Inevitable British Prime Ministers Quiz Update


Another day, another UK Prime Minister. I won't get too political here, but I'll give you a hint regarding my political leanings: I'm Scottish.

The latest news from the British political sphere is that the UK has a new Prime Minister – our third in under two months. Of course, this sounds absolutely shambolic when put in these terms – the first of those three PMs had been in office for more than three years. Wholly apart from the policies of any political party or politician and the very serious negatives that this can bring for many within and outwith the UK, a minor frustration of mine has to do with the fact that at least one of my quizzes has required a rework.

If this was a simple addition of an answer to a text quiz, that would be easy enough. Unfortunately for my Fill in the British Prime Ministers quiz, it means reworking the entirety of the SVG layout. I have made some aesthetic changes to the last version of the quiz (it is governed less by a grid and more by the shapes of the figures within the coat of arms of the British Government) and while I don't want to rework the quiz for a fourth time in such a short while, I will say that I wouldn't mind doing it if an early UK General Election was called...

Be well, JetPunkers!

Level 78
Oct 24, 2022
In my humble opinion, for what it's worth, is that we should do away with ALL political parties and only have independent members of parliament. Once elected they should be on a years probation, if nothing is done towards their election promises, they are out. No returns, no second, third, fourth or infinite chances. Anyone with any convictions other than for minor motoring offences cannot stand. Any cabinet members will be invited to office based on their life or work experience outside of parliament. For example, the Minister for Health will have worked as a nurse, doctor or other health professional. They should all work together for the greater good, not bicker and argue like school children. But I suppose that is heading towards communism and we all know how that works out.
Level 60
Oct 24, 2022
JetPunkers. I’m a 12-year-old kid living in California, but the changes are getting somewhat annoying.
Level 66
Oct 24, 2022
the first blog in four days


the blog drought has stricken us

Level 74
Oct 24, 2022
Even more than 4 days, right??
Level 68
Oct 25, 2022
Won't be a drought in February because I'll be posting about 2 blogs a week once I can start making them.
Level 75
Oct 24, 2022
This is you guys have your fifth PM-head monarch combo in 7 weeks. I hope the rate of change slows down a bit.
Level 76
Oct 26, 2022
Oct -23 and vote for independence. Problem solved, kinda.
Level 39
Jan 7, 2023
Except the vote isn't happening.