Population of California over Time

A chart showing the population of California throughout the years. Though not easily visible on a linear scale, it experienced its highest population growth throughout its early years.
According to the United States Census
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Level ∞
Jul 4, 2021
Nice chart. Although California actually grew faster from 1850–1920 than it did from 1920–1990.

If you put the chart on a log scale you'll be able to see this more easily!

Level 52
Jul 4, 2021
It did, didn't it? I'll rework the description, though I'd rather keep it on a linear scale; this is about total population, not growth, after all.
Level 43
Jul 4, 2021
That’s a nice chart. Is really funny how the smooth feature can trick us (in a good way). I’m also creating my charts. I released two right now.