New Type-Ins


When a user makes a quiz, there are answers. And with answers, come type-ins. Type-ins are the things a user can type that will be accepted as an answer. For example, if the answer is United Kingdom, a user can type "Great Britain", which will also be accepted as an answer.

JetPunk has recommended type-ins, meaning that when you insert answers into a quiz, type-ins will automatically be generated for each answer. Many users have complained on different quizzes asking for extra type-ins to be added for long or frequently misspelled answers. I have some suggestions for some type-ins that could be accepted for different countries.

Type-Ins That Should Be Updated:
Argentina - ^ARG[AEI]NT[EI]+NA
Azerbaijan - ^AD?[JSZ]+ERB[AIE]+D?[JZ]+AN
Cyprus - ^C[IY]+PRUS
Denmark - ^DENMARC?K
Egypt - ^EG[IY]+PT
Ethiopia - ^ETH?IOPIA
Guyana - ^G[AIU]+YANA
Kazakhstan - ^KH?A[SZ]+[A-Z]+STAN
Kuwait - ^KUW[AI]+T
Kyrgyzstan - ^K[IY]+RG[A-Z]+STAN
Lithuania - ^LITH?UANIA
Malaysia - ^MAL[AI]+Y?SIA
Mozambique - ^MOZAMBIC?QUE
New Zealand - ^NEWZE[AE]?LAND
Paraguay - ^PAR[AEI]G[AIU]+Y
Philippines - ^(THE)?(F|PH)IL+[AEI]P+INES
Russia - ^RUS+IA
Saint Kitts and Nevis - ^(SAINT|ST)KIT+S
Saudi Arabia - ^S[AU]+DIARABIA
Seychelles - ^SE[IY]+T?CHEL+ES
Thailand - ^TH?AILAND
Turkey - ^TURC?KEY
Turkmenistan - ^TURC?KMEN[AEI]STAN
Ukraine - ^(THE)?U(C|CK|K)RAI?NE
Uruguay - ^UR[AU]G[AIU]+Y
Uzbekistan - ^U[SZ]+BE[CK]+[AEI]STAN
Venezuela - ^VEN[AEI][SZ]+(EU|UE)LA
Vietnam - ^V[EI]+TNAM

Type-Ins That Should Be Added:
Dominican Republic - DOMREP
Equatorial Guinea - EQG
Marshall Islands - ^(THE)?MARSHAL+S
Marshall Islands - RMI
Republic of the Congo - ROTC
Solomon Islands - ^(THE)?SOLOMONS
South Africa - RSA

Type-Ins That Should Be Removed:
Dominican Republic - DR
New Zealand - NZ

And there we have it. Let me know what you think in the comments, and tell me what other type-ins you would like to be added. Thanks for reading!

Level 66
Jul 30, 2020
Totally agree with Equatoral Guinea and EQG. Look, I can't even spell it right.
Level 56
Jul 30, 2020
Level 68
Jul 30, 2020
I would really love some type-ins for Solomon Islands and Marshall Islands. Those two are very annoying to type.
Level 56
Jul 30, 2020
Any ideas?
Level 63
Aug 24, 2020
Yup. Solomons & Marshalls
Level 52
Jul 30, 2020
I do like ideas for added type ins, but doesn't that kind of defeat the point for stuff like Solomon Islands when all you type is SoI or something like that? Then you're just typing country abbreviations. I do understand USA and UK, but adding one for all long word countries just doesn't seem right.
Level 66
Jul 30, 2020
RMI for Republic of the Marshall Islands could work...
Level 52
Jul 30, 2020
Yeah, but that's just making everything short. Why doesn't somebody make a quiz called countries of the world by abbreviations!
Level 66
Jul 30, 2020
Maybe I’ll do that...
Level 52
Jul 30, 2020
Level 14
Feb 8, 2021
@ChineseChen, I was looking at this today and I decided I would make Countries of the World by Abbreviations,

so I have: Quiz

Level 68
Jul 30, 2020
Perhaps just Solomons and Marshalls
Level 52
Jul 30, 2020
Why are they annoying to type?
Level 68
Jul 30, 2020
This might just be for me and a few other people (particularly those who speedrun quizzes) but I feel like its a small waste of time to type "islands" at the end of Marshall/Solomon. Of course, others might be fine with the extra effort, I just would prefer it to be a bit shorter.
Level 56
Jul 30, 2020
I read all your type ins, and they were good. But, according to me, using type ins isn't that good. It may lead to some people learning wrong spelling of some names. And on top of that, why should we allow some spellings which are completely wrong on our quizzes?
Level 56
Jul 30, 2020
Because if someone knows the answer to a quiz, then why make them spell it correctly? I cant spell that sea that starts with M, but i still get it correct on quizzes because of more relaxed type-ins.
Level 56
Oct 1, 2020
Yep 😄
Level 57
Jul 30, 2020
Ugh, all of us on JetPunk are so spoiled by the vast amount of type-ins we have. Try Sporcle's Countries of the World quiz and see how few type-ins they have! We have way too many type-ins, which is good, but I feel we have enough. NZ for New Zealand is really stretching it, and if we keep doing this, we'll end up accepting the 2-letter country code for every country. Don't be lazy to spend another 2 seconds typing in a country name :D

Anyways, nice blog Grant!

Level 56
Jul 30, 2020
I somewhat disagree. New users on the site often complain that what they typed wasnt accepted as an answer, and this has happened to me too. It is very annoying knowing you typed in the right country, yet you missed the question because the type-in didnt accept your answer.
Level 52
Jul 30, 2020
I agree that NZ is stretching it, but I am okay with limited type ins for countries like Kyrgyzstan. I do think people should learn to spell though...
Level 56
Jul 31, 2020
@0x agreed
Level 57
Jul 31, 2020
yep same
Level 63
Aug 24, 2020
NZ is stretching it, eh? Quizmaster just loaded it as an official type in!
Level 63
Aug 24, 2020
Oh, and Saudi Arabia is KSA
Level 39
Jun 7, 2021