A random map about the livability of other countries.


The Map

The map I created (Global Livability Index) is based on 4 factors: HDI Index, Fragile States Index, Democracy Index (from The Economist), and Freedom Index (from Freedom House).  The scores were an average of all the scores (HDI was out of 100, FSI out of 120, DI out of 10, and FI out of 100).  When choosing a place to live, I think the most valuable things to consider is if the country has infrastructure and if the country is stable; if a country lacks infrastructure, then transport/hospitals are less present, making it a less appealing place to live; if a country is unstable, then, depending on the unstableness, you could be living in a full-out civil war or just be in an area with high tensions of one.  Freedom also ranks high, mainly because I want to be able to do what I want to do, but democracy does not have as much as a say as the others mostly because democracy and freedoms are correlated, and making them both large makes them weigh too heavily compared to the other two factors.

GLI 2021

Interesting Facts About This Map

I have been studying the world political climate/countries' individual status for 2 and a half years, but the following are some of the placings that surprised me the most.  I was surprised that Malawi was as high up as it was on the list, mainly because I think of it as a relatively developed and semi-autocratic regime.  However, it has a higher GLI than China, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt, with a similar GLI to places like Morocco and Guatemala.  Another thing: Malaysia, which I thought to be somewhat democratic (at the time I hadn't read the recent developments in its government and the information I was used to was somewhat outdated), was actually one of the democracies (according to The Economist) furthest to the bottom of the totem pole, with only places like South Africa and India behind it.  Moving on from the more biased part to the actual statistics: Africa has the worst GLI, followed by Asia, then North America.  The best continents are Europe, followed by Oceania, with South America coming in third.  However, North America and South America are very close together, and some could argue either way (I have not included most of the democratic and stable Lesser Antilles nations because of their size and their lack of information as far as the FSI goes).  The best in each continent: Canada, Uruguay, Norway (I may be wrong, but Norway is first in Europe as far as my memory goes), Japan, New Zealand, and Botswana.

Other Similar Maps

I may or may not make a new 2022 GLI Index, depending on when the information on the FSI and the DI come in, also depending on how bored I am.  The main reason I made this map was because I could not find any like it online, and so I thought the only way to find one is to make it myself.  I have made countless similar maps, but none based on actual facts, just off of my bias (and somewhat uninformed brain).  Making maps is my hobby, so I may make similar maps, and if so will share them here.

Level 65
Feb 5, 2022
I noticed that the map on the blog is very pixilated, so I would suggest clicking on it and then going to the source to find a better, more HD picture.
Level 65
Feb 6, 2022
I should have added this in the article, but there are a lot more countries than you think are higher than the U.S. The U.S. is at the bottom of the 65+ (any other country in that range is actually higher than the U.S.), mainly due to its pretty trash (for a democracy) freedom and stability scores.
Level 67
Feb 5, 2022
Great effort. I'd also consider the weather, inequality (Gini index) and corruption level in a liveability index. This will score down the Scandinavian countries (too cold), rich countries with a huge poverty problem (e.g. USA), and democratic countries with an ineffective government.
Level 65
Feb 5, 2022
Agreed. However, the weather is quite hard to put into an index (can you even find anything not heavily subjective?). My only problem with the HDI index is the fact that it measures the GNI and not the GINI, so next year (this year) I'll include that as well as corruption (DEFINITELY a main factor that my brainless self forgot to factor in).
Level 63
Feb 6, 2022
Nice! I never knew that France has a higher HDI than the UK lol.
Level 43
Feb 6, 2022
This map is brilliant! I also would add GINI as criteria :)