All About...#31- Comparing Egyptian, Greek, Roman, and Norse Religions


Comparing Ancient Religons: Egyptian, Greek, Roman, and Norse

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You probably have heard of the mighty gods of the ancient Egyptian, Greek, Roman, and Norse cultures, and this blog will compare all 4 by giving a general paragraph+facts+pictures to entertain you. Let me know what you have to say about this blog in the comments.

Egyptian Mythology

The religion of the Ancient Egyptians, which formed around 5,000 years ago was centered mainly on nature and animals. You can see this through their statues, monuments, and drawings dedicated to animals like cats, lions, etc. The god was often a figure that looked human-like, but with an animal head. As the years went by, Egyptian mythology changed to make the gods more realistic. It is interesting to note that early Egyptians believed that Earth was a large disc, and Egypt was at the center. Speaking of earth, their creation story said that the god Ptah created the earth, but the most popular theory goes that the credit goes to the most famous god, Rah.

Some Egyptian Gods:










Ancient script, depicting gods
Pyramids at Giza

Greek Mythology

Greek Mythology is very interesting and complex, as it progresses and changes by the eras of ancient Greece. Before I explain, let me say that Greek mythology was also called classical mythology. The Greeks were very proud of their gods and had many, MANY, MANY monuments, temples, drawings, signs, and buildings dedicated to them. Acropolis? Temple of Artemis? Yes, Greece. Greek mythology has a complex family tree. The gods were weird, as they would often marry their children, etc. However, ancient Greek mythology lives on today in many stories and plays. Yes, plays were very common in ancient Greece and there were many theaters so the Greeks could watch plays of gods. The most famous god is Zeus.

Some Greek Gods:








Pandora (puns intended...:)




Sketching of a Zeus temple

Roman Mythology

Many people have heard of Ancient Roman mythology, thanks to their dominating empire. The Roman religion had big influences from the Greeks and Etruscans. You can see the influences from the many myths, poems, and pictures depicting Roman gods. One of the most important stories might be of the creation of Rome, the 2 brothers Romulus and Remus, who were supposedly "raised by wolves". The Romans had many important gods, and the emperors were often considered gods themselves! A brutal thing that the Romans DID do was that they often sacrificed animals and enemies for the gods. Lots of planets today are named from Roman gods.

Some Roman Gods:











The god Mars
God Mithra

Norse Mythology

Norse mythology comes from a mix of Scandinavian and Germanic religions. It was the major religion of the Vikings, as well as some other related groups. Norse myths were handed down by mouth for many years, and we know about them from written records. Familywise, the Norse family comes from 2 groups, the Æsir and Vanir. It is interesting to note that the Norse had lots of GIANTS in their mythology/religion! Just like how the Roman mythology legacy lives on today through planets, for Norse it is days of the week: Thorsday, Freyaday.

Some Norse Gods:








Thor's Hammer
Loki, and evil god

Comparing the four

ReligionLocationImportant GodsLegacy
EgyptianEgypt/NubiaIsis,RaPyramids of Giza, Sphinx, Texts
GreekGreece and Greek ColoniesZeus,ApolloMyths,Stories,Parthenon
RomanRoman Republic & EmpireMars, NeptuneStories,Planets
NorseScandanavia, Iceland, N.EuropeFreya,ThorDays of the week,stories&myths

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Level 52
Jul 13, 2021
Although I know it's not true, I like to think that the Romans blatantly plagiarized the Greeks.
Level 55
Jul 13, 2021
The Romans had thousands of gods, and they adopted the ones of the conquered they liked into their own religion. They liked almost all of the Greek ones, which is why you see so many.
Level 42
Jul 14, 2021
this is true but they changed their names to avoid confusion
Level 52
Jul 14, 2021
I think of it that they changed their names so no one would suspect their blatant plagiarism.
Level 71
Jul 14, 2021
i would say respected
Level 40
Jul 13, 2021
Level 40
Jul 13, 2021
Level 39
Jul 14, 2021
Level 42
Jul 14, 2021
I appreciate your work but what is relation of Egyptian mythology and the Great Pyramids and the Sphinx.

The Great Pyramids are places where you can observe the the stars places and it is like place where you put a telescope but more natural.

While the Sphinx was to scare the thiefs to not rob the Pyramids or the houses close to it as the Sphinx is called أبو الهول in arabic which means Father of Frightening or Scare

Level 54
Jul 14, 2021
name sounds similar to Abulolo feroz majusi, the killer of umer
Level 52
Jul 14, 2021
The pyramids were built as a tomb for the pharaohs, to ensure they reached the afterlife. And this was influenced by religion, obviously, so you can consider it part of their religious legacy, as they technically built it because of their religion.
Level 42
Jul 15, 2021
this isn't true it is oriented as an observer to stars and the tombs weren't ever in the pyramid but below it.
Level 42
Jul 15, 2021
tbh Abu just means father of someone so it is normal.
Level 60
Jul 15, 2021
Zeus is misspelled. Sirens are not gods, but monsters. Pandora is not a god, but a human created by the gods to marry a titan.