
Foods in a Full English Breakfast

Name all the foods served in a traditional English breakfast.
According to the English Breakfast Society
Answers are in no particular order
Quiz by Raz07
Last updated: September 10, 2018
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First submittedJune 6, 2018
Times taken66,762
Average score75.0%
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Back bacon
Baked beans
Fried tomato
Fried mushrooms
Fried bread / Toasted bread
Black pudding
101 Recent Comments
Level 85
Jun 10, 2018
I'm glad the English Breakfast that British Air served me skipped the beans and black pudding.
Level 83
Jun 10, 2018
But black pudding is the best bit!
Level 72
Jun 10, 2018
No beans?!?!? They hold it all together, otherwise it's a plate of nice but slightly dry, random bits.
Level 85
Jun 12, 2018
Maybe they decided that beans and airplanes don't mix, even in the name of authenticity.
Level 87
Jun 11, 2018
Be glad it didn't include WHITE pudding, which is even more... er... stomach-turning
Level 56
Jun 11, 2018
what is white pudding?
Level 79
Jun 11, 2018
So foreign that it should be eaten only once a week on any visit to Scotland, and with the same regularity on any visit to Northern Ireland.
Level 70
Jun 17, 2018
White pudding used to be 'liver Sausage' but sometimes people add pork meat to the liver and even oats to the recipe.
Level 75
Oct 8, 2018
Sounds a lot like scrapple.
Level 66
Feb 25, 2021
A white pudding in Scotland is mainly oatmeal - no blood products etc., and it is more like a stuffing. Often served in fish and chip shops, battered, the white pud is a fine addition to many savoury meals, but not the full English breakfast, or even the Full Scottish for that matter.
Level 79
Feb 26, 2021
Yeah black and white pudding mostly seem to come as a pair here in NI. I didnt really know that the rest of the country didnt have white pudding before this tbh. We also have potato (and soda) bread which most don't.
Level 79
Jun 10, 2018
Some historical accounts suggest that "The Full English" was the reason for creating the NHS.
Level 81
Jun 10, 2018
Too England-centric.
Level 89
Jun 11, 2018
Too breakfast-centric.
Level 66
Oct 7, 2018
HAHAHAHA PCT like it! Plus it makes up for all the baseball, Montana's greatest moments and biggest cities in outer Nebraska we have to endure!
Level 73
Jun 11, 2018
I got 6/8 just from reading books set in England. However, the thing I'm most delighted to learn is that there's an English Breakfast Society. This is one of the most British/English things I've read.
Level 76
Aug 17, 2018
I got five by adding the food items in Irish breakfast. They probably don't have such a society.
Level 82
Oct 7, 2018
That's why they never had an empire, probably.
Level 79
Jun 11, 2018
I have been serving full English to a large group of friends one morning a year or over 20 years, but have never served fried bread. I is celebrated in many households, but is a step too close to diabetes for me. I have to date no complaints.
Level 79
Oct 7, 2018
But it can be the best bit. You don't need to douse it in fat - just a little to turn the outside a really crisp golden brown.
Level 75
Oct 8, 2018
Eating fried bread once a year won't bring you to the brink of diabetes.
Level 78
Jan 27, 2019
Depends what else they're eating !
Level 45
Feb 11, 2024
I would say fried bread is definitely more traditional than toast. My Nan always cooked fried bread with her cooked breakfast (all 8 ingredients the same as those listed - guess that’s why I got 8 out of 8). It was easier to just fry the bread in the pan after cooking than toasting the bread. (She didn’t have a toaster so done toast one side at a time when we had beans on toast for lunch under the oven grill). This was back in the 1970s.
Level 81
Jun 13, 2018
Any fellow cold baked bean eaters here?
Level 82
Jun 13, 2018
Level 66
Oct 7, 2018
haha! Here here mrnafe
Level 68
Oct 8, 2018
NO! Just no.
Level 70
Jun 17, 2018
Add a cup of hot / strong tea and I'm in.
Level 77
Oct 7, 2018
Tomato and mushroom, very nice. Meanwhile in our USA: 'Can I get a burger with no veggies?'
Level 89
Oct 7, 2018
Burger with no vegetables? You mean hold the ketchup?
Level 62
Oct 9, 2018
Onion?, Tomato?, Lettuce?, Pickles?
Level 82
Oct 7, 2018
what are you even talking about? Have you seen English food? Or an English breakfast? Looks like the greasy contents of a tipped over rubbish bin. Tastes about how you would imagine based on that description. And feels the same way while working its way through your digestive track. Meanwhile I've never known any Americans to order a hamburger for breakfast; and Baconator aside, rarely seen any burgers served later than breakfast without vegetables. Making myself a lovely fluffy omelette with chorizo, sundried tomatoes and pesto as I type this..
Level 70
Oct 7, 2018
Hmm... Not really sure what you mean generally by English food. If you specifically mean a full English breakfast then yes it is not very healthy. I don't eat the typical English diet by any means, but I'm just wondering if most of what people eat in England you would consider "English". We tend to eat a pretty wide range from different cuisines. Can't really think what you mean by "the greasy contents of a ripped over rubbish bin", if there's anything specific other than a Full English you would describe this way I'd be interested to hear it. Clearly though the idea that people eat burgers for breakfast in the USA is an exaggeration.
Level 82
Oct 8, 2018
That's true I've had great food in London it's just not usually what is thought of as traditionally English food.

Though when I have guests visit from overseas here and we go out to eat Thai food and Korean BBQ and pizza and sushi and Pho and Lebanese mezze and maybe some Cajun then I ask how they like American food they'll look confused and say we didn't have any American food.

I'll reply, of course we did, everything we ate was American. What does it matter if it was made originally by Italian or German or French immigrants in the 1800s, or by Asian or African or Arab immigrants more recently than that? It's all American now... and much like, for example, chicken tikka masala was first made in Scotland and is technically Scottish... all of the food you eat in the US regardless of who is making it, it still has an American twist and character.

Level 47
Oct 10, 2018
As a Brit who has just returned from a trip to the US - I enjoyed the breakfast there, although it was definitely inferior to a British one. Apart from breakfast, the food I have eaten in the US is not great - I've been a few times now, and keep thinking I am just eating in the wrong places or something, but I keep finding the same thing. There is some great beer there though. I am trying to be impartial - but based on my experience British food is superior to US food
Level 58
Jul 11, 2019
i think the thing is because a pretty much all of the food is modified a lot more recently than those from other countries and so is linked much more strongly with the other country still, therefore it doesn't really feel american which in many ways is an important factor in it being food from america. Anyway i disagree that just a small change makes it from the country, i think it has to go through a significant change to make it not that recognisable from the original product, e.g. pizza being drastically difficult to how it was in italy. If you count every small thing as being a new dish, then suddenly you lose the meaning of food being from a country as there becomes so many that are from said country. (Apologies for wording it so badly, but i can't be assed to change it)
Level 82
Jan 29, 2020
One downfall of being a tourist anywhere is that you don't always know where the good places to eat are unless you do some research or have a local to show you around.
Level 81
Mar 2, 2021
The English Breakfast Society sounds like a self-appointed body which holds absolutely zero authority. I am English and I don't eat what is called a "Traditional English Breakfast". But, occasionally I do like a plate populated by couple of fried eggs, 2 x grilled back bacon, slightly charred at the edges, 2 x good quality sausages, mushrooms lightly fried in a little butter, and toast. Baked beans are a fine nutritious food, but they ruin a breakfast for me. Black pudding and white pudding, again, fine food items, but not in my breakfast thanks. I might include a grilled tomato. The two other important items are 1. the condiment, which is, naturally, HP Sauce, and optional, and 2. the accompanying drink, which is of course hot strong tea, either English Breakfast blend, or Assam. I am convinced that if I presented this to you as I make it, you would be very happy, possibly even the curmudgeonly (certainly on this subject) kalbahamut.
Level ∞
Mar 2, 2021
How dare you impugn the authority of the English Breakfast Society!
Level 81
Jul 11, 2023
Level 45
Feb 8, 2024
American breakfasts include things like pancake with syrup on the same plate as bacon and egg. Really, really weird. The thing you can't convey about an English breakfast is the taste of good British Bacon,
Level 75
Oct 8, 2018
I know no one who eats burgers for breakfast, with or without veggies, but sausage and biscuits, Egg McMuffins, or ham and cheese croissants are popular here, which are worse IMO. Since I developed an egg allergy I usually eat a small salad, bowl of soup, or leftovers, or I occasionally join my husband in his usual breakfast of deer sausage, fresh side pork, tomatoes, and fried peppers - all from our farm. Would that make his a "half English"? (We used to enjoy fried mushrooms with it, too, until I had a bad reaction to a hen-of-the-woods and we stopped gathering them.) BTW, last week at his annual checkup the doctor said my husband was the healthiest patient he'd seen in weeks, but that's probably due more to the exercise he gets while growing or hunting our food.
Level 56
Aug 20, 2019
sorry thats not even half English although it does sound good
Level 81
Mar 25, 2024
yes, it does all sound good :)
Level 65
Oct 7, 2018
Please include "Antacid" as the final ingredient.
Level 68
Oct 8, 2018
Mushrooms has the lowest score yet it was the first answer I wrote! My English mum cooks a great English breakfast, but we would never have it for breakfast, rather for dinner.
Level 57
Oct 10, 2018
I am frustrated that there is no mention of devilled kidneys
Level 77
Oct 10, 2018
I've stayed at a B&B in the north-east of England that served a large lettuce leaf as part of its full English breakfast. My father insisted it was for decoration; I ate it. The B&B was run by Danes, to be fair.
Level 68
Oct 10, 2018
I think rashers should be accepted for bacon
Level 49
Oct 11, 2018
Hate hash browns! Mind you, I think it's probably because ive only ever had the frozen ones which are awful
Level 45
Feb 8, 2024
It's really hard to find good hash browns even in North America (Brit here living in Canada). It can be hard to find a good breakfast place that does nicely seasoned hashbrowns - places like Denny's, IHop etc all seem to use unseasoned frozen hashbrowns - just potatoes and grease with no taste. Not nice.
Level 17
Oct 21, 2018
Being British, this is so easy!
Level 68
Nov 9, 2018
So I'm guessing haggis and black pudding are not the same thing.
Level 70
Nov 11, 2018
Definitely not.
Level 47
Mar 4, 2019
No tea? This list is invalid.
Level 70
Jan 16, 2020
That's a drink.
Level 66
Feb 25, 2021
Tea is so much more than just a drink. It is the only drink which has caused wars and won wars. Tea is an essential part of the Full English breakfast and the Brits are quite particular about their national beverage. Serve a bad cuppa to a Brit and they may report you to the constabulary, and rightly so.
Level 60
Feb 7, 2024
I would like to introduce you to the Whisky War.
Level 18
Feb 26, 2021
hello from usa: i rememeber when we fought over tea
Level 18
Feb 26, 2021
I was thinkin that too.... NO TEA?
Level 61
Jan 13, 2020
Missing liver and kidney? Both good components of a fry up but both seem to have disappeared in this modern world
Level 45
Feb 11, 2024
Not for breakfast though surely. Lunch or dinner then it becomes a mixed grill.
Level 73
Jan 16, 2020
No English muffins?
Level 45
Feb 8, 2024
I think English Muffins are a North American thing. I never encountered them in the UK. And certainly not served at breakfast.
Level 44
Jan 16, 2020
Where's my hash browns? Ruined my day, cheers.
Level 42
Jan 21, 2020
Baked beans have no place in a traditional English breakfast. Unless you're serving children of course.
Level 87
Jan 21, 2020
That's fighting talk: beans are the anchor of the Full English! They can be badly deployed with too many, or leaking everywhere, but that doesn't stop them being a key background player, without which the dish falls apart. As for tradition, they've been a fully standardised part of the meal for over 110 years now and had long since been something common (though probably in a form more akin to pease porridge), but not ubiquitous as they have been since.
Level 67
May 28, 2022
I think people should eat whatever they like for breakfast - children though? You're definitely over the line there :)
Level 70
Jan 21, 2020
Full Scottish is much better.

Tattie scone is a million times better than a hash brown.

Level 87
Jan 21, 2020
Nothing is better than a hash brown. Hence why it's not on the list of things in a Full English - having nothing instead is an improvement! ;)

The various extras that Celtic nations add are all good - especially the potato things: bread, cakes (which are not the same as hashed potatoes), or scones. I will say that perhaps the Scots go overboard by having up to half a dozen type of sausage-type things (link, square, black pudding, white pudding, haggis and fruit pudding)

Level 35
Jan 21, 2020
i work in a café and we serve black pudding and hashbrown in our full english
Level 89
Jan 29, 2020
I have never in my life understood why you're supposed to eat only certain foods for breakfast, but absolutely anything imaginable the rest of the day, including "breakfast food". Go out to eat before 10 or 11 A.M. and the variety is paltry and boringly redundant. Any argument about digestion or energy in the morning go out the window when you look at the wide variety of narrow breakfast diets across cultures.

As for all the people shocked by anyone eating a hamburger in the morning, what's the difference between that and steak (a tough, crappy cut) with eggs or the greasiness of seasoned pork products and tons of butter?

Level 68
Feb 25, 2021
Exactly! The look you get when you get a slice of last nights pizza out the fridge before 12pm, why not?!
Level 88
Feb 25, 2021
I'll take cold pizza for breakfast any day!
Level 45
Feb 8, 2024
There's no difference - that all sounds quite disgusting for breakfast.
Level 61
Apr 16, 2020
I'm surprised there's no hash brown
Level 56
Feb 25, 2021
That's strange ! I'm delighted that there is no hash brown !
Level 68
Feb 25, 2021
I mean what's traditional anyway? Let every man eat what he wants and likes! Same with the controversy over the roast, and the barmcake debate.
Level 29
Feb 25, 2021
And a cup of tea to top it off
Level 18
Feb 26, 2021
Level 58
Feb 25, 2021
Um what about hashbrown???
Level 78
Feb 25, 2021
This must be the most ingenious thumbnail choice in Jetpunk history. If I'm not mistaken these cottages (of Arlington Row in Bibury, Gloucestershire) served as Tolkien's inspiration for Hobbiton. So it's of course a reference ot England but also to Hobbits, who are famous for their rich breakfast.
Level 87
Feb 25, 2021
Is the Hobbit's breakfast that rich, given they need second breakfast afterwards?
Level 64
Feb 25, 2021
My ideal breakfast:


Poached Egg


Black Pudding

Hash Brown

Potato Scone

Fruit Pudding

Level 56
Feb 25, 2021
English breakfast is the worst (mushrooms???)

A full Irish is the way to go:

- Sausage

- Rasher (bacon)

- Black pudding

- White Pudding

- Hash Brown

- Scrambled egg

- optional: toast & beans

Level 54
Mar 1, 2021
yes, mushrooms. Cut them thickly, dry fry them for a couple of minutes to concentrate the flavour and get rid of the excess water. Then finish them off with a quick flash fry in butter. Nomnomnom...
Level 33
Feb 25, 2021
I was today years old of finding out Hash browns are not part of a traditional english breakfast.
Level 18
Feb 26, 2021
i said tea first LMAO
Level 51
Apr 29, 2021
No scones?
Level 22
Oct 27, 2022
Hi I'm English and I love this breakfast. Please could you add hash browns? It's the best part, even if all the ingredients are optional. Most people go for everything except black pudding, but it depends on the taste.
Level 49
Jul 17, 2023
ya know, in my country we eat two slices of bread with peanut butter or cheese. not a full on luxury dinner
Level 69
Feb 7, 2024
Let me guess, you're Dutch
Level 77
Feb 7, 2024
If ever a quiz was likely to lead to arguments ...
Level 59
Feb 7, 2024
This list is spot on, no more no less.
Level 25
Feb 7, 2024
No milk ? No tea ? No sugar ? (Yes, those are food)
Level 25
Feb 7, 2024
The "English Breakfast Society" is a joke.
Level 52
Feb 7, 2024
I got 7/8 first try. I'm not even British. WHY DO I KNOW THIS?!
Level 40
Feb 8, 2024
Happily swap out the Black pudding for hash browns and why a cup of tea isn't included I have no idea.

Perfection for me is 3 sausage, 2 bacon, scrambled egg, beans, mushrooms, 2 hash browns, tomato and toast

Level 68
Feb 8, 2024
Sausage, bacon, scrambled eggs, hash brown, black pudding. Keep the toast, stick it all on barm
Level 43
Feb 9, 2024
I remember all these bc of a fricking teen titans go episode DX
Level 34
Feb 15, 2024
what about tea?!