My First Blog Post

Hi there!

My name is Sebastian Blom, I am 19 years old and currently I am a law student at the Radboud University in The Netherlands. I've been an on-and-off quizzer on Jetpunk for approximately two years now and I have remarked a significant boost in my trivial knowledge since I first started. I enjoy taking these often very creative quizzes whilst commuting to college or in my spare time. Recently I found out that the Jetpunk community is massive, with over thousands of profiles! Especially the latest features added by Quizmaster I found very entertaining, such as the scratch-off world map, the introduction of badges and obviously this blog feature.

A bit about me: my hobbies include playing the piano, playing tennis, drawing, going to the movies, visiting art galleries and travelling. Furthermore, I am mostly preoccupied with studying, my part-time job as a French tutor and several extracurricular activities, such as student associations and Honours programs.

I am not entirely sure what I want to post on this blog, but I do enjoy writing about journeys I've made, news stories that grind my gears or art works that inspire me on the daily. So stick around if you are intriged by all of this. :D

Stay curious,


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