
Countries Bordering India

Can you name the 6 countries that share a land border with India?
Areas actually controlled by India only
Not including any theoretical border on Adam's Bridge
Quiz by LBA
Last updated: November 1, 2018
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First submittedJuly 20, 2012
Times taken131,463
Average score100.0%
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4,053 km
3,380 km
2,912 km
1,690 km
1,463 km
605 km
Level 43
Sep 17, 2014
finished in 3:49
Level 32
Aug 6, 2016
Almost missed Myanmar
Level 21
May 24, 2021
Level 44
May 29, 2023
Level 23
Dec 15, 2017
Level 60
Nov 25, 2019
Level 55
Mar 16, 2024
Level 20
Aug 29, 2020
Yo why are u putting reddits out
Level 59
Apr 28, 2023
Level 65
Oct 30, 2019
Level 39
Aug 3, 2021
I finished in 21 seconds.
Level 31
Apr 19, 2022
Level 41
Jun 11, 2022
Level 49
Jun 11, 2022
Level 20
Aug 7, 2022
There is 6 words which means you would of been writing 1 word per 1.33333333333 seconds, i may be wrong but that is technically impossible.
Level 36
Sep 19, 2022
well actually those words are 39 characters in total,(If you type in Burma), which means in two seconds if you type at 240 wpm (if you consider 5 characters = one word), so 8 seconds is totally possible
Level 59
Apr 28, 2023
60 wpm
Level 45
Dec 11, 2022
7 seconds
Level 28
Dec 14, 2022
i did it in 4 seconds lol
Level 22
Apr 25, 2023
lol, 23 seconds here
Level 49
Jan 28, 2022
I finished in 0:09 seconds
Level 28
May 25, 2022
Level 91
Nov 16, 2015
I like the high tide qualifier. Just before a tsunami you can walk to Sri Lanka
Level 92
Nov 17, 2015
If you walk really fast, and don't mind getting hit by said tsunami, I suppose...
Level 53
Nov 30, 2015
Up until 1480 Sri Lanka was reachable by foot.
Level 62
Nov 30, 2015
No kidding? That's amazing.
Level 56
Dec 3, 2015
so you could paddle there? in theory?
Level 51
Mar 21, 2017
It still is...if you learn how to drive a boat with your feet, that is.
Level 37
Oct 25, 2023
Level 66
Apr 10, 2017
So does this mean that at 9:00 AM on December 26th 2004 you could walk to Sri Lanka?
Level 72
May 21, 2017
Level 41
Dec 2, 2017
No it was a 15th century tsunami.
Level 89
Oct 9, 2018
Nothing like a leisurely stroll.
Level 71
Sep 12, 2019
No cheeselweesel... not unless you have a time machine, to go back in time a few centuries..
Level 56
Nov 29, 2015
This was educational. I tried to visualise the map, and so didn't include Burma. Didn't realise that Indian territory stretched over the northern limit of Bangladesh to border with Burma.And to be honest, Bhutan was a guess!
Level 56
Nov 29, 2015
If anyone is wondering how the border with Bangladesh is so long even though Bangladesh seems small, here's the answer: Hundreds of enclaves and exclaves remaining from the Partition of India in 1947.
Level 67
Nov 29, 2015
Yup. Including one very special enclave within an enclave.
Level 58
Nov 30, 2015
Actually, those aren't even that special. Until earlier this year there was an enclave within an enclave within an enclave - that one was unique (but now ceded from India to Bangladesh).
Level 72
May 21, 2017
Level 43
Aug 29, 2020
Think there is one of those on the Oman UAE border as well.
Level 74
Jul 23, 2021
thats just an enclave in an enclave
Level 34
Mar 8, 2022
I think they solved those a couple of years ago luckily. Which is good for the people living there.
Level 84
Jun 11, 2022
This is correct. All the enclaves are gone and the border is now simplified.
Level 16
Dec 13, 2022
only bangladesh was left for me, and i gave up, when i saw bangladesh had the longest border i remembered it had those
Level 66
Nov 29, 2015
Done with 01:27 left.
Level 58
Dec 23, 2016
and your wpm please?
Level 66
Nov 29, 2015
Thank you for the easy 5 stars :-)
Level 52
Dec 4, 2015
Darnit! Quizzes like this are usually in alphabetical order which helps me at times. Crafty curveball.
Level 69
Jan 2, 2017
It's not like it was random; they were obviously in decreasing order by length of border.
Level 49
Feb 8, 2016
Somehow forgot China, but still finished with 1:17.
Level 58
Mar 23, 2017
So you didn't forget China after all then?
Level 69
Aug 20, 2017
Probably gave up
Level 71
Sep 12, 2019
There is something called remembering, just because I forget your name today, does not mean I will never ever be able to kno what it is anymore
Level 31
Apr 4, 2016
Finished With 0.59 Seconds Left
Level 58
Dec 2, 2017
Dang! I didn't know JetPunk started doing fractions of seconds remaining. Are you on a Beta or something?
Level 58
May 20, 2017
"Borders at high tide only" LOL!
Level 56
Jul 11, 2017
The embarrassing moment when you forget China...
Level 61
Nov 4, 2017
Finished with 1:14 to spare
Level 78
Dec 2, 2017
A little redundant to have Countries of East Asia & Countries that border India together on the same day.
Level 6
Apr 4, 2018
Easy, had well over a minute left (1:17)
Level 55
Jan 1, 2019
1:19 left. Easy
Level 70
Feb 26, 2019
There are two sorts of people on Jetpunk, 1) those that have some knowledge and like to try and learn and test themselves and 2) Those that are really good typists and want the world to know just how quick they can type and constantly boast about their typing speed......
Level 82
Aug 18, 2019
and 3) those that feel bad about themselves for some reason and interpret every harmless comment that others leave as boasting and cause to take personal offense.
Level 40
Jun 11, 2022
At a particular monastery on a certain day of the year one monk was allowed to break his vow of silence and speak.

The first monk said he did not like the pea soup.

A year later the second monk said he did like the pea soup.

A year goes by till the third monk is allowed to speak. He asks to be transfered to another monestary. Because he can not stand the constant bickering.

Level 84
Dec 16, 2022
and 4) those who grind the site constantly to maximize their total level (couldn't be me)
Level 68
Feb 26, 2019
I did this in like 10 seconds.
Level 68
Feb 26, 2019
Fun quiz.
Level 63
Feb 26, 2019
Got them all with 1:16 remaining at 7:09:16 PM on February 26, 2019. I was pleased to get five more points from this quiz.
Level 77
May 23, 2020
My mother's birthday! (the date, not the year)
Level 47
Jun 10, 2019
Finished with 1:15 left yay!
Level 27
Oct 8, 2019
just easy.countries myanmar bangladesh nepal bhutan pakistan


Level 45
Apr 8, 2020
This is the easiest quiz ever
Level 20
Apr 10, 2020
India shares border with afghanistan. It lies in POK though.
Level 23
May 15, 2020
No it doesn't border with Afghanistan
Level 43
Aug 29, 2020
There is a small piece of territory in Kashmir, North West of Sost that borders Afghanistan, along the Wakhan Corridor, that is claimed by India (even though it is governed by Pakistan), so technically India wants to have a border with Afghanistan but doesn't.
Level 60
Aug 29, 2020
The Line of Control does not touch Afghanistan.
Level 58
Aug 29, 2020
It doesn't, but it should
Level 50
May 23, 2020
How many countries you dislike do you border?

India: yes

Level 56
Jul 19, 2020
I thought India borders Sri Lanka?
Level 59
Aug 29, 2020
sri lanka is an island mate
Level 92
Aug 29, 2020
So is the UK, but it borders Spain at Gibraltar. Sri Lanka is made up of many islands, including some in a chain called Adam's Bridge, which stretches towards India. It is sometimes claimed that there is a border between India and Sri Lanka across one of those islands.
Level 60
Aug 30, 2020
The UK doesn't border Spain, Gibraltar is not part of the UK.
Level 43
Nov 19, 2021
yeah, it is
Level 81
Apr 21, 2022
The UK has more of a parental ownership of Gibraltar. It is independent in the way that Puerto Rico is of the United States. If you told someone that you owned a car, nobody's gonna think that the car is a part of you.
Level 67
Jun 11, 2022
Tell that to the Autobots.
Level 44
Aug 29, 2020
Countries bothering India
Level 36
Jan 12, 2022
Hey, I am from India don't say that
Level 35
Mar 27, 2021
Add Afghanistan.
Level 48
Apr 30, 2021
Nice quiz
Level 48
Apr 30, 2021
Also India does not border Afghanistan
Level 36
Feb 24, 2022
It does (According to Indian Government)
Level 66
Sep 17, 2023
The Indian government is wrong...
Level 27
Jun 2, 2021
Guys I am currently at 22 this is my second account my first account is at level 87
Level 29
Jul 23, 2021
1:17 left :D
Level 36
Jan 12, 2022
1:21 left :D
Level 36
Jan 12, 2022
Doesn't Jammu and Kashmir border Afghanistan? I'm from India and I know everything about India
Level 46
Apr 1, 2022
certainly agreed
Level 56
Jun 11, 2022
It does not border the parts actually controlled by India. It borders Gilgit-Baltistan which India claims is under POK (Pakistan occupied Kashmir)
Level 46
Apr 1, 2022
Afghanistan is definitely a bordering country as Jammu & Kashmir is always considered FULLY part of India
Level 81
Apr 21, 2022
"Always"? Since when? Sounds like a bit of nationalism to me.
Level 22
Jun 11, 2022
uhhhhhhh... i think you forgot afganistan?
Level 25
Jun 11, 2022
Jetpunk Recognizes Jammu and Kashmir Belonging to Pakistan
Level 56
Jun 12, 2022
No. Just the 'POK'. Which you know, has never been controlled by the 'Republic of India'. Ever
Level 15
Jan 1, 2023
Easy test, finished in 36 seconds.
Level 61
Feb 19, 2023
6/6 i got me
Level 25
Sep 15, 2023
Easy first try
Level 42
Apr 21, 2024
12 seconds