Stupid-O-groovE ~7

(Episode Seven - It is the End, again)

The world ended multiple times before, and, no one who foretold you the end (and often cashed in) told you there's always another date after you 'correct' your assessment... Not Hilary of Poitiers, not Sextus Julius Africanus (twice), not Pope Innocent III, not even Harold Camping who gave a shot six times, not the people behind

1894 - The Great Horse Manure Crisis (world was literally drowning in sh.. itself. It was estimated that in 50 years it's all over.)
1940s - The Global Food crisis (all gonna starve to death, estimated in a few decades, Great Britain was to be a wasteland with a few starving individuals fighting for whatever was left)
1962 - Cuban Missile Crisis (everyone nuked to death + nuclear winter)
1980s - Acid Rain (forests, rivers and lakes die, starvation shall ensue)
2000 - Y2K (tech malfunction and general chaos leading to the end of the world)
2012 - Mayan Doomsday (somebody forgot to update the calendar)
NOW - Al Gore's Global Warming (c) now swapped for a more realistic title Environmental Change (that has existed for as long as there's been an environment, so the threat is always handy), pandemic(s) (by Bill, and Melinda Gates also sus), people being replaced by AI (or Lizard people, if you ask certain others, like Mark Z fanclub) and no new jobs (globalist agenda taking urr jrrbs), populist politicians (=all politicians, because that's how they get voted in), flat earthers (you can fall off the edge, so be careful out there), Charles Manson's Helter Skelter aka apocalyptic race wars in the US (originally used for -69) and what have you... but... Is it not all just a simple human cycle of life, which goes as follows: Start, advancement, golden age, decline, chaos, reset, start... rinse and repeat until the oceans and lakes boil when the Sun goes kaboom.

"It's worse to take an interest in irrelevant things than do nothing at all. Some pay most attention to what matters little, and little attention to what matters most, always thinking in reverse. Many never lose their senses, having none to lose. The wise think everything through and delve especially into anything difficult and doubtful. Sometimes believing there's more to something than they think. In this way, reflection reaches where perception cannot." The Gracious Magi
"The Gentleman; when at peace appreciates the left, when at war appreciates the right. On festive occasions, the left is the place of honor; at funerals, the right is the place of honor. The Sage rejects extremes." The Old Master

PS: Pray to Mel Gibson, we're almost at the societal collapse and barbarity. A few days left. Good luck to all y'all.
Level 76
Dec 25, 2020
Further episodes only at request.
Level 76
Dec 25, 2020
In case anyone's interested in the scientifically evaluated chances of a genuine end of the world, I read on this astrophysicist/astronomer's book, based on an estimate by a group of top scientists alive, the most likely thing to end our existence is: AI (chances anywhere between 0-10%). The second most dangerous thing was environmental change & nanotechnology at 0,01%, bronze medal to nuclear war at 0,005%, asteroid impact at 0,00013%, PANDEMIC at 0,0001%. The geezed did add that it was impossible to give a % to reason such as the collapse of civilization and Orwellian poor leadership.

Also learned (to your friends with a fear of flight): you are statistically more likely to be hit/killed by a falling fragment of a meteor in your everyday life, than to be in an (modern) airplane crash. The stats made before Boeing 737 MAX, which is back again. ;)

Level 52
Dec 25, 2020
No, what puts the Earth at highest risk is my "Doomsday Device", but my lawyers are saying I can't tell anymore.
Level 52
Dec 25, 2020
Probability is about 97%, but it depends on how fast the base can get done.
Level 52
Dec 27, 2020
I'm scared please spare me.
Level 76
Dec 31, 2020
May I inquire more about this "doomsday device"...? For a friend...
Level 51
Dec 25, 2020