So Am I Back?


No, not really.

I never really left. I just was trying to not comment anymore. And... for at least the first few months I think I went with only commenting 3 or 4 times in total over that whole span, on quizzes or blog entries that were not my own. Which was down from the 5, 10, or 25 comments a day that I often left in a typical 24-hour period. So... I feel like I kind of lived up to what I set out to do.

It was never my intention to abandon the site completely. I was thinking about that. But if I had made that decision then I guess I would have deleted my account and I didn't do that. However, I was thinking that I would stop coming here every day... and... though I definitely come here less often than I used to... I still find myself coming back pretty much every day to at least take the front page quizzes if not kill some time in other areas. I authored or updated a couple quizzes. And I've been responding to comments left for me on my first blog post, etc. Those last two things were things I was intending to do all along. But... I have to admit I am a bit annoyed with myself that I still spend so much time here. And especially with the fact that, even though I have cut back a lot, and I don't find myself going back and reloading old comments sections of quizzes where I was debating or conversing with someone(s) over and over, I still often feel the compulsion to read through the comments section of any quiz I take. I wanted to stop that. It makes it difficult to maintain a vow of silence when I'm scrolling through and see people saying things that are mean, bigoted, ignorant, offensive, or just wrong. Or even just that could perhaps benefit from additional information that I happen to have in my head - in that latter case I do sometimes still pipe in. Don't see much harm in that.

I feel like the comments sections of certain quizzes have gotten markedly worse since I stopped actively perusing them... without anyone proactively pruning the overgrowth of stupidity it tends to flourish, unchecked, and multiply. Or at the very least remain on the vine, a diseased lump of tissue, becoming a distracting eyesore on an otherwise healthy plant, without a vigilant gardener there to cut it out, bring balance, make things pretty again. I'm sure other people feel differently. To them the brown-black shriveled xylem is somehow inoffensive or even aesthetically pleasing and in any case best left alone; they find the gardener to be an obnoxious busy body whose opinions on plant aesthetics are tiresome in their fastidiousness.

A few people have commented that they "knew I was gone, but... [hoped I could respond to something]"... or something along those lines. That's what prompted this blog entry. I'm not trying to hide from anybody and I will respond to anyone who comments on a quiz of mine with a question about something. A few other users here spend their time trying to provoke or insult me, presumably because they dislike me commenting so much in the past and purportedly because they feel it morally incumbent upon themselves to call me out for my provocations, usually through their own recent insulting/ad-hominem responses to one of my comments I left six or seven years ago, tireless hypocrisy enthusiasts that they all are. Regrettably, I sometimes am provoked enough to respond to these nincompoops and miscreants.

Anyway. I'm still here. I'm not dead. I just have been trying to comment a lot less. And, most of the time, I have been. There have been days, though, when I felt exceptionally bored, or depressed, or was on a high from some new medication, and found my way back to the comments section of JetPunk several times in a day.

I hate hypocrites. It's one of my major pet peeves. A couple of the users I've had disagreements with on this site I've seen as being hypocritical. I dislike drama queens. Attention whore. Narcissists. And my desire to not be any of those things is a guiding principle in many of the decisions I make in life. Which is part of why I find it so weird that so many people see me that way. And I know that they do. I honestly believe that they are wrong. I think they misunderstand me. That this is some function of not being neuro-typical or on the Autism/Asperger's spectrum. All this is me trying to say I dislike it when you see those people online who announce that they are leaving and then never go. Or they keep coming back over and over. Or they change their relationship status on Facebook 3 times in a week. I try to never say anything I don't mean. Unless it's to be funny. But I know I announced a few months ago that I was quitting the comments section of JetPunk cold turkey and I haven't 100% lived up to that so I thought I would explain why. And at the same time reaffirm my intent to continue cutting down, or at least trying to resist, spending a lot of time engaging in the comments section here.

The reason why I originally committed to not commenting was that I was very pissed off about the moderation on the site. For a variety of reasons I still don't think it would be worthwhile getting into. But I still feel the same way that I felt and still think the best course of action given those feelings is to not comment. For a short while I was mad enough that I thought it would make sense to quit the whole site completely; but I decided against that then, and haven't thought any differently on it since then.

I think I may start using this Blog section of the website a bit more going forward. Perhaps this would be a better outlet than occasionally popping into the comments section that I've said I was going to avoid. Those that wished to interact with me could do so. Those that wished to avoid me could do so. Though I often said before that this was possible even in the comments section... (if you don't like reading comments then don't read the comments)... but this would make it even easier. And perhaps this would scratch whatever itch I had for interacting with the other clever people who come to this website a few times a day. However, removed from the context of the quizzes which provide a useful jumping off point for conversations, I'm not sure if this would be satisfying for me or not.

I might not be able to post anything consistently. Due to laziness. Or depression. Or apprehension of being or appearing narcissistic or self-indulgent. I have another blog which I started recently and that I find it hard to post to for these and other reasons; even though I have literally 0 regular readers there so it might as well be a personal diary, still the fact that I am publishing things to the Internet makes me feel self-conscious, masturbatory, and attention-seeking. But... well... we'll see...

It also seems like QM's phobia against people having conversations or opinions may get in the way of any such blog posts. This from the guidelines on what is or is not permissible: "Blogs are intended to be a way to share interesting or educational content and so must have substance. This means self promotional blogs or ones with very little text are likely to be removed. This is not a forum or chat service." ... makes it sound like every blog is supposed to read like an impersonal Wikipedia page. Which raises the question of whether or not Dan actually knows what a "blog" is.

Comment below if there's some topic that you'd be interested in discussing with me or seeing some information on presented with my own unique slant. Philosophy. History. Travel. Religion. Psychology. Human physiology. Art. Music. Politics (gasp! the forbidden word!). And maybe I will be inspired to post something "interesting" and "substantive" on the topic that perhaps won't get deleted by our arbitrary overlords, and which could in turn potentially lead to a worthwhile comments section of its own. Some topics that I was thinking of myself that I might delve into include...

- the complexities and dilemmas of Internet site/app/community moderation, "good" and "bad" decisions that go into this, and how much more fraught (and worse) this has become in recent years

- depression, mental health, and the realities of trying to find meaningful help for these issues in the US today and around the world

- the extensive and exhaustive case for why Donald J Trump is the worst president in US history and why this is not and should not be thought of as a partisan or political issue

- the illusion of free will, and the implications this has for both the judicial system and just for how we treat one another

- tribalism and how it is the root of all evil

- simple observations about culture or society I have made in my travels; or personal anecdotes related to the same

but I'm not sure if any of the above blog posts could be made boring and impersonal enough, at least if I authored them, to satisfy Dan's guidelines. Especially the 2nd and last ones. But I could give it a go, maybe.

Level 55
Mar 28, 2021
Interesting. I haven't seen any super controversial debates in the new and reset section, but there must be something I am missing

Hmm, I dunno. Oh wait, now I know, I have never seen your input on the Jetpunk vs. Sporcle thing. Even though this debate is mostly childish, do you have an opinion?

Level 82
Mar 28, 2021
I'm not sure what you mean. Are you referring to my extended gardening metaphor?
Level 55
Mar 28, 2021
I was referring to the part where you talked about bigoted comments that you really wanted to call out.
Level 82
Mar 28, 2021
Well... to my eyes the problem is more that there have *not* been any lengthy or controversial debates. In my opinion it's far worse to leave up a single ignorant comment, unchallenged in isolation, than it is to have a protracted debate started over that comment where arguments can be laid out in detail for why it was wrong.

So... if I spend less time reading over the comments section, identifying such comments, and responding to them... but the comments remain unchallenged... this, to me, is far more unattractive than having a debate or argument.

I think that in the past there were some comments sections of certain political quizzes that ended up relatively free of such comments, maybe in part because those who were preparing to leave such comments saw that they were going to get called out on their bullshit, and so they thought better of it and said nothing. But now many of those sections I see comments like this being made and sort of flying under the radar

Level 82
Mar 28, 2021
because nobody calls them out or responds to them.

It's entirely possible that I have an exaggerated sense of importance or influence when it comes to this.

Level 38
Dec 25, 2023
thats crazy but i didnt ask
Level 82
Mar 28, 2021
I have no opinion on Sporcle.
Level 43
Mar 28, 2021
I was also thinking after Proxima’s comment. Is nice to see the opinion of a very opinionated person.
Level 43
Mar 28, 2021
Kal, you’re a story longer than Titanic. So much things that happened to you in this site, that’s almost impossible lose you COMPLETELY. With the quizzes, the blogs, the comments, the ACCOUNT.

I would like to know about your travels. Maybe I will start a blog series about travels (despite I traveled just to states in Brazil, and Argentina.), and I want to know some experiences that you had.

Despite your comments were to much “debatable”, sometimes were nice to read (except when was something I believed, like religion, or Brazilian Politics, like in our stupid discussions). It’s nice that you aren’t “so gone” that we thought. I’m still having doubts in “why you left JetPunk Comments”, considering how much you posted them in a single day.

Your opinions are controversial sometimes, but is what you believe, and we need diversity of opinions in this sickly world. I want to know how these blogs that you are saying would be! LOL! So, that’s it. “Welcome back” with many quotation marks.

Level 43
Mar 28, 2021
Q. S. = Kal’s thumbnails are funny. A cake in Digits of Pi quiz; a little and cute cat (that I thought was a dog) in the first blog, and MAYBE a seahorse in this blog... lol
Level 82
Mar 28, 2021
Thanks for your input, MG. Perhaps I will make some posts on the subject of travel.
Level 43
Mar 28, 2021
Would be nice. Despite I thought that the last topics of the blog were about “ask to me about...”, would be nice a blog series with your travels. If you don’t know how use HTML, you can ask me if you want. :)
Level 57
Mar 28, 2021
I think what Dan is trying to say by "blogs are intended to be a way to..." simply means that we're not allowed to spam blogs (i.e. writing 1-sentence blogs) or self-promoting a certain quiz, since it's been occurring a lot these past few months. In fact, it was only added recently due to a large amount of spam.
Level 82
Mar 28, 2021
Maybe. But the language is vague. Just like the language of the comments moderation policies is vague. So... I'm reading it and thinking that what it really means is "whatever I decide to delete I will delete, without reason, explanation, or valid justification if I am so inclined." which has been my experience on other parts of the site.

At first when I was thinking that maybe I should post a few more blog entries here, part of my rationale was that, being a user's personal blog posts, they will never appear on the front page as a quiz might, and Dan could relax a bit more about what appears in the blog or the comments section of that blog.

But... upon going to post and reading that caveat/warning at the top of the page about what is or is not allowed... it seems as though Dan has a different opinion about whether or not the blogs here should have more relaxed moderation. That might not be what he intended. But it's how it sounds.

Level 68
Mar 29, 2021
You are right we are more relaxed about blogs. Personal blogs are fine, as long as you're not revealing personal information like your address or social security number or something.

The language is intentionally vague to dissuade those that want to spam blogs or just use it to promote their own quizzes. It's also a temporary message and will be removed in the near future. Malkiboy is right, it was added when spam was an issue.

Level 82
Jun 5, 2021
intentionally vague language is a popular tool of tyrants. Clear and consistent rules will make the governed more satisfied, and more willing to accept governance.
Level 82
Mar 28, 2021
In particular the line about "this is not a forum" makes it sound, to me, like he does not what JetPunk to be viewed in any way as some kind of social networking site or a place for conversations or debates or voicing of opinions.

He has expressed such feelings before... mostly in relation to people expressing their personal political opinions... but also to me privately that he does not want to become a forum moderator. This is why he, for example, does not use push notifications when someone responds to your comment somewhere. He doesn't want there to be any back-and-forth. I honestly have a hard time understanding why, with this attitude, he allows any comments at all. This has always been confusing to me.

But anyway if I blog any more here I'm going to feel apprehensive that if something I put out is seen as too personal, too conversational, too controversial, or not completely fact-based, it may be targeted for deletion.

Level 68
Mar 29, 2021
It should be noted that by "a forum" we meant using blogs as a means to talk to other users in a casual way. Discussions on the blog and debates (if healthy and well-reasoned) are fine.

1, 2, 4, 6 all seem good to me. 3 is debatable and may spark controversy, 5 could work though to me it seems like a joke suggestion :)

Level 82
Mar 29, 2021
Are you co-running the site now? I know you put a ton of work in so that would make sense.
Level 82
Mar 29, 2021
Are controversy and jokes not okay? (I wasn't joking about 5, but, so what if I was? If I were, say, to post a blog about how pinto beans are the most lascivious variety of bean, would that be deemed unacceptable?)
Level 68
Mar 30, 2021
Not sure "co-running" is the right word, more that I do most the dev and non-English while Dan does the English and moderation. I'm only in my spare time though as I have a full time job on the side.

I think it all depends on context. Jokes could be okay as long as they're not offensive (or excessively so). And controversy depends on how much is fact and how much is opinion. Basically if the blog has human decency in it, and is not written to directly attack somebody or some group, I *think* it would be fine.

Level 51
Mar 28, 2021
I agree with everything in the blog! Especially "the extensive and exhaustive case for why Donald J Trump is the worst president in US history and why this is not and should not be thought of as a partisan or political issue"
Level 65
Mar 28, 2021
Level 55
Mar 29, 2021
I would love that argument, if the emphasis is on the why it shouldn't be a partisan issue, because if you told the argument to someone who believes otherwise without that part, it might convince them that he is better than they thought.
Level 75
Mar 29, 2021
I'm not going to go into details and don't want to argue about it, but I think that it may be a bit extreme to say that he's objectively the worst president ever. I mean, 74 million people thought he was decent, or at least better than Biden would be.

I'm not trying to say that everything he did was commendable.

Level 51
Mar 29, 2021
7,052,770 isn't such a small number.
Level 82
Mar 29, 2021
Those 74 million people are ignorant, confused, biased, brainwashed, racist, stupid, delusional, and/or have out-of-whack priorities. The last point (priorities) is not entirely objective. The first many can be objectively established. Of the 328 million Americans alive today I'd estimate that at least 300 million of them are too ignorant to be trusted with making important decisions like this. (another subjective opinion) Maybe I will make this blog post and then you can respond there to a more fully fleshed-out case. I know that here I am simply asserting.
Level 75
Mar 29, 2021
I wouldn't consider my parents to be ignorant, confused, biased, brainwashed, racist, stupid, or delusional, but okay.

By the way, although I disagree with much of what you say, I would like to say that I respect your hatred of hypocrisy and willingness to challenge your own beliefs, I think the world would be a better place if everyone attempted to do that from a non-biased point of view.

Also, as another non-sequitur, I would be very interested if you wrote JetPunk blogs about your travels.

Level 82
Mar 29, 2021
They aren't necessarily all of the above, but if they felt that Trump was a decent president, then they are at least one of the above. I know that calling someone ignorant or unintelligent is seen as somehow beyond the pale to most people, even if the observation is objectively factual, because for whatever reason we have come to attach ego and our sense of self-worth to our own intelligence, and often think of other people as having (or not having) value based on their intelligence... and people also seem to often confuse not knowing something with being stupid... and all of the above in my opinion is dumb and wrong... maybe I'll write a blog entry about human intelligence.
Level 65
Mar 28, 2021
Give us some more debates @kal. If your moral allows you to, my personal wish is more debates in comment section. I know this is probably more about yourself than other people, but I certainly don't mind you being a hypocrite in this way. The type of hypocrites I don't like are those who consistently speak against something that is not horribly wrong, and yet they do it in the present. Ah...I remember the fun of reading the entire comment section on the digits of pi quiz...true glory.
Level 54
Mar 29, 2021
First of all, thanks for "coming back". I'm sure you can bruing many interesing things to the blog section, with your debates. I really would like to read your opinion about the third subject (because I've the feeling that it's quite near to the "general French opinion" about Trump).

And then, I really hope QM won't delete this blog, because it would be admit that the liberty of expression is almost unexisting on JetPunk. But I'm sure it won't be the case. Expression exists here (at least I think and hope).

Once again, thanks!

Level 68
Mar 29, 2021
Hello again! I'd personally love to hear your opinions on art and/or music. I'm glad you're (kind of) black and I think the blog section will be the better for it.
Level 82
Mar 29, 2021
cool. I'll keep that in mind. There are a ton of things I could write about under that banner.
Level 74
Mar 31, 2021
Man I so misread this title at first as "So am I black?"
Level 82
Mar 31, 2021
That actually wouldn't be a bad subject for a blog entry. Not joking.
Level 55
Apr 2, 2021
I have an idea: I remember on the quiz about you, you said Beethoven was your favorite musician. I'm assuming that means that you think he is the best musician. Maybe write about why his music is the best. Though I personally strongly disagree with that, I think it would be nice to hear.
Level 82
Apr 2, 2021
He's my favorite classical composer by a wide margin. Not sure if he's my favorite musician.
Level 71
May 29, 2021
Maybe coming a bit late, but as far as politics go, I'd love to hear more of your opinions on Modi (and Indian politics in general). I'm asking this because I feel like you typically talk about US politics, and Indian politics kinda resembles US politics (things like the rise of ethnoreligious populism, the role of social media, and, of course, the idea of the "strong man" rulers who pushes the limits of democracy). I know your said earlier your knowledge of Indian politics is "rudimentary," but you've still traveled to India and clearly know a lot about the country.

Also, Xi Jinping. This is a different boat since China isn't a democracy or following the same trends as the US/India, but since (arguably) it's a global superpower on par with the US now, I'd like to hear about your thoughts on Hong Kong/Taiwan/Xinjiang, whether you think the Wuhan lab leak theory is plausible, and how much you see China as a threat to democratic interests around the globe.

Level 82
May 29, 2021
I'm sure I probably know a little bit more about Indian politics than the average American, and a lot more about Indian history, and yes, I have traveled there, but I still feel like I am extremely ignorant about the country overall. If I were to share any opinions on Modi I would just be repeating other people's opinions... like... I have heard him called a divisive figure, a Hindu nationalist, and bad for Muslims in India... but that's just what I've heard. I know bits and pieces about Indian politics from around Gandhi's era and the independence movement, a little bit about the Sikhs in the country, some about Nehru and the Cold War era, and I could tell you that their relations with most of their neighbors are not great. Still I feel so, so ignorant. My interest in politics centers mostly around the US, all the countries of the Middle East, and then to a lesser extent Europe, the Americas, East and SE Asia.
Level 82
May 29, 2021
As far as China goes... I feel less ignorant talking about them... still far from an expert but I'm at least comfortable articulating opinions.

China still has a ways to go before they're on par with the US, economically (PPP bullshit aside), militarily, technologically, and in terms of international political and cultural relevance. But they are catching up rapidly in most of those areas.

Anything specific about Taiwan or Hong Kong? I don't have any non-mainstream opinions about either. I'd prefer to see both remain as independent as possible. Don't know how long they will.

Wuhan lab leak: possible. but I kind of doubt it. If it was leaked from a lab they were doing research or something, though, not trying to create a bio weapon... that's... stupid.

As for China being a threat to international democracy, it's pretty well established by this point that most of the Sinophobic Internet chatter out there ...

Level 82
May 29, 2021
... is either disinformation or propaganda coming straight from Russian intelligence, or it originated with Russian intelligence and then was wittingly or unwittingly spread along via social media and other various media outlets, frequently by various international Conservative, Nativist, Isolationist, or Populist political parties including in the USA the Republican party, which the Kremlin has been remarkably adept at tapping into and manipulating into supporting their agenda. Somewhat ironically, somewhat depressingly, the talking heads on TV and YouTube and the Internet armchair foreign policy analysts out there who have taken the past 4-5 years to repeating lines like "Russia Russia Russia! Everything is Russia!" (sarcastically) or calling the Mueller investigation a "hoax" or saying that Russia is not a threat and isn't meddling in our domestic politics, the REAL threat is China... are usually word-for-word repeating Russian intelligence disinformation and talking points.
Level 82
May 29, 2021
The presumable reason for this would be that Russia, which actually is an incredibly significant threat to Western democracy and civilization, the US, Western Europe, NATO, etc., and is and has been actively seeking to undermine democratic institutions, economies, social cohesion and strategic alliances in all of these places, using various cheap and easy but fairly sophisticated tactics to sow disunity, strife, and confusion... using our own technology and freedom of speech and information against us.... as part of their overall strategy to confuse and distract from what they're doing they have tried to get people to play up the threat from China while downplaying the threat from Russia. And they have been remarkably successful at influencing public opinion. To the point where if you bring up any of this factual, repeatedly verified information, those who have fallen prey to the disinformation will no doubt accuse you of being brainwashed or something.
Level 43
Aug 5, 2022
" Russia, which actually is an incredibly significant threat to Western democracy and civilization, the US, Western Europe, NATO, etc "

Reading this in 2022 after the invasion of Ukraine, and you were spot on

Level 82
Aug 5, 2022
If you are aware of what's happening in the present it's not usually hard to predict the future. I used to play this game with a friend's dad who was a conspiracy theorist and Trump fan... we would make predictions about the future and see whose predictions came true... I won this game literally 100% of the time. His predictions were wrong literally 100% of the time. But I still couldn't convince him that maybe he should look to different information sources.
Level 82
May 29, 2021
Anyway... is China a threat to global democracy? Yeah I guess a little bit. But not nearly in the same way. China is aggressive and focused about advancing their own interests, but unlike Russia I don't think they see this as zero sum. They are not seeking to destroy American democracy or destabilize Europe the way Russia is. They seem, for the time anyway, happy to coeexist as long as they are respected and allowed to do things in their own autocratic way, and given some room to expand their power and spheres of influence. I doubt the PRC is going to invade any foreign countries in the foreseeable future aside from maybe Hong Kong or Taiwan which the international community don't officially recognize as independent anyway. I see them as building empire more the same way that Americans did it since 1945- through diplomacy, investment, infrastructure and economics. As Chinese influence increases US influence will necessarily wane.
Level 82
May 29, 2021
but I'm not entirely convinced that that's a terrible thing yet. I hate that the Chinese have no respect for freedom of speech, thought, or expression. Their country seems like a bit of an Orwellian nightmare. Not as bad as North Korea but still not something I'd like to see exported elsewhere. At the same time I respect their efficiency, discipline, and relative social cohesion (I know some of the latter is a ruse or done at the end of gun barrel). I also respect their realism and pragmatism - something often very lacking from the obscene and ridiculous puppet show of American politics. I've got my fair share of concerns over growing Chinese influence in the world but in the end I'm not yet convinced that having a single party Chinese hegemon would be any worse than having an American one. The USA was founded on better values and principles, but those values just as often as not get overshadowed by crony capitalism. I guess we'll see.
Level 51
Jun 9, 2021
I'm Indian American... he is a complete joke. He's 100% WORSE THAN TRUMP.
Level 82
Jun 9, 2021
Who is? Modi? I find that hard to believe but I honestly don't know. Maybe he's more successful in implementing his vision. The could potentially make him more dangerous. Potentially. But I don't think failing to be as stupid and incompetent makes him "worse."
Level 51
Sep 16, 2021
Well, his party has a large majority in the Indian parliament, and if you just look up what he does and all the lies he makes, you'll see why.
Level 38
Jul 30, 2021
ok kalabahalamut
Level 91
Aug 5, 2021
Glad you're back. I try not to get too hung up on the comments section of quizzes, but I do enjoy reading your stuff and greatly appreciate your quiz contributions. Keep on doing what you're doing, Kal.
Level 82
Aug 18, 2021
I found my way here as a result of missing your input, I always found you're on the right side of nearly every argument but found people misunderstood your tone. I think that kind of nuance is often missed in text based discussions. You seem to share a lot of Sam Harris views on the world, particularly that relating to free will and our lack of it. Would love to read your views. Either way, hope you're keeping well in whatever corner of the world you're currently in.
Level 82
Aug 18, 2021
I agree nuance is usually not welcome in online discussions. People want to know if you're on their team or not, and if they can't quickly assign you to one category or the other they are most likely just to assume you are the enemy. Also, most people repeat stupid bullshit that they understand is stupid bullshit (or refuse to say true things that they know are true) because they know it is expected of them. When they see someone breaking this unwritten social contract, they often assume the worst. The impatience that I feel for this sort of thing I think is probably something in how my brain works that would be described as Autism or Asperger's (if QM is reading this, no, that's not an armchair diagnosis). But I also think popular labels used in psychology are overbroad and often bullshit.

Anyway... thanks.

I was fully intending to write some more entries here, but did not for several reasons. One was that I started writing in a private blog.

Level 82
Aug 18, 2021
One of the things I was intending to write in that private blog was something about our lack of free will and the implications that this has for society, politics, criminal justice, and interpersonal relationships. If I ever get around to writing that one maybe I'll link to it or copy it here.
Level 59
Nov 14, 2021
I think that sounds really interesting! I know I am late to this blog but I think they all sound interesting and I'd particularly enjoy your thoughts on Trump and modern issues. I also think travel would be interesting also I think MG17 said that.
Level 82
Nov 14, 2021
I had started to work out the preliminary outlines of a couple different blog posts that I meant to post here after making this one - then I lost steam - then I started my own independent blog on a different website, mostly long rants on subjects not suitable for JetPunk (and also, usually, very unpolished and not really meant for broad public consumption). And most of the time I've had to write since then has been spent on that. But... I don't know... as I commented just above, it's possible that I may write something for that blog that would make sense to also post here.
Level 59
Nov 15, 2021
Yeah I guess Jetpunk have to follow guidelines as they are used by schools. I can see why as it does just start unnecessary arguments and this is the internet after all. I was just commenting on things I'd enjoy but then again I can understand why it is like that. I enjoy your quizzes btw and the comments are always entertaining.
Level 37
Sep 20, 2022
I don't think you can blame autism for being nasty, judgemental and intolerant of anyone who disagrees with you.
Level 82
Sep 20, 2022
I'm not those things. If I were I certainly wouldn't blame autism for it.

Do you not hear yourself? You come here and attack me for being on the spectrum, while accusing me of being judgmental (check your spelling, man, not a good look when you are bragging other places about your high IQ), nasty, and intolerant? Seriously?

I'd normally just block anyone who was this big of a jackass, but you're probably the 3rd or 4th person in 10 years I've seen on this site that I feel richly and desperately deserves a lifetime ban, so... going to leave this up for Quizmaster.

Level 37
Sep 20, 2022
I don't think you can blame autism for being nasty, judgemental and intolerant of anyone who disagrees with you.
Level 67
Sep 22, 2022
Hey Kalbahamut. Just wanna tell you that I always like it when I check the comments to my quiz and I see you have left a comment. I like it because I enjoy reading the plethora of comments that seem to follow in response to yours. It always makes me giggle because you seem to be the only person on this site who is able to produce the types of discussions which occur after you comment. This website does need a character like you to keep things interesting from an interactive-community perspective.
Level 82
Sep 22, 2022
Glad to hear it. That's what I'm aiming at. Interesting and honest discussion. I can understand, but will never be able to relate to, the people who find this so unpleasant that it's worth forming a vendetta over.
Level 56
Oct 11, 2022
when's the next blog? :)
Level 82
Jan 31, 2023
Published. In case it gets deleted, as I think it probably will, I'm done with JetPunk. If anyone wishes to contact me for whatever reason: is me. I won't be checking comments on this site anymore.
Level 89
Sep 17, 2023
Is there a TL;DR version, Kalbahamut's Gettysburg Address?