
Geographic Groups of Two #2

Can you name the members of these geographical twosomes?
Quiz by manchesterutd10
Last updated: February 17, 2019
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First submittedSeptember 21, 2015
Times taken89,193
Average score62.5%
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Countries with at least a
billion people
Countries with "Equator" in their
name (in some form)
Equatorial Guinea
Capitals of Bolivia
La Paz
Biggest city on each major
New Zealand island
Capital cities of Sudan or
South Sudan
African island countries that
speak Portuguese
Cape Verde
São Tomé and Príncipe
Mountain ranges dividing
Europe and Asia
Longest rivers in China
Small kingdoms that border
South Africa
Longest tributaries of the
Mississippi River
Capital cities above 60°N
Terminal cities of the
Orient Express
Inland seas of Israel
Sea of Galilee
Dead Sea
Largest African deserts
Largest mountain ranges
bordering France
Countries that share St. Martin
Countries that claim the
Falkland Islands
United Kingdom
Most populous urban areas
in Africa
Independent countries of Africa
circa 1914
Tallest mountains in Hawaii
Mauna Kea
Mauna Loa
Level 79
Oct 15, 2015
I have no idea why you use the anachronistic name Constantinople. It's been Istanbul for ages.
Level 74
Jan 8, 2016
Why did Constantinople get the works? That's nobody's business but the Turks'.
Level 61
Jan 8, 2016
Istanbul was Constantinople. Now it's Istanbul, not Constantinople.
Level 57
Dec 20, 2019
Been a long time gone, Oh Constantinople
Level 76
Mar 3, 2020
Why they changed it, I can't say, people just liked it better that WAAAAAYYYY!!
Level 75
Feb 15, 2023
So, take me back to Constantinople

No, you can't go back to Constantinople

Been a long time gone, Constantinople

Level 81
Oct 2, 2018
And the Orient Express does go beyond Paris, to London.
Level 82
Dec 20, 2018
The Orient Express no longer exists but the original route was Paris to Constantinople.
Level 56
Apr 9, 2020
Its true,

The Orient Express' original route was from Paris to Istanbul.

Level 82
Oct 2, 2021
Surely you mean Constantinople
Level 59
Dec 20, 2018
The original Orient Express ran from Paris to the then Istanbul in 1833. It now runs only as a luxury train from various locations, but the original train last ran in 1977.

There's even a Orient Express in the Indochina and one in the US. But the original one ran from Paris to Istanbul.

Orient Express

Level 82
Dec 20, 2018
In 1833 the English name for Istanbul was still Constantinople.
Level 78
Oct 6, 2021
SWATkun is partly incorrect. The train didn't go directly to Istanbul until the 1889 season, which is when the train was advertised as the Orient Express. Before that it stopped in Varna and people ferried across the sea to Istanbul.
Level 78
Oct 6, 2021
And yes, the ferry was a time machine that took people to present-day Istanbul.
Level 74
Oct 16, 2015
About JetPunk comments: Can anybody tell me what the numbers in brackets just after the pseudonyms stand for, for example plattitude (73) or Jerry928 (61)?

I know it doesn't have anything to do with this quiz, but I have always been wondering about that... :))

Level 91
Oct 16, 2015
It's the user's quiz level. Since there's no actual rankings list available for viewing, the comments are the only place you can see other users' levels. The highest I've seen thus far is 74.
Level 92
Nov 6, 2015
Though it changes as the QM adds & features more quizzes, as of today, the highest point total possible is 19,365, which is level 74.
Level 83
Jul 26, 2016
And as I view this today, plattitude's even shows 75, so it's gone up apparently. :-)
Level 92
Sep 26, 2016
Yeah, I think the quiz count is up to 4352 now, which is 21760 points, or level 76. Almost there...
Level 73
May 16, 2018
And as I see joeythelemur's comment today, s/he himself/herself is already at level 75.
Level 75
Aug 7, 2018
Ever noticed QM's level? ∞ = infinity :)
Level 89
Dec 20, 2018
Platitude is at Level 81. Holy crap. Isn't that like a perfect score on every featured quiz?
Level 62
Jan 27, 2020
Level 84? Didn’t know that was possible
Level 79
Feb 25, 2021
Level 89?? Bow-wow-wow!!
Level 71
Oct 2, 2021
@PjotrL, it's a lie! Quizmaster's actual user level is 60 according to his profile.
Level 43
Nov 15, 2023
platitude is at 91... wow
Level 67
Apr 19, 2021
Congrats on reaching level 73 yourself now!
Level 46
Dec 11, 2015
In Germany no one says "Sea of Galilee", which could have been translated to "Galiläisches Meer".

We say (Sea of) Genezareth (engl: Sea of Genneseret)

or occasionally "See Tiberias", which is "Lake Tiberias".

That was a little confusing...

Level 52
Jan 8, 2016
Same remark here: in many European countries it is called Lake of Tiberias
Level 28
Jan 8, 2016
It is in the Galilee and borders the city of Tiberias
Level 76
Jan 8, 2016
Couldn't spell Mauna Kea - put Kia instead! Should have tried different spellings but just assumed I was wrong! Now kicking myself.
Level 70
Jan 18, 2016
I guess Kia would pay a decent sum of money for that kind of commercial on Hawaii ;)
Level 59
Jan 8, 2016
Finished with 100% and 4.00 remaining very happy with that
Level 76
Jan 8, 2016
Wow, I always thought that the Orient express went really far east, possibly to China. I guessed that Istanbul was the westernmost point, but had no idea where the easternmost point might be.

Well, I learnt something new today anyway.

Level 58
Jan 8, 2016
Please accept "Abyssinia" for Ethiopia
Level 66
Jan 8, 2016
I agree, that's what it was called back then
Level 71
Oct 2, 2021
Level 69
Jan 8, 2016
I don't want to make this political, but the Falklands are a part of UK. They don't claim it, they already have it.
Level 74
Jan 8, 2016
If they have it they certainly claim, don't they? But drive through mainland Argentina and see just how many "Las Malvinas son argentinas" posters, stickers, etc. you see. So two countries claim it.
Level 73
Sep 7, 2016
Two countries claim it, but the most important thing to consider is what the inhabitants want
Level 76
Dec 20, 2018
Which is what led to British involvement in Iraq, right?
Level 67
Nov 15, 2023
The point is the UK does not "claim" the Falklands. Argentina's claim is a political misdirection for the population and not based on any facts.
Level 76
Jan 4, 2024
"Not based on any facts". Oh the irony. You might wanna read up on things before you spout unsubstantiated biased nonsense.

You can dispute the facts, but they do exist. Hence why the majority of the UN countries support initiating negotiations between the two nations.

Level 69
Sep 8, 2016
I think if an actual war happens over a place, it's safe to say that more than one party thinks it's theirs. That's not political, nor is the quiz question – only thing being political here is you.
Level 58
Oct 2, 2021
The Falkland Islands are not "part of" the UK. They are a largely self-governing overseas territory of the UK. The UK is made up of England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland.
Level 28
Jan 8, 2016
Hard quiz.

Enjoy your life.

Level 70
Jan 8, 2016
Best. Comment. Ever.
Level 69
Jan 8, 2016
You should accept Caucausus for Caucasus.
Level 78
Dec 20, 2018
And caucoanut.
Level 78
Oct 6, 2021
Level 68
Dec 19, 2016
Independent African countries was tricky. I only got Ethiopia by luck and had no idea that it could be Liberia.
Level 82
Dec 20, 2018
The Italian colonization of Ethiopia only lasted for a couple of years. After the Italians were kicked out Ethiopia remained the only non-colonized country on the continent and they are quite proud of this fact. Liberia was colonized by freed American slaves, not Europeans. Easy to remember when the name of the country means "land of freedom" and the capital is named for President Monroe.
Level 68
Apr 23, 2018
I thought it said "suNdanese" and was confused why Java wasn't working. Would've gotten 40/40 otherwise
Level 73
Oct 27, 2018
Hate to be pedantic... well, no I don't... but Juba isn't a Sudanese capital. It's THE South Sudanese capital.
Level 82
Dec 20, 2018
As long as we're being pedantic, Sudanese can refer to things from both Sudan and South Sudan, and you should be emphasizing the word "South" not the word "the" unless you were confused into thinking we thought there were multiple capitals of South Sudan.
Level 58
Dec 21, 2018
where are all the fast typing Geography "eggheads" who claim superior intelligence with passive aggressive word placement , bragging of their high scores , whos only talent is a list of places on a map , why does this Geo quiz which actually requires processing information , have such a low average score , i was expecting my 38 of 40 ,(i actually could have attained 40 ) to be in the 30th percentile like all the other Geo tests i take which require knowing nothing but a list and repetitive tries at said test
Level 76
Jan 4, 2024
You forgot about the passive-aggressive grammar "eggheads", vincc.
Level 58
Dec 21, 2018
lol i had only to look at one comment before to see the word pedantic used i rest my case
Level 21
Jan 21, 2019
Why is Ecuador classified as having, "Equator" in its name?
Level 63
Oct 2, 2021
Because Ecuador is the Spanish word for Equator.
Level 59
Dec 3, 2021
The clue is "Countries with "Equator" in their name (in some form)." "Ecuador" is some form of "Equator".
Level 56
Nov 20, 2019
Please accept alpes for alps.
Level 64
May 7, 2020
I forgot it was Kalahari and typed the great jet punk user ‘kalamabahut’ (sorry for the bad spelling)
Level 75
Feb 7, 2021
My opinion is that these "Groups of x" quizzes should only include things that there are x of, not simply the two biggest or longest etc of a larger group. e.g.:

"Countries that share St Martin" = good

"Most populous cities in Africa" = bad

Level 91
Oct 1, 2021
You must have read my mind. That drives me absolutely crazy on these quizzes!!!
Level 81
Oct 6, 2021
I see and agree with what you are saying AlexT. However if it were re-framed as 'the group of two most populous cities in Africa', would that work?
Level 76
Jan 4, 2024
Yes, it would. You just don't like it. Pedantry only "works" when you know what you're talking about.
Level 78
Oct 6, 2021
I think what he's getting at is that it's more edifying when the group of two actually shares a unique characteristic. Is there any real connection between Cairo and Lagos because they're #1 and #2? Something like: "African cities with a metro subway system" seems much more interesting than #1 and 2 for population. (Cairo and Algiers, by the way)
Level 70
Mar 3, 2021
For some reason I always thought the Orient Express went to Calais on the French side of the channel. Maybe I need to reread Murder on the Orient Express.
Level 55
Nov 15, 2023
in the book it's known also as 'the calais coach'
Level 32
Oct 2, 2021
why is it not the ohio river? is the arkansas river really longer?
Level 85
Oct 4, 2021
The Arkansas River is nearly 500 miles longer, but discharges a much smaller water volume, than the Ohio.
Level 60
Oct 2, 2021
I got one point for getting the average score :/
Level 53
Feb 17, 2022
I got so tricked by south sudan being with sudanese as well lol
Level 75
Nov 15, 2023
Bolivia has one capital according to its constitution: Sucre (La Paz is not mentioned in the constitution). La Paz is the seat of government.

This site seems to go out of its way to remind people that the Hague is not the capital of the Netherlands, so why do I commonly see the idea that Bolivia has two capitals?

Level 65
Nov 15, 2023
Good test! I would add Huang Ho as a variant for Yellow River (otherwise why are you accepting Yangtze when it translates to Long River?)
Level ∞
Nov 15, 2023
Huang He
Level 26
May 20, 2024

Can I translate this quiz to German?

Best, Fifi567

Level 68
Jul 13, 2024