Star Wars Box Office Revenue Per Film

Today we're going to take a look at how much money (in US dollars) each of the eleven Star Wars films has earned at the box office, and see how the number has evolved over time, from 1997 to 2019!
Instead of listing the films themselves, the years they were released will be cited. For example, 1977 is A New Hope since it was released in 1977.
Numbers are listed in the millions. For example, 300 = 300 million, 1,000 = 1 billion
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Aug 3, 2021
1977: A New Hope

1980: The Empire Strikes Back

1983: Return of the Jedi

1999: The Phantom Menace

2002: Attack of the Clones

2005: Revenge of the Sith

2015: The Force Awakens

2016: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

2017: The Last Jedi

2018: Solo: A Star Wars Story

2019: The Rise of Skywalker