Even Split Game

Created by Stewart
In this game, your goal is to evenly split items into two given categories as fast as you can:
  • You must divide the given items equally between the two presented categories by dragging and dropping into the correct category.
  • Some items may fit in both categories, but the items must be evenly split correctly to win the round.
  • There are 3 difficulty levels: Easy, Medium or Hard. Each shows a different number of items.
In just 2 minutes, how many rounds can you evenly split?
Select Topic:
Select Difficulty:

Final Score: 0
Best Score: 0

Round 1
Category 1
Category 2
104 Recent Comments
Level 63
Feb 24, 2020
Annoying that I Cannot play on the iPad
Level 68
Feb 24, 2020
Sorry for that, initial problems! We're fixing this at the moment. Thanks

Edit: This should be fixed now, thanks!

Level 46
Jul 1, 2024
Using my finger on a touchscreen computer doesn't seem to work
Level 68
Jul 2, 2024
Try going to mobile version of the webpage (link is at the bottom of the page)
Level 71
Feb 25, 2020
Im playing on tablet and it worked fine. :)

Stressfull a timer with unlimited questions haha. Was good fun :) (the easy was quite doable, toughest one I got was double flag colours, blue and white..)

Level 71
Feb 25, 2020
Only point of critique: I continuously keep misclicking (tapping), because as soon as you click an answer, the others huddle to the middle, and Im clicking where the word was a microsecond before. So the faster I want to go, the slower I am, cant click two fast after eachother (cause you are clicking in air or you have caught an answer you didnt want).

Still fun though, and if it cant get altered, I'll just have to retrain my brain ;) and wait for the words to have "reshuffled".

Level 71
Feb 25, 2020
Plus, I keep wanting to drag and drop, but that is my own issue haha. Aswell as selecting two, putting them in the right spot, and waiting for the next question, because I think the others by default belong to the other group (hope this makes sense in english).

I think I need to do this quiz a few more times to get my habits out ;) (did it 3 times and every time the same things happen haha, dragging, misclicking, waiting)

Level 68
Feb 25, 2020
Thanks for the comments! I'll take a look into seeing if I can prevent the reshuffling each time (this is done with CSS, so might be tricky to implement). The drag-drop only works on Desktop due to the funky way JavaScript wants to do drag-and-drop on mobile. Due to this mobile/tablet only work via tapping-to-select.
Level 71
Feb 25, 2020
Yea I suspected it would be difficult to not have the words "recentering". And ow do you cán drag and drop on computer?? I wanted to try this on comp before, but now even more haha, that would make an even huger difference.

(Jetpunk should have two scoring systems, one for pc/laptop users and one for phone/tablet users ;) just kidding it is all about the fun, eventhough there is a massive difference (I noticed when I see old comments of myself saying there is plenty of time, and when redoing them on tablet cant get halfway through :) I think for 2 mins on pc I take 3 mins on tablet (this one is extremely sensitive to typos )

Level 67
Feb 25, 2020
This is a really great game. I so appreciate that JetPunk is finding new styles of games while retaining its clean and accessible interface. It's one of the reasons I love this site and continue to white-list it.
Level 68
Feb 25, 2020
Thanks so much! I tried my best to ensure it fit JetPunk's style, as to not make it feel out of place :)
Level 68
Jul 22, 2020
You did a great job, Stewart. :)
Level 71
Feb 25, 2020
Woohoo I got 11 on hard, on tablet :D never expected to make the leaderboard (especially with me playing clumsily, and know nothing about elevation and only about 8 flags.. Luckily I do know a bit about size and location :) ).

I better enjoy it while it lasts haha (wish I had a functioning computer though.. now I wanna improve, I have never cared about time other quizzes, but here it matters.)

Level 71
Mar 17, 2020
Have sort of functioning log from caveman times now haha. It is 3,5 kilo!
Level 57
May 8, 2024
Dang bro I got 11 on easy :(
Level 50
Feb 25, 2020
Damn got 8 on mobile. Not bad fun quiz
Level 48
Feb 25, 2020
Actually I kinda forgot at the moment I'm Wrinting this comment ;D But I think that there's some countries that could fit in both categories. An example could be Comoros, I put it in countries with less than 5 million people, (With two others who also had less) but it didn't accept that. So I put it in the other, first then it got accepted. It was on easy btw
Level 68
Feb 25, 2020
Yes some items fit in both categories, as mentioned in the description. These are accepted for both, but you have to have an even split! So if you have an even split and it doesn't work, then you might have to move one of the items that fit both as you'll have another which is wrong.

It can be a little complicated at first, but it adds a little more challenge!

Level 71
Feb 25, 2020
Really stressful, but very fun!
Level 68
Feb 25, 2020
Level 71
Feb 25, 2020
Wow, great game Stewart!! On Countries Easy I managed to get 29 on mobile.
Level 68
Feb 25, 2020
Thanks! Very impressive score as well :D
Level 62
Feb 25, 2020
Unfortunately, it doesn't work on my iMac.
Level 68
Feb 25, 2020
Which browser? It works fine for me on my iMac on Safari, Chrome and Firefox.
Level 62
Mar 20, 2020
google chrome v 49.0.2623.112
Level 59
Feb 25, 2020
I was first on medium countries for a while but overnight my score was beaten by a lot :(
Level 49
Feb 26, 2020
Kinda addicting not gonna lie xD
Level 71
Feb 26, 2020
I think that only the user’s best score should be on the leaderboard, because right now on Countries Easy, 4 out of the top 5 rankings on the leaderboard today are from the same person...
Level 68
Feb 26, 2020
I think this discourages replays, but I'll think about it. After all, the scoreboard resets daily anyway. Also we're in very early days, so it's possible these scores can be beaten in the future.
Level 71
Apr 11, 2020
How would it discourage replays?? The opposite makes more sense imo.
Level 49
Feb 26, 2020

Honestly, I tried lots of attempts because I was so close to beating the 1st place on the leaderboard so it ends up spamming the daily leaderboard.

And I think more player will do the very same in the future, so I think the feature is good for the leaderboard itself.

Level 68
Feb 26, 2020
Thanks for the feedback. I'll look into it and see if it's easy to add in. P.s. well done on getting such high scores across the board anyway!
Level 63
Feb 29, 2020
I completely agree. It's more exciting and inclusive.
Level 68
Jun 20, 2020
This has now been added in!
Level 71
Jun 28, 2020
Nice to see that :)
Level 30
Feb 27, 2020
How you make it even stewart
Level 45
Feb 28, 2020
On my phone, I cannot drag them. It simply scrolls the page (Android FF)
Level 68
Feb 29, 2020
I've mentioned this before and the instructions change accordingly, on mobile dragging doesn't work so you need to tap on an answer to select, then tap where you want it to go.
Level 45
Feb 29, 2020
Ah - turns out the issue was that I had request desktop site on for other quizzes.
Level 59
Feb 28, 2020
Am I doing some mistakes or the game doesn't works properly in Android?
Level 68
Feb 29, 2020
I've mentioned this before and the instructions change accordingly, on mobile dragging doesn't work so you need to tap on an answer to select, then tap where you want it to go.
Level 59
Mar 11, 2020
Thanks a lot (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
Level 86
Mar 1, 2020
Very cool. Have wondered if another minigame was going to be added ever.
Level 67
Mar 2, 2020
Round 18, first try. Not bad?
Level 71
Mar 17, 2020
35 really? that is a bit more than 3 seconds per answer, so less than a second per drag. Ok I wanted to say that seems impossible, but I guess with a mouse perhaps, with touchpad, it doesnt seem very feasible. (or maybe it is jsut this one, it is tiny and wait for it... round... so constantly have to readjust, because I cant go up anymore. And the buttons you need to press as hard as an old typewriter haha. Emergency laptop from 2007/2008).

I find anything above 20 rather impressive :)

Level 63
Mar 25, 2020
I got 34 with trackpad, I think 36 is reasonable but any higher would be tough
Level 71
Mar 28, 2020
I don’t know if you’re aware of this but North Macedonia recently joined NATO.
Level 68
Mar 28, 2020
Fixed thanks!
Level 28
Apr 7, 2020
My record is 10
Level 65
Jun 12, 2020
how do you create one?
Level 68
Jun 12, 2020
This is not available to users, unfortunately. It's only possible to implement directly in the code itself, which is impossible for anybody not working for JetPunk.
Level 69
Jun 16, 2020
I got 7 in easy mode, lets go check out hard mode
Level 69
Jun 16, 2020
I got 7 again on the hard mode
Level 71
Jun 17, 2020
Will there ever be any other topics, like National Capitals, Cities, or US Presidents?
Level 68
Jun 17, 2020
Collecting the data for it can be quite time confusing, as well as finding interesting yet plausible topics. I will probably end up making some more topics at some point, but right now I'm focused on major site updates instead :)
Level 71
Jun 28, 2020
Time confusing hehe, I had a giggle at that one ^^ (And instantly my nerdy/geeky brain takes me to timeparadoxes, movies about time, and all sort of strange and philosophical things about time)

But as a concept it actually seems to exist, a lot of things are time confusing, when on certain sites for instance, suddenly you seem to have fast forwarded in time, and when you are somewhere boring, time seems to have frozen..

I think time itself gets confused a lot and forgot how fast or slow it was supposed to flow. (Ow my! Now I have gotten poetic aswell!)

Level 72
Aug 10, 2020
Are people using hotkeys for this quiz, or am I just slow with my mouse? Some quizzes I'm on a roll and get them all quickly on the first try, and I'm still only getting low 20s.
Level 86
Aug 14, 2020
Optimal strategy seems to be keeping the mouse moving at all times. I focus on a very easy category (i.e countries from a continent) and sort countries one by one which is usually enough and requires minimal thinking. I find it quicker to switch 1 country if I get a 3-1/4-2 split than to stop and think for all.
Level 43
Sep 23, 2020
Maybe you do a Stop Game?
Level 71
Oct 28, 2020
I can’t believe that I am still on the All-Time Leaderboard for US States - Hard.

Also btw, the top user This Week on US States Hard has an inappropriate name.

Level 68
Oct 28, 2020
Thanks, this has been fixed. And congrats on your standings on that leaderboard :)
Level 75
Nov 3, 2020
So cool :)
Level 44
Dec 23, 2020
Level 51
Dec 31, 2020
Super fun!
Level 31
Jan 2, 2021
I got 18 on easy and I am 9
Level 63
Nov 19, 2021
same but i'm only 3 months old and i've never seen a map in my life
Level 66
Apr 22, 2021
Can you please have a give up button.
Level 46
May 9, 2021
Not sure if mentioned: One of the clues is "Countries with 30 million people" which is misleading. It actually should state "Countries with greater than 30 million people"
Level 68
May 9, 2021
This is intentionally done, the clues have to be short enough to fit in nicely. I don't think it's misleading because it's unreasonable to expect a country to have exactly 30 million.
Level 60
Jan 24, 2023
All months have 28 days
Level 65
May 30, 2021
Damn my mouse was stucked!
Level 2
Jul 19, 2021
molto divertente pero aggiungete un po di tempo
Level 65
Aug 5, 2021
Using the touch-screen computer didn't work,

I had to use the mouse. Could you fix that Stewart?

Level 68
Aug 6, 2021
I've tried before and it's unfixable, there's no way to know whether a user has a touchscreen computer or not. The only way around is to view the site in mobile mode (click button at bottom of page) as then you can tap to select, and tap to drop instead of dragging
Level 29
Nov 17, 2021
this is tupid
Level 69
Dec 13, 2021
If you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything

- Probably some smart guy a long time ago

Also, you are eleven. Stewart is older, much more experienced, and definitely nicer. Please try not to be so rude next time to people you don't even know on the Internet.

Level 63
Nov 19, 2021
Level 73
Nov 23, 2021
Since the Afghan flag has been changed to the Talibani flag, I believe it shouldn't be included in the "countries with green flag" category now.
Level 68
Nov 25, 2021
This is now fixed, thank you.
Level 73
Nov 26, 2021
Thanks! This game is so addicting! I am currently ranked the highest of this week in all three difficulty modes. :)
Level 61
Dec 7, 2021
Barbados has left the Commonwealth- Please update :)
Level 68
Dec 7, 2021
Barbados is no longer under Queen Elizabeth II rule, but has chosen to remain in the commonwealth.
Level 69
Dec 13, 2021
This game is quite stressful haha

It's pretty annoying when you're doing well on Medium or Hard, and then suddenly there's one question that you can't seem to figure out, and you have to try every possible combination, until the timer finally runs out. Lovely minigame, though, with a great UI. 5/5

Just curious, are you planning on making any new minigames in the near future?

Level 68
Dec 13, 2021
Thank you for all the nice comments :)

And maybe! Most minigames were expected, and it just depends on if we have the time to work on them :)

Level 69
Dec 13, 2021
Oh okay, no pressure; it's just how all the current ones are so great, it's a shame that there are only four :)

But I'm sure you have a life outside of JetPunk, so I'll be patient. They also must take a long time to make... given that I only have minimal experience with coding (only a few month's worth of Khan Academy Javascript), I can't imagine how much time would go into even one "mini"game!

Level 68
Dec 13, 2021
Yeah they're all pretty enjoyable :)

And yeah, I have a full time job outside JetPunk, so only get to work on it in my "spare" time, which is often lacking nowadays.

I would say Even Split took about a week to make, Geo Snap maybe 2 weeks. Not sure on the other two as Quizmaster made them!

Level 34
Mar 12, 2022
Level 56
Apr 1, 2022
Very fun! After about a month of trying, I have finally reached the All-Time leaderboards! :D
Level 27
May 11, 2022
legend boy
Level 37
Jun 12, 2022
22- I liked it and I love this site; I will continue to look through the comments tho😂
Level 36
Jul 26, 2022
nice minigame
Level 52
Sep 18, 2022
You should make "find the mystery country with hints" in a mini-game, then it is easier to find it.
Level 17
Sep 20, 2022
My screen froze up on me when I was on track for about 20
Level 25
Oct 22, 2022
⚠️i think it was written « Countries with green on their flags » and Italy was not in that category
Level 68
Oct 23, 2022
It may have been accepted in both categories. For Easy mode there is often overlap between the two categories, meaning a country may belong to both categories shown. As long as you get to a state where the answers are divided into two groups, and each group successfully matches its category, then that's all that matters.
Level 47
Mar 26, 2023
It's really slow on a press down and drag touchpad
Level 40
May 25, 2023
Yeah, would be way easier with touchscreen.
Level 59
May 24, 2023
Wow, really fun! I got 10
Level 40
May 25, 2023
Woah, thought I did really bad but ended up in the weekly top!
Level 26
Jul 22, 2023
You wrote "Rwanda" for Ruanda.

But very nice Minigame!

Level 68
Jul 22, 2023
Because in English it is spelled Rwanda.
Level 33
Oct 8, 2023
Great job Stewart.. I can spend hours playing this game.. Good motive. I am hoping for more minigames to come!!
Level 44
Mar 3, 2024
The drag and drop is terrible in this game
Level 15
May 10, 2024