
Blog Series by Brainstorm
A series of academic blogs, stylised as essays, illustrating the 'partial' history of predominantly ethical philosophical ideas – from the Sophists to Sartre, from the nature of morality to euthanasia. Due to the extensive use of specific terminology and intricate choice of vocabulary, these are highly recommended for college/Sixth Form and university students. However, anyone deeply interested in Philosophy can enjoy this series of informational blogs.

A detailed guide to the ethical philosophy of major Greek thinkers.

An academic overview of Epicurus' theory of moderate hedonism.

An academic overview of Socrates' notion of how we can attain knowledge.

An academic overview of Socrates' notion of moral absolutism.

An academic overview of Protagoras' and Gorgias' notion of moral relativism.

An academic overview of Aristotle's concept of virtue ethics.