Statistics for meiosis

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  • This quiz has been taken 18 times
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If mitosis results in 2 identical diploid cells with 46 chromosomes in each then meiosis results in 4 haploid gametes meaning they have .. chromosomes each.23
what stage of interphase occurs in mitosis but not in meiosis ?G2
during anaphase 1 are chromatids or chromosomes pulled to poles of the cell ?chromosomes
what is the name of the point on two chromatids where crossing over occurschiasmata
what is the name for the end of a chromosome ?telomere
during the .........phase of prophase 1 the synaptonemal complex breaks downdiplotene
another name for interphase II, the break between meiosis 1 and meiosis 2 is ...........interkinesis
what is the name of the phase of prophase 1 where homologous recombination occurs via crossing overpachytene
during the first phase of prophase 1 ( leptonene ) what is the name of the protein that glues the two sister chromatids together once they have been copied ?synaptonemal complex
what is the name of the phase of prophase 1 where the two copies of the chromatid from the father and the two copies of the chromatid from the mother line up and join via the contromere. II~II ?zygotene

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