Fact Quizzes


I have a series of fact quizzes which have 21 facts each about different countries, regions and subdivisions around the world that help to learn more about places you might not have known about.

Today I made the Botswana Fact Quiz with the St. Kitts and Nevis Fact Quiz coming tomorrow.

Thanks for reading - ChickOn

Level 52
Jul 3, 2020
Friday is F. S. Micronesia!
Level 53
Jul 1, 2020
Thanks for showing me the series! You're a really underrated quizmaker, I hope you gain the recognition you deserve.
Level 52
Jul 1, 2020
Thank you
Level 52
Jul 1, 2020
I totally agree! ChickOn's quizzes are some of my favorites! Also, ChickOn says nice stuff but also gives suggestions in a nice way! For example, "maybe you should add _____ as an answer, as it also fits in this category."
Level 52
Jul 1, 2020
Thank you ducklingpanda1245. I also like your quizzes!
Level 52
Jul 1, 2020
Thank you!
Level 32
Aug 19, 2020