Jetpunk Survivor #14


Results of Previous Voting

Last time, the Pamilya tribe lost and will have to vote one of their four remaining players out of the game. Let's see who they voted.

Before we begin, does anyone have any idols or advantages that they want to use?



Okay, then, I'll read the votes.

First vote...


Second vote...


That's one vote superquizzer. One vote Kingsfisher.

Third vote...


That's two votes superquizzer, one vote Kingsfisher, one vote left.

The final vote of the tribal goes to....



...superquizzer. This makes you the sixth person eliminated from Jetpunk Survivor.


Congratulations to all of you for making the final eight. But now it is time for a major shift in the game...

You are now all MERGED! The new tribe is called "Samahan" which means "union" in Tagalog!

On February 16, I will be deleting the Jetpunk groups for Kasayahan and Pamilya. You should have all received an invitation to the Samahan tribe.

If you wish to make alliances with the other players, don't forget that you can make private groups with them to discuss strategy and other matters.

Without further ado, let's get on to the challenge!

Part 1: Nine Words of Wisdom

This challenge is based off of Cary Huang's online series, "Ten Words of Wisdom" (2015-2022).

For this part of the challenge, you will be given some prompts. You will have to respond to the prompts in nine words.

For example, for the prompt "What would you do if you could control your boss?" you could say:

Increase my paycheck, and give your position to me.


-Each response contains nine words. No more, no less.

-Make your responses clever, funny, original, and creative.

Please send your responses to me through PRIVATE MESSAGES to each of the following prompts to me by February 18.

After you send your responses, I will present them ANONYMOUSLY in my next blog, where the viewers will get to rank them from best to worst! More on that next blog.

Anyways, here are the prompts:

1. What would you do if you became the next president?

2. Describe Jetpunk in nine words.

3. What did Kansas say when he lost to Iowa?

4.  How will you beat the weather this season?

5. Ohio captured one of the US states. Who did he capture, and why?

Due: February 18

Part 2: Minority Rules

Here's how this challenge works:

-Each of you will pick a side.

-The side with less people (a minority) wins 1 point!

-Since there are eight of you, if it is a 4-4 tie, no one gets points for that round.

-You must respond to each prompt by February 18.

Example question:

0. Dogs or Cats?

Example response:

0. Cats

Note: For the personal questions, such as #4 and #5, you do NOT have to answer honestly.

Instead, answer strategically: Which one do you think less people will choose?

It would be a good idea to collaborate with your allies to make sure you guys choose differently.

1. Pancakes of Waffles?

2. 49ers or Chiefs?

3. United Kingdom or United States?

4. Early Bird of Night Owl?

5. Extroverts or Introverts?

6. Yellow or Purple?

7. Apples or Oranges?

8. California or New York?

9. Travel Vacation or Stay-Home Vacation?

10. Winter or Summer?

11. Jetpunk or Mobile Games?

12. Motorcycles or Bikes?

13. Be Level 95 in Jetpunk or Host Your Own Blog Competition?

14. Work for 5 hours everyday or work 7 hours every weekday?

15. Speak 3 languages (trilingual) or gain 5 inches of height?

Each question is worth one point if you're in the minority.

Please respond by February 18 in PRIVATE COMMENTS.

So yeah, since there are no more teams, I figured this challenge should be a little lighter because you no longer have teams to work with.

Whoever gets the most points gets immunity and EVERYONE will be voting for someone at tribal.

The challenge for the final seven will be a flag design challenge, please start thinking of ideas for that.

Level 59
Feb 12, 2024
For the words of wisdom, do hyphenated words count as 1 or 2 words? Like duct-tape for example.
Level 59
Feb 12, 2024
Same deal for contractions, like i’m and you’re.
Level 66
Feb 12, 2024
duct tape isn't hyphenated though
Level 83
Feb 12, 2024
I recommend disallowing active Survivor players from voting in the 9-word blog post. We'd all just vote for ourselves and I think it would take the fun out of it by instantly knowing who said what!

Unless you're planning on an anonymous voting method, perhaps a like-based comment system?

Level 73
Feb 12, 2024
If you did likes then someone like me who doesn't even know what this is will come in and mess it up... but I wouldn't do that.
Level 66
Feb 12, 2024
But then you can't exactly disallow Survivor players; votes are anonymous.
Level 60
Feb 12, 2024
Simple, you just don’t rank your own.
Level 83
Feb 13, 2024
If the voting is non-anonymous, then not ranking your own still allows all the other players to see whose comments are whose. My point is that I feel that scenario will encourage metagaming.

A likes-based system will also encourage metagaming, though, as each player would not vote for the one he may actually like the best because he doesn't want to be beaten.

Gekko, I think I'm talking myself into the idea that secret ballots are the only way to run this vote fairly. I know it's a lot more work for you, though.

Level 66
Feb 24, 2024
so when's the next blog