100% 2:06
Level 39
Jul 21, 2022
I think Luxembourgish is missing!
Level 50
Jul 25, 2022
Luxembourg hasn't asked to include Luxembourgish as an official language of the EU.
Level 47
Oct 27, 2022
I forgot Greek!!
Level 56
Nov 25, 2022
Actually, English isn’t an official language in Ireland. The only official language here is Irish.
Level 58
Mar 10, 2024
False, while Irish is the first official language, English is also official, hence why all government documents are produced in both Irish and English.
Level 17
Dec 2, 2022
forgot spanish and portuguese
Level 21
Dec 15, 2022
I didn't expect Malta to have it's own language, let alone that language to be recognized by the European union! That is pretty cool!
Level 42
Mar 24, 2023
I miss french :skull:
Level 64
Apr 7, 2023
Isn't Turkish also an official language of Cyprus?
Level 50
Apr 9, 2023
Yes, but it's not an official language of the European Union.
Level 65
May 5, 2023


Level 51
Jun 8, 2023
Sweet Jesus, I got everything except Spanish lmao.
Level 46
Jul 20, 2023
Level 20
Sep 3, 2023
aha its strange seeing people not get malta but then again i am maltese
Level 65
Sep 29, 2023
Seeing that you put Belgium as having Dutch as official language, you might consider adding Flemish as a type-in for Dutch.
Level 30
Sep 29, 2023
I got Croatian with 2 seconds remaining!
Level 34
Sep 30, 2023
never even stepped FOOT in eurpose and i got 100%! Thank you internet you won today
Level 69
Oct 1, 2023
Sorry but as far as I know official languages of Luxembourg are german,french and luxembourgish so the last one needs to be added.
Level 72
Nov 20, 2023
The EU does not have Luxembourgish as an official language.
Level 27
Jan 29, 2024
finnish in finnish is suomalainen not suomi
Level 33
May 8, 2024
Forever will I wonder why Frisian isn’t on this list
Level 26
May 11, 2024

I´ve translated the quiz to german, hope it is okay for you. If not, please contact me.

Level 44
May 23, 2024
22/24 :3