On This Day Challenge Update #1


Well fellow Jetpunks, or is it Jetpunkers ?

I have now completed the month of January in the "On This Day" series of quizzes.

I am still enthusiastic about this challenge that I gave myself for the New Year. One quiz to be posted per day for the whole year as a minimum.

You can check out the series of quizzes so far HERE

Please subscribe if you like them and leave some comments below the quizzes. I will even accept constructive criticism and I will always reply !

Thanks in advance for any quizzes you take.

Onwards and upwards and into February including the leap day............

Posted on day 31 of 366

Level 43
Oct 21, 2020

Sorry no one commenting...

Level 78
Oct 21, 2020
Ahh well, never mind...C'est la vie, as the French say !

To be honest, I don't write these blog posts or make quizzes for comments, likes, or praise.(Although it's nice when it happens)

I make them for myself and to keep my brain cells active in my advancing years!