A Zelda Wallpaper For Every Month


What Is This?

I will be sharing every wallpaper I use for my Chromebook for each month of the year. They are mostly Breath of the Wild, but with one Ocarina of Time and one Wind Waker. I hope you like the art! Artists are credited when I could find them.



I really like the fact that they are ice skating in Zora's Domain! It is a very well done piece of art. I did take the Santa hat off of Sidon's head.




I know that this is a comic, but I really like it! I do ship BotW Link and Zelda, so this kind of makes sense for me.

Artist-Unknown, posted on Reddit by IncaseAce

March & May


I couldn't really find a good Breath of the Wild springtime fan-art, but this looks really good. I really like the detail and the scene in general. Very good job!

Artist-Clarisse Sulquiano



This fan-art is Easter themed! I really like that they are in bunny costumes. Another really great piece of art.

Artist-Unknown, uploaded to Pinterest by Cay🍁


I love that Zelda is a little taken aback by Link pulling her over to the beach, and the outfits look great! All in all, amazing work.

Artist-Unknown, uploaded to Wattpad by Squishy2002



I absolutely love this one! This is the Ocarina of Time one I mentioned earlier. This is exactly what I think when I hear 4th of July.

Artists-CallistoHime & blcklblsctylvr12



This one is another great one. Setting it in Akkala was a great choice because of the trees, which is why I chose it. Another good one is Zelda drinking a pumpkin spice frappuccino.

Artist-Unknown, uploaded to Pinterest by Xuânˆˆ



There are actually two for Halloween, because I couldn't decide. This first one is a great piece of BotW Link and Zelda in their Halloween costumes. Wonderful work!



This second one is the Wind Waker one I mentioned earlier. I love that Tetra is the Grim Reaper and Link is the Devil. All around a great piece!




Of course I had to do Thanksgiving for November. I like that everyone is together at the table in Link's house, I believe. I especially love that Teba is nervous about eating the chicken wing and that Riju is feeding Wolf Link. Again, a great work of art!




This is amazing. I love the Korok in there, and that Zelda absolutely loves it, even though Link doesn't seem to happy. Once again, an amazing work!

Artist-Unknown, uploaded to Pinterest by Xuânˆˆ

Closing and Announcement

All of the works in here were amazing! I hope you like them as much as I do. I am also starting a blog series called Fan-Art Fridays. You guys will be voting on one game for me to find five of the best fan-arts from. The games for voting are:

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Pokémon Sword and Shield

Super Mario Odyssey

Kirby and the Forgotten Land

Thanks for reading! ZQ

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