Malaysian Airlines Flight 370


Flight 370: My Theory

Malaysian Flight 370 disappeared on March 8, 2014. Nobody has found it since. So many theories made. What is my theory? BUCKLE IN.

Ok, I think the flight was hijacked. There are so many reasons why I think this. One, it could have been hijacked, and flown off course, on purpose. Seeing as why all areas on and around the flight path were searched with no results. Plus, if someone experienced hijacked the flight, like maybe the pilot, they would have an alternate plan. The captain, 53-year-old Zaharie Ahmad Shah was found to have a flight simulator at home. With an off course flight path! I'm sorry it is so short. Get it to 50 likes and I will post part 2!

Level 63
Jun 30, 2022
Nice short blog! In my opinion, I think that the pilots committed suicide and turned autopilot on the flight to keep it going until it ran out of fuel over the Indian Ocean since the captain and co-pilot did apparently have some issues with the Malaysian government at the time.
Level 45
Jun 30, 2022
I agree. Again, sorry about it being short. Part 2 will be longer. I might just get one out next week...
Level 63
Jun 30, 2022
Oh I wasn't saying anything bad about the blog being short, I was just saying that it's a short, but very interesting blog :)
Level 66
Jul 4, 2022
I'd say that the pilot's suicide is the most likely. The plane flew for over 5 hours in a straight line until it ran out of fuel, so it was almost certainly left on autopilot. My other theory is a leakage in the cabin that almost instantly made everyone pass out, but that doesn't explain the very odd flight path before the 5 hour straight. Maybe something was wrong and they were planning on landing it, but that isn't very likely either.
Level 57
Jul 1, 2022
Now you should do one about Technoblade. I didn't watch him, but may he rest in peace.
Level 67
Sep 13, 2022
It was almost certainly hijacked by the pilot.