Homicide Rate* in Brazil (1990-2021)

It’s not from today that Brazil is known by its high criminality. Sometimes is well-based, but in the other times, is more like a stereotype. The homicide index is kinda variable, and very high in the country, although we are next to a decrease. Myth, or truth?
Sources: Wikipedia, FBSP (Public Security Brazilian Forum), Statisdata, Insight Crime, Macrotrends, and World Population Review
*per 100,000 inhabitants
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Level 68
May 22, 2022
Wonder what caused the dip?
Level 43
May 22, 2022
Pandemics influenced on the indices, but after a quick search, other causes include:

Professionalization of the drug market

Biggest control and influence of the government under the criminals

Appeasement of the conflicts between criminal factions

Social and security public politics

Decrease of numbers of young people in the population

I wasn’t pretty much sure about the last one, but I discovered about demographic changes. And the biggest parcel of the letal violence affects young people of the masculine sex.