Polio Cases in the US by Year

Polio was a major problem in the United States throughout most of the 20th century. After a particularly bad outbreak in the 1950s, vaccination brought numbers down significantly, and the disease was eradicated in the US in 1979.
There were still a few cases in the US after 1979, but all were imported from abroad
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Level 74
Oct 5, 2021
Level 71
Oct 5, 2021
Level 54
Oct 6, 2021
Oof...! And then some people tell that vaccination is a joke...
Level 71
Oct 6, 2021
Yeah, it's sad that people can't even remember 50 years ago, when vaccination helped eliminate a devastating disease from America (and most of the world now). Polio eradication is probably the best example of how much good vaccination has done, and I find it really frustrating that people don't know or care about this. That's why I think it's important to share this data.