

Quick Introduction

So... yes, this has been quite a drama as of recently. This blog is mostly directed at PotatoDude, but if anyone else wants to read it or comment on it, feel free. Not going to use much formatting here, because it is informal. That's also why this is a private blog.


This is what PotatoDude said:

Another reason why I don't trust the vaccine is that it took us so little time to test it. Normal vaccines, such as polio, took us a lot of time to test.

Whoever tested this vaccine didn't tell us a lot about it, they just told us the "good" stuff about it. Do you know how many people have died from the covid vaccine?

And this all leads back to segregation, where people are splitting up vaccinated and non-vaccinated people, although black people back in the day didn't have a choice (to become white).

Some of my friends have shown me video proof of after getting the vaccine that they can stick pennies and paper clips to their vaccination site, and the government promised us there were no metals in the vaccine.

The vaccines did take us less to to make than usual (Most took ~1 year). However, that was, in partiality, because of how many resources were were directing towards it, and the better technologies we had. The world is in a pandemic that has kept us shut down for about 2 years now. Obviously we want to get out of it.

Also, just because it took a shorter amount of time doesn't mean that we tested it less. The Western-made vaccines have to test many tens of thousands of patients and get many approvals to be approved. People were motivated to willingly be part of the extensive tests to get the vaccines out there, because of this ruinous disease. The Pfizer vaccine got full FDA approval in August, so if anything, that would be the safest. Hundreds of millions of people have already gotten these vaccines, and they have been proven to work. If this claim had been made at the beginning of the year, I would be able to understand more, given that it was extremely novel, even though, like I mentioned, it had already been extensively tested. However, now, after so many people already got it, and with proof that it works, I don't think this claim is valid.

That leads me to the second case: "Whoever" tested the vaccine did tell us a lot about it, and not just the "good" stuff. As you might well remember, there was a blood-clot problem with the Astra-Zeneca vaccine in Europe. However, while people may have died from this, many more have died from Covid itself, and, as far as I know, that was the only major, reliably-proven, extensive problem with a single vaccine. Your chances of dying from Covid are much higher than your chances of dying from the vaccine.

Third point: Segregation? You addressed your own argument in that statement: black people can't become white. However, unvaccinated people can become vaccinated.

The fourth one I don't think I even need to address. Unless you can get a reliable source that can PROVE that there was metal within the vaccine, this isn't a good argument.

Ultimately, I can't convince you, PotatoDude. The point of this blog was to clarify the facts, not to force you to get the vaccine. That's a choice you have to make, and one I can't make for you. Sorry this was so short, it'll be deleted when this whole thing is resolved. Here's a link to the FDA website, to find more info on the vaccines, and here is a link to Worldometers, which displays live updates for Covid-19.

And if you choose not to get vaccinated, or can't for some reason, at least wear a mask in public spaces, social distance, and wash your hands. I don't understand how those three can be controversial.

Finally, this is not meant to be a political rant. I don't even know why vaccines have been so politicized. I did not make a single reference to either parties from the US, nor any indication, and yet there will still be people, not necessarily on JetPunk, but in general, who would call this political. It is not political.

Level 68
Dec 14, 2021
I'm trying to be civil here. Would appreciate it if I were returned the favor.

@PotatoDude I don't want to make enemies with you. I just was initially put off by you because of these claims you've made. I don't even know you, and I don't want this to be the reason that we can't talk to each other. If I made any ignorant or bigoted comments explicitly sharing my opinion, I apologize.

Level 60
Dec 14, 2021
Level 74
Dec 15, 2021
I wrote a longer comment on JackQuizzer's (now deleted) response blog, but I'll just do a quick paraphrase here. I think it's totally valid to be skeptical of the vaccine. You said that it was tested on thousands of people, which is true, but the problem is that it was completed and approved in under a year, meaning we haven't had the ability to observe its long-term effects. If we find out 10 years down the road that one of the vaccines leads to a 30% increased chance of heart failure, we probably wouldn't think it was worth the risk. There could be no long term side effects too, but the problem is we just don't know yet. And we won't know for a long time, which is why it usually takes years, if not decades, for the CDC to approve a vaccine. Especially with the new mRNA technology being used that hasn't been before (although this has gone through vigorous testing before the pandemic started).
Level 68
Dec 15, 2021
This is a concern that seems to be common among many people, and it does sound reasonable. However, I think this article and this article do pretty good jobs of explaining why this concern isn't really that valid. Vaccines are broken down quickly in our bodies, especially mRNA vaccines, meaning that there isn't concern for long-term side effects. In fact, the long-term side effects of catching COVID-19 appear to be more worrisome, and affect a large proportion of those who catch the virus.

Thanks for being respectful, though!