Contemplating the Mysteries of the World - Part 1: Clowns


Clowns are...interesting I guess?

Have you ever wondered why clowns are even a thing? I often do. Some people may find them entertaining or funny. I do not understand those people. Some people are afraid of clowns. I do not understand those people either. I just find them strange. Some guy or girl runs around in brightly colored, oversized clothing and a bunch of face paint, and we are supposed to enjoy it. Why do people think that giant shoes are funny? Loud airhorns and big red noises are considered humor? There is absolutely nothing funny about getting a pie of whipped cream thrown in your face. Maybe I am just thinking about this too logically. But that is what I do, I overthink things. I make simple things more complicated than they need to be. Okay, but seriously, I just cannot wrap my head around why clowns need to exist in our world today. I find them more annoying than anything. Think about it, they are everywhere at carnivals when you are just trying to get on a ride, play a game, or buy a soft pretzel. They take time away from the interesting acts in a circus, like firebreathers and tightrope walkers. Okay, I think I am done ranting, it is not my fault if you wasted your time reading this.

Thank you for your cooperation,


Level 65
Oct 1, 2021
Interesting, but maybe you should combine a few in one blog to make it more high quality, just a suggestion :)
Level 68
Oct 2, 2021
I think part of the appeal of Clowns is that they allow someone to escape reality. Clowns are so whimsical and extravagant that for a few moments they can enjoy being a little silly, it may bring back reminiscent memories of our childhoods where we could enjoy strange things without worrying or thinking about them logically.

That said, I don't find them particularly appealing nowadays, they are usually just annoying.

Interesting thing to think about though.

Level 78
Oct 5, 2021
Why not make it a bit more interesting by researching the history of clowns. maybe a few pics as well to break the narrative up.

I believe clowns are a modern day equivalent to a court jester in ancient times. Then they were the only source of entertainment. Also each modern clown has different make-up that is registered with a "clown union".

p.s. I dont like clowns either.