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Geography Tips I'd Like To Give New JetPunkers


1. Not Trying To Memorize, But Actually Trying To Learn

While this goes for any subject, it is extremely important that one doesn't try to memorize geography facts. When one memorizes, yes, one'll know the facts for a short amount of time, i.e: 2-4 days. But in the span of 2-4 days, there is so much information that goes into one's brain, that one's most likely to forget what they learned.

On the contrary, to get better at geography, one should really try to take the stuff in. Actually visualizing maps might be a great literal study tool for this (see Number 6 for the online types), because they allow us to learn what we need in a simpler way. Also, spending 10, 20, 30, 40, or even 50 minutes to an hour every time one studies the subject will guarantee one achieving the best results overtime.

2. Learning Biggest Bodies Of Water (Then Progressing Slowly) 

When I was younger, I learned (not memorized) the oceans of the world. What this allowed me to do is take in (I don't want to be repetitive with the learns) the countries and land masses that bordered them.

Eventually, when I had the coastal countries mastered for one specific ocean, I'd move on to the other oceans' bordering countries.

When every ocean was down, I went to countries bordering big seas.

That process just repeats. Notice I'm not stating anything about landlocked countries (countries with no coastal border) since they will most likely be the smaller ones....which I don't wanna worry about at this state.

3. Not Fretting Smaller Countries First/Worrying About Smaller Countries When Just Starting

Number 3 is similar to Number 2 in the sense of simply not worrying about the small countries. What I learned is that when one's just starting, those country names can often get extremely confusing.

I know that sounds extremely obvious. But it is something (this includes me) literally everyone often forgets. That is why one should (if not must) master the big countries, and eventually progress.

Also, the small countries is something not everyone learns. If one does, that's awesome. Just know it will take a long time for one to remember (in the learning and not memorizing sense) the small countries (especially island countries...for obvious reasons).

4. Hanging Maps In A Busy Place In A Household

By busy place, I mean a spot where one visits very frequently in their household.

For example:

a) Bedrooms

b) Kitchens

c) Living Rooms

d) Basements

There's many other unique rooms one could have in a house, but these are just the ones I thought of the fastest.

The good thing about hanging maps in busy spots is that it automatically tests one's knowledge (and if they learned and not memorized the knowledge).

For example, when they see the map, they could see a specific country. Let's take Lithuania in this case. Just by seeing that map in the busy place, the person could ask themself:

"What's the capital of Lithuania?"

"On which continent is Lithuania located?"

"How many subdivisions are in Lithuania?"

If the person answers instantly, that means they know the stuff- which is a very good thing (obviously).

5. Not Starting Off With The Mindset "I Want To Be The Best"  

Quick story time; and for some reason, I remember this.

When I was like 6, I was in music class at school once. For some reason, the music teacher asked my class if any of us knew what the capital of New Jersey was (because that's where I live). I quickly raised my hand, because I was sure I was right. I had that conscious within me. I ended up saying the town I lived in (which I will not be revealing), which was completely off. I just grew over-confident and ended up embarrassing myself.

Why am I saying all of this?

A) I don't want anyone to embarrass themselves by saying a stupid answer (unless if you want to be embarrassed).

B) One needs to know what they're talking about before they say it.

Having that "I want to be the best" mindset (not saying anyone has this) will only prove that one's trying to be over confident and just no.

6. Finding The Right Study Tool

If very interested in the subject, it is essential to find the right study tool. This is because....maybe a paper and pencil isn't for everyone. Not everyone learns with just school (I'm being honest here); and to be the best for one's self, they must excel in any specific or certain study tool that can also be homemade. Since the internet is such a dominated place, here is a list of very useful online study tools I have compiled:

1. Kahoot

2. Quizlet

3. JetPunk

4. Seterra

(These are geography study tools by the way, not every day ones.)

I know there are tons of other study tools, but these are the ones I find most useful for my productivity.

But be sure the study tool chosen is the best for one's self, because the way one studies can have a very big effect on the outcome and result.

Noone wants to spend like forever choosing a study tool and then giving up using it after like a second just because they couldn't figure one thing out.

7. Don't Give Up (Having An Open Mind)

Learning geography will be hard. But not everything comes easy. Because if it did, practically everyone would have been smarter than Einstein or Newton. I'm not saying one has to be a master at geography, but one that has open mind (i.e: being more accepting of the subject, not giving up easily) will have more of a chance of mastering the subject than a person who lets go of it after they didn't get one thing right. And I know everyone reading this right now doesn't want to be that person.

So, what's the point I'm trying to make? One word- learn; and this ties back to the other facts. When on learns, not only does it show that they actually learned at didn't memorize, but it also shows that they didn't give up just because they thought geography might have been a difficult subject to learn (like any other).

8. Making Quizzes/Blogs On JetPunk

I know this will be a hard and rocky start. But almost all quizzes/blogs a big quizmaker makes requires tons of research. And through research, there is so much one can actually end up learning. I know that requires the knowledge of Inkscape, but trust me, it's much easier than one might anticipate.

So please, take the chance while it is still here!

9. Asking Friends/Family/Anyone To Quiz You

Once I started to get better at geography, I started asking my parents to quiz me. I feel like this is better than quizzing alone, because one will be very prone to cheating (it even happens to me).

While cheating a bit is okay, cheating a lot shows the difference of what one could and do know.

I hope this blog helped. Just know one doesn't have to be the best at geography just to be good at it. It took me forever to just be good at it. If you're reading this blog, and you want to get better at geography, just start, and you will get better. It just might take a while.

Thanks for reading! :)

Level 65
Dec 14, 2021
You said Jet*unk!!!!!
Level 59
Dec 15, 2021
im watching them...
Level 57
Dec 14, 2021
Nice blog! Those are really good tips moonshot!
Level 55
Dec 14, 2021
sorry fixed nature thread

and thanks @87isback!

Level 66
Dec 15, 2021
Nice blog! But there's still a banned word lurking somewhere around tip 8...
Level 59
Dec 15, 2021
Level 66
Dec 15, 2021
Yeah that too
Level 63
Dec 14, 2021
Hmm you changed ur name again
Level 65
Dec 15, 2021
Nice blog!
Level 63
Dec 15, 2021
Great tips!
Level 74
Dec 15, 2021
Nice! I think another great tip that goes along with your first point is to try to add some meaning to what you're learning. For example, instead of just memorizing the names of the countries and perhaps their locations, but investigate each country and add some type of special meaning to it. Like "Oh, that's the country where my friend's parents are from!" or "oh, Egypt was the first country we learned about in my history class this year. We learned about x, y, z."

This is known as semantic learning and is proven to be very effective.

Level 55
Dec 15, 2021
thanks for the comments! and sorry about the typo, i'm pretty sure i fixed all of them. i'll try to be more alert from now on...thanks tho

and stewart pls don't ban me 👀

Level 78
Dec 17, 2021
Damn this is really good!! Nice job, also I would totally recommend seterra for map quizzes
Level 55
Dec 17, 2021
thanks shady! i'll be sure to add that.