
Geographic Groups of Two #4

Can you name the members of these geographical twosomes?
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: October 22, 2018
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First submittedOctober 21, 2018
Times taken64,351
Average score65.0%
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African capital cities above 35° North
U.S. states that start with K
Countries bordering Costa Rica
Most populous cities in Spain
starting with B
Majority Hindu countries
Biggest cities in Scotland
European capitals furthest from
each other
U.S. state capitals furthest from
each other
Inland seas on Israel's eastern border
Dead Sea
Sea of Galilee
Cities with the most gambling revenue
Las Vegas
Tallest mountains in Africa
Mt. Kilimanjaro
Mt. Kenya
Spanish archipelagos
Balearic Islands
Canary Islands
Official languages of India
Regions that France gained from
Germany after WWI
Most populous cities in Italy
starting with V
Countries whose currency is
called the Ruble
National capitals of North America
that start with "port"
Largest Greek-speaking Islands
Countries that combined to
form Tanzania
Most populous cities in Yorkshire
Level 82
Oct 22, 2018
Isn't Mauritius a third answer to the hinduism question?
Level ∞
Oct 22, 2018
Yes. I changed the clue to "majority", which now excludes Mauritius.
Level 70
Oct 23, 2018
*grabs popcorn and waits for people arguing that Nicosia is further away*
Level 74
Oct 23, 2018
Nicosia is further away from Reykjavik than Athens!
Level 37
Jul 31, 2019
Nicosia is in Asia, not Europe.
Level 55
May 13, 2024
Nicosia is in Vanuatu, not Asia.
Level 47
May 13, 2024
Isn't Nicosia on Ducie Island in the Pitcairn Islands?
Level 53
May 14, 2024
*Oeno Island
Level 47
Jan 19, 2019
*Grabs popcorn and waits for people to argue that Nuuk is one of the farthest European capitals*
Level 72
Jan 19, 2019
It's not a national capital though, Greenland is part of Denmark. (And yes, I'm aware that the quiz says "European capitals" and not "European national capitals"...)
Level 56
Jul 19, 2022
Greenland is in North America anyway
Level 40
Jan 4, 2019
Please accept Uhuru Peak for Mt. Kilimanjaro
Level 47
Jan 19, 2019
Uhuru peak is simply a part of the mountain. There are actually two peaks, so to specify the one would not be naming the mountain.
Level 89
Jan 19, 2019
Political correctness shot down in flames.
Level 77
Jan 21, 2019
What does any of that have to do with "political correctness"?
Level 76
Oct 4, 2021
I think ihaveaname is referring to the fact that the peak today called Uhuru peak was originally named Kaiser Wilhelm peak by the first European who climbed it. However, as Abzilla has pointed out, it is the name of a peak and not of the entire mountain. Kilimanjaro is the original Kiswahili name of the mountain, and no other name has ever been used by the colonizers.
Level 68
Jan 19, 2019
Just for you dude, What about nuuk ?
Level 63
Feb 4, 2019
What about it? Not a European capital if that's what you're going for.
Level 32
Jan 19, 2019
Where's your source for the official languages of india? They have 22.
Level 89
Jan 19, 2019
Level 49
Jan 21, 2019
The central government uses only two of them for official purposes. All other languages be damned as far as they are concerned.
Level 71
Aug 29, 2019
22 official languages? I doubt it..
Level 74
Jan 30, 2022
English, Hindi, Punjabi, Odia, Bengali, Kannada, Assamese, Nepali, Kashmiri, Marathi, Gujarati, Tamil, Bodo, Dogri, Konkandi, Malayalam, Manipuri, Sanskrit, Telugu, Urdu, Santali, Maithili.

Though 20 of them (thus excluding Hindi and English) are regional ones.

Level 65
Jan 19, 2019
Technically, France gained BACK Alsace after WW2 ended.

About Lorraine, just one third in the North known as Moselle was annexed by Germany. Most of Lorraine remained French

Level 55
Jan 19, 2019
it is ww1 and not ww2
Level 89
Jan 19, 2019
Technically, Napoleon stole German areas, the Germans took them back in 1871. Nobody there spoke French. Look at the architecture, the city names: Metz, Strasburg, Kolmar, Mulhouse. The French may have changed the spellings of place names but they still don't sound French.
Level 74
Jan 30, 2022
1. It wasn't Napoleon's doing how Alsace and Lorraine became French. Lorraine (Formerly the Duchy of Lorraine) came under the rule of the father of the French Queen (former King of Poland) as a part of a Franco-Austrian deal for France allowing the former Lorrainian duke marrying the Austrian Empress. According to the deal, Lorraine was to be annexed once the duke died of age. Alsace became French piece by piece with acquisitions taking place in 1646 (purchase of Sundgau), 1697 (peace of Ryswick), and 1798 (annexation of Mulhouse). Nothing to do with Napoleon, stop with the misinformation.

2. What you said - the region being absolute majority German would apply for Alsace but not really for Lorraine.

You'll recognize a clear presence of German speakers in German Lorraine, but also that it's quite far from being "nobody there spoke French".

Level 73
Jan 30, 2022
To add to Nerd0921's reponse, the people speaking a Germanic language doesn't mean they were part of a Germany which didn't exist back then nor that they wanted to be part of it after its creation. Mostly-catholic Alsatians weren't fond of being ruled by protestant Prussians with who they shared very little culture.

You can't really find polls of the Alsatians' views in the 19th century, but for what it's worth, my great-grandparents and people I knew from that time (who spoke Alsatian as a first language) clearly preferred France to Germany, at least as the lesser of two evils.

Level 64
Mar 20, 2024
"Vous n'aurez pas l'Alsace et la Lorraine,

Et malgré vous nous resterons Français ;

Vous avez pu germaniser la plaine,

Mais notre cœur, vous ne l'aurez jamais."

("You won't have Alsace and Lorraine,

And despite your will, we will stay French

You could have germanized the plain

But our hearts, you will never have them")

Level 75
May 5, 2021
I was happy with that one, when I read the clue I thought, "Oh dear, I can only think of Alsace-Lorraine" :)
Level 74
Jan 30, 2022
Which is why I would like to suggest "Moselle" to be accepted as an alternate answer for Lorraine. Alsace-Moselle is an alternate name known for Alsace-Lorraine and is something which I believe will be much more familiar for quite a few Europeans (albeit from the Francophone parts).

Plus, it was the legal name of the region post-1920. Though undeniably due to some nationalistic causes, it would be odd to not accept the legally referred-to name of the region

Level 56
May 13, 2024
Well I thought of Saar/Sarre/Saarland and having typed in a whole load of alternative spellings, it turned out to be wrong anyway, although I am not sure why.
Level 68
May 14, 2024
Et pourtant c'était bel et bien une annexion
Level 79
Jan 19, 2019
Whoops... confused Las Vegas with Los Angeles...
Level 75
Jan 20, 2019
That could be problematic. Never let anyone sell you "ocean-front" property in Vegas.
Level 75
Jan 22, 2019
Or a shotgun wedding in Los Angeles..
Level 79
Apr 6, 2019
Level 62
Jan 19, 2019
Just accept the words Galilee and dead for the Israel question
Level 66
Jan 19, 2019
Worked for me.
Level 48
Jan 21, 2019
Can some alternate spellings for Tanganyika be accepted? (not even sure i wrote it right this time)
Level 47
May 13, 2024
they accept Tanganyika without the Y
Level 30
Jan 21, 2019
Technically, India and Nepal aren't the only Hindu majority countries. Mauritius is also a Hindu-majority country with Hindu population over 50%, mainly due to the importation of Indian laborers during the British Rule.

Also, I live in India and know that many regional languages of India such as Bengali, Tamil, Punjabi, etc are also recognized as official languages. Although English and Hindi are mainly used for government use, I suggest that it would be better to specify.

Level 71
Aug 29, 2019
Recognized languages and official languages are not the same
Level 51
Jan 24, 2019
Reyjavik to Athens is 2600kms, Reykjavik to Nicosia is 3035kms
Level 63
Feb 4, 2019
Geographically speaking Cyprus is part of Asia.
Level 33
Oct 18, 2019
Cyprus is European country!!!

Also Turkey is European country and Ankara is more farther then Athens.

Level 73
May 14, 2024
I agree that Turkey should be considered to be in Europe, but given that its in Asia, Cyprus might as well join it.

But honestly, it's silly to go from the Urals down (somewhere?) to the Caspian then jog all the way across the Caucuses and around all of Turkey just because suddenly now we "need" the Bosporus to be able to figure out where the border is, like we needed it to figure out how much of Kazakhstan is in Europe.....

Level 44
Nov 19, 2019
Capitals are not geographical features. The North Atlantic Shelf goes through Iceland and Reykjavik is on the North America side so following geographic reasoning it doesn't qualify either. Politically the two islands are generally regarded as European.
Level 71
Jun 5, 2019
I think questions like "Most populous cities in Spain starting with B" and "Tallest mountains in Africa" are bad questions for this type of quiz, because these are not natural groups of two. You could have the same questions in a groups of three quiz, a groups of four quiz, and so on.
Level 53
May 14, 2024
Level 75
Sep 18, 2019
The inland seas one is also in #2 of the series
Level 71
Jan 19, 2020
Guessed Kenya for some reason on the Tanzania one and got Mt. Kenya
Level 66
Jun 7, 2020
Lake Genezareth should count for Lake Gallilee
Level 73
Jan 30, 2022
Please accept (Illes) Balears (Catalan) and (Islas) Baleares (Spanish) for Balearic Islands.
Level 66
Jan 30, 2022
Why? This is an English language site.
Level 71
May 13, 2024
The problem with accepting the names of places in "their" language (e.g. München for Munich) is that it almost assuredly means treating different places differently. For example, it makes sense to accept München for Munich but it gets dicier if in order to accept Chelyabinsk for a quiz the quiz creator either has to know Челябинск or risk being unfair and favoring German places over Russian ones. See?

Personally, I think it's mostly harmless either way, but it's not completely neutral to sometimes accept native-language names for a place and not other times.

Level 73
May 14, 2024
I don't think you can just casually extend that line to count non-Latin scripts. And it also has to do with how actively you would expect speakers of that language to be taking the quiz in English, especially on a site that offers other language options.

In the case of German names in particular, it makes a lot of sense because the consistency of using the German names versus the French names when speaking English varies substantially by where that English is being spoken, and many German speakers also speak English, so both factors push in that direction.

Level 46
Jan 31, 2022
I answered Kenya for one of the questions and got Mt Kenya correct. What luck.
Level 38
Feb 1, 2022
I don’t know any us state capitals. I’m Australian I don’t need to know. 😢
Level 78
May 14, 2024
Tongue firmly in cheek? I'm British but know all the Australian state capitals.
Level 75
May 21, 2024
This site revolves around trivia (i.e. things you know despite not needing to know them)
Level 50
Feb 2, 2022
I know that the topic was mentioned in previous comments, but if the question reads "European capitals" Nicosia definitely qualifies. Cyprus is part of the European Union, is also part of all Europe-related quizzes here, and is further from Reykjavik than Athens.

If you refer to "Capitals on the European continent" there might be an argument, but then it gets even more complicated.

I was laughing a lot to the comparison with Greenland, but this I leave to the one who wrote the comment.

Level 78
Jun 2, 2022
Oh, good point, you're the first one to bring up the Cyprus issue.
Level 71
Oct 14, 2022
Lots of people are arguing about Nicosia being further on the Europe question (although it being in Asia) But no one is arguing how Portland is approx. 8000km from Honolulu whilst Augusta is just 7500. Am I missing something?
Level 81
Jan 24, 2023
Yes, you're missing that Maine only has one capital city and it's Augusta.
Level 32
Aug 17, 2023
These quizzes were so fun! Please do more
Level 37
Oct 7, 2023
Russian Ruble and Belarusian Ruble not the same
Level 84
Feb 14, 2024
This quiz does not imply otherwise.
Level 66
Feb 15, 2024
Most populous cities in Yorkshire – you didn't know? Come on!
Level 50
May 13, 2024
Please accept "Moselle" for "Lorraine". It is closer from reality even if we commonly say "Alsace-Lorraine" when talking about these territories.
Level 71
May 14, 2024
I tried Alzas-Lotharingen when that didn't work I knew I had no chance of getting it right
Level 43
May 13, 2024
please accept Beleares for belearic islands
Level 20
May 13, 2024
somehow for the farthest capitals for both Europe and USA I got them first try.
Level 78
May 14, 2024
Thanks - a fun quiz. I have two quibbles: Firstly the two African capitals are not "above" 35 North, they are North of it. Above would place them in the air. Secondly, on the same argument that places Cyprus in Asia, not Europe, surely Trinidad is in South America? And therefore, Port of Spain is not in North America.
Level 53
May 14, 2024
It's sadly a JP standard that cyprus is considered to be in asia not europe😔
Level 71
May 14, 2024
So according to you there are no countries situated above the equator?
Level 73
May 14, 2024
I'm not sure what you think the argument for Cyprus "not being in Europe" is, but no. If Turkey were in Europe and Syria was Asian, that comparison might hold some weight. As is, it's closer to arguing about which continent Rhodes is supposed to be in.
Level 53
May 14, 2024
Wait, Verona is a real city?!?
Level 68
May 14, 2024
Indeed, "Moselle" could be an acceptable type-in for "Lorraine" since "Lorraine" is a bit less correct nowadays.
Level 73
May 14, 2024
It's admittedly hard to do for twosomes, but I hate how many times this quiz uses superlatives (or pseudo-superlatives, like the first question). Questions like "Spanish archipelagos", "Official languages of India", and "Countries whose currency is called the Ruble" are great. Questions like "Cities with the most gambling revenue" are not. You can fudge it a bit by using the pseudo-superlatives and by picking superlatives where there is a massive gap between 2 and 3, but when half of the quiz is fudging it (or worse), it doesn't feel very much like a "groups of two" quiz, but just a "you need to type two answers" one.

Just my 2 cents, but I'd love to see 4 or 5 of these questions replaced with ones that actually refer to a pair of things that are the only things in that category, not the "most" of that category. 25% of the quiz feels like it's enough times to use the superlative "trick".

Level 46
May 15, 2024
Lorraine is a wrong answer as only Moselle departement (1 out of the 4 departements making Lorraine region) was taken by Germany in 1871.

So France did not gain BACK (also important) Lorraine region but only Moselle departement in addition to Alsace region.

To be precised it was almost all of Moselle and half of Meurthe at the time that were taken by Germany. With the remaining territories in France becoming the actual Meurthe et Moselle departement and the annexed German part becoming the actual Moselle departement.

Also after WWI, France did gain Saarland region from Germany which should be a correct answer according to the way your question is written.

I would suggest to change "Regions" by "French territories" and use "Alsace" and "Moselle" as correct answers.

Level 75
May 21, 2024
Not terribly important: it appears an effort was made to alphabetize each pair of answers, but a few are not in order.