Interesting Facts - Page 48

The Venus flytrap is not a tropical plant. It is native to coastal regions of North and South Carolina.
In the Middle Ages, some people believed that narwhal tusks came from unicorns.
Parts of Canada are further south than parts of California.
Homo sapiens have been around for 300,000 years or so. But, as a species, we have much less genetic diversity than one would expect for such a long period of time. Why? One hypothesis is that a genetic "bottleneck" occurred after the Toba supervolcano eruption around 75,000 years ago. According to this hypothesis, the volcano lowered global temperatures so much that the world population fell to just a few thousand people.
If you are in the United States, it is virtually impossible to get trichinosis from eating undercooked pork. Feel free to enjoy it medium rare.
Level 58
Mar 22, 2019
240 cannot be accepted without reservation.

The US CDC writes here (, that even though the risk for trichinella infection has substantially decreased, "the continued identification of cases related to both pork and nonpork sources indicates that public education about trichinellosis and the dangers of consuming raw or undercooked meat still is needed."

Level ∞
Mar 22, 2019
According to Wikipedia. "Between 2002 and 2007, 11 trichinosis cases were reported to the CDC each year on average in the United States; these were mostly the result of consuming undercooked game, or home-reared pigs (domestic transmission)".
Level ∞
Apr 12, 2019
So this creates an upper bound of 5 cases per year (and possibly zero) from eating commercially farmed pork. Your chances of getting Trichinosis from eating pork are far less than 1 in a billion.
Level 93
Jul 4, 2019
presumably the same pigs that gave rise to those cases were also consumed by others but were safe due to proper cooking. Advocating undercooking would make it much more likely every other serving of those pigs' meat plus all the previously well-cooked yet contaminated pork servings of other pigs transmit the disease.
Level 67
May 28, 2021
This!!! Let's start a petition to change fact #240
Level 70
Feb 19, 2022
Everybody knows that eating raw or undercooked pork is a risk, so anyone doing so does so at their peril. There are always those idiots in any population.
Level ∞
Feb 20, 2022
The fact isn't changing. There is virtually no risk for trichinosis, as stated by Wikipedia.

I reject the counter-claim that all pork is fully cooked. Surely a small percentage is not cooked to the requisite temperature. Certainly there are plenty of other food borne illnesses that result from improper handling of food. If there was a risk of trichinosis we would see it. But there's not, so we don't.

I am sorry that this fact challenges your outdated, preconceived, and parochial American notions. If you are worried about food safety, then maybe you should start worrying about raw oysters.

Don't know why this is making me rage so much, lol.

Level 57
Mar 16, 2024
don't rage, just ignore people and eat pork in the knowledge that you are completely safe
Level 72
Feb 23, 2022

Just because there is low level of trichinosis doesn't mean you go eating undercooked meat. There are still high risks of food poisoning through e. coli and toxoplasmosis, as well as taenia solium.

The "fact" reads like saying there is a low risk of contracting HIV from driving without a seatbelt, so feel free to drive around unsecured.

Level 58
Mar 22, 2019
Sources would be interesting. Some facts listed here induce further reading...
Level 67
Jan 15, 2020
Yup definitely ! Like i would like to undersand that damn 238
Level 53
Jan 26, 2020
Fish Point Provincial Nature Reserve, Ontario, CA is further south than Goose Lake, CA, USA.
Level 78
Feb 27, 2020
The southernmost point at Fish Point Provincial Nature Reserve is at 41.75 degrees north. The northernmost point in California is at 41.99 degrees north.
Level 75
Sep 7, 2020
California goes up to 42 deg north, there's even an international airport in Canada further south than that at 41 deg - Pelee Island! The whole island, not just that fish reserve, is further south than the tip of the CA border.
Level 66
Jan 1, 2024
Look at a map
Level 26
Dec 28, 2019
Regarding the tusk, you mean they don't come from unicorns, dang!
Level 69
Feb 25, 2020
196! Am I good or am i just lucky?

On a serious note, this quiz needs to be update to use North Macedonia and Eswatini. It is still showing the older names; Macedonia and Swaziland.

Level 67
Mar 4, 2020
I think you commented under the wrong page...
Level 47
Mar 28, 2020
Yeah i agree
Level 75
Sep 7, 2020
I've run some more tests and my results agree with your initial findings.
Level 74
Dec 11, 2020
#237 is pretty much common knowledge in Austria, since nearly every Emperor, King, Prince, Baron, Duke and whatnot had one hanging in their castle. So if you visit Austrian castles, chances are, you'll see a narwhal tusk and the tour guide will tell you: "Guys, you know they used to think these came from ..." Everyone: "... unicorns? Yeah we've heard that before, tell us something new!"
Level 38
Apr 19, 2021
i think humans were aound way longer because of Adam and eve, sooo
Level 67
May 28, 2021
Level 70
Oct 7, 2021
'EytanMelech' wins the 'Golden Nitpick' award for May 2021. Congratulations.