AFOTWIT: Communist Cataclysm or Democratic Doom? Chapter 2: Crisis


The Story!

Start year: 1960

Poland: I want democracy!

Romania: Same here!

Bulgaria: Me three!

Hungary: No, communism is the best!

Albania: Yeah!

Yugoslavia: I'm having my own problems here!!

All: Shut up, no one cares.

Yugoslavia: Fine, democracy.

Pol., Rom., Bul.: Yeah!

Meanwhile, in the West (and East)...

Japan: Oh no! Communists!

JCLF (Japanese Communist Liberation Fighters): We will be glorious as a communist country!

Japan: No, wait, I got this!

Battle of Kyoto


Rebels: 392,103

Japan: 123,029

Armored units/Artillery

Rebels: 12,345 armored units lost/19,234 artillery lost

Japan: 10,923 armored units lost/8,456 artillery lost


Rebels: 34 planes lost/26 ships lost

Japan: 29 planes lost/1 ship lost


Rebels: 24,506 mines planted/293 mines detonated/29 of 47 minesweepers lost

Japan: 192,348 mines planted/28,394 mines detonated/586 of 2,341 minesweepers lost

Missing in action

Rebels: 19,234

Japan: 109,249

Killed by other cause

Rebels: 1,294,384

Japan: 283


Rebels: 2,000,000 inf., 20,000 a.u., 20,000 art., 47 m.s., 50 ships, 190 planes

Japan: 5,000,000 inf., 50,000 a.u., 25,000 art., 2,341 m.s., 500 ships, 3,000 planes

7th, 8th, 12th Rebel army groups defeated

2nd Japanese army group defeated

Japan: Whew. That was a close one!

JCLF: NO!!! That was my entire army!

Japan: Now get out!

JCLF: Never! We shall turn to guerrilla warfare!

Japan: Lucky for you, I've seen some of that. I'll hunt you guys down.

Treaty of Kyoto


Communist rebels can no longer have any presence the in the territory under the jurisdiction of the state of Japan, or any territory jointly occupied, under dispute or consolidated in war by the state of Japan. Communist rebels, if spotted, with weapons used for any violence or protests "in the name of communism", shall be fined and thrown in jail for a maximum of 5 years.

Japan: Thank goodness.

North Korea: It's time we break the DMZ once and for all! I'm tired of waiting... After all these years, it's time. Soldiers!

DPRK Soldiers: Yes?

North Korea: Charge towards Seoul, capture it and burn it to the ground. Make sure you also take Incheon, Busan, Daejeon and all the other cities. The people are counting on you!

Democratic Front of Korea: No! We are counting on you, to fight for your people, your families, your lives, your futures, to overthrow the oppressive Kim regime! Soldiers, the choice is yours. Have your name remembered for oppression, or have it remembered for democracy, even in the face of death.

DPRK Soldiers: Wow, so moving... *cries* We will overthrow the regime!

North Korea: China! Help! All my soldiers turned against me!

China (ROC): You mean me?

China (PRC): No, he means me! Sorry, I can't, I'm busy fighting a civil war.

North Korea: Russia! Help! Please!

USSR: I'm facing revolts in Europe! I can't either!

JCLFGF (JCLF Guerrilla Fighters): We will help!

North Korea: Thanks!

DFoK Soldiers: Attack!

Battle of Pyongyang

DFoK losses: 1,203,495

North Korean losses: 2,495,172

North Korea: No!!!!

Korea is unified.

Korea: Yey!

Japan: Hi Korea!

Korea: Hi.

In Africa...

Libya: Democracy time!

Libya: Better!

South Africa: No more apartheid!

South Africa: Better!

???: I will glorify the world again.

South Africa: Who's that?

To be continued...

See you next time!

Level 39
May 13, 2022
Level 61
May 13, 2022



Level 61
May 19, 2022
what the heck is that?
Level 35
May 14, 2022
Grr... I am not level 40. I was going to make a blog. I like these series chapters.