Interesting Facts - Page 115

Although it's a Pacific coast nation, the ten longest rivers in Peru all flow into the Atlantic Ocean.
In several countries, including Mexico and Germany, you can't be punished for escaping from prison because the pursuit of liberty is considered a universal right. You can, however, be punished for crimes committed during your escape such as assault, threats of violence, or property damage.
The New River in West Virginia is considered by some geologists to be one of the oldest rivers in the world.
The longest monorail in the U.S. is located in Disney World.
In order to secure a rubber supply, the Ford Motor Company built a city in the middle of the Amazon rainforest called Fordlândia. Founded in 1928, it quickly descended into chaos due to poor management, forcing of American culture on locals, and little knowledge of the surrounding forest. The project was abandoned in 1934.
103 Recent Comments
Level ∞
Jan 11, 2021
Credit to @AlexThirkell for #571 and #572, @WolfCam for #573, and @GrandOldMan for #575.
Level 42
Jan 12, 2021
Surprisingly, the most common name in the world is Mohammed.
Level 52
Jan 12, 2021
Level 59
Feb 11, 2021
yeah, 2% of the world has the name.
Level 66
Jan 12, 2021
Just think of an substitute teacher with an Indian school.

Teacher: "I will call roll! Do we have Muhammad?

All Muhammads: "Is it Muhammad A., Muhammad D. Muhammad Aakav D., Muhammad B., Muhammad H., or Muhammad P.?"

Teacher: "I dunno, it just says Muhammad."

Level 52
Jan 12, 2021
Level 54
Jan 14, 2021
Technically, in Muslims, Muhammad is first name . Everyone is called from his second name that's why not everyone is called from Muhammad.
Level 54
Jan 14, 2021
*no one
Level 60
Jan 12, 2021
Australia is wider than Pluto. The highest score ever made in a soccer game was achieved by AS adema vs I'Emryne which resulted 149-0 score. Soccer was played by prisoners at London's Newgate Prison in the early 1800's. Having their hands cut off for their crimes, the prisoners made up a game only using their feet. (sorry they are mostly soccer facts)
Level 71
Apr 17, 2021
I'd like a source for the soccer fact given above, I believe that punishment such as cutting of hands was forbidden during the 18C.
Level 67
Nov 17, 2021
Out of curiosity, after you get your hands cut off, what do you do for the rest of your life?
Level 52
Jan 12, 2021
The flag of the North Caucasian Emirate (a former country in modern-day Chechnya) looked like this:

Level 68
Jan 15, 2021
Level 66
Jan 15, 2021
I went into the talk page, and they said it was fake :(
Level 66
Jan 15, 2021

If you look at the bottom banknote, you'll see the real flag.

Level 52
Jan 15, 2021
Based on a single comment that nobody has yet supported, you'll take that?
Level 66
Jan 19, 2021
Level 65
Aug 11, 2021
Wait we can embed images now!??
Level 60
Jun 28, 2023
Not anymore.
Level 43
Jan 17, 2021

Level 43
Jan 17, 2021
Its from a South African soccer team. It looks like there was a landslide, and people had their legs buried. Now, they call for help forever... LOL
Level 65
Jan 13, 2021
Add that the highest and lowest points in the lower 48 are in the same county if you haven’t already
Level 42
Jan 13, 2021
All polar bears are left handed.
Level 42
Jan 13, 2021
On the twitter logo there is a blue bird that has a name. The bird was named after a basketball player
Level 42
Jan 13, 2021
It's called Larry
Level 52
Jan 13, 2021
The scientific paper called "Cneoridium dumosum (Nuttall) Hooker F. Collected March 26, 1960, at an Elevation of about 1450 Meters on Cerro Quemazón, 15 Miles South of Bahía de Los Angeles, Baja California, México, Apparently for a Southeastward Range Extension of Some 140 Miles" only has five words in it.
Level 52
Jan 13, 2021
The "Continental Drip" theory states that continents appear to be drooping downwards because they "drip" to the bottom of the Earth.
Level 52
Jan 13, 2021
The proper name for the holes on Swiss Cheese is "eyes"
Level 52
Jan 13, 2021
In Japan's Kayabukiya Tavern, guests are served by trained monkeys.
Level 52
Jan 13, 2021
The Hamburger University (run by McDonalds) in Chicago teaches restaurant management.
Level 52
Jan 13, 2021
The Vatican has a national football (soccer) team.
Level 52
Jan 13, 2021
There is list of games that Buddha and his disciples would not play.
Level 52
Jan 13, 2021
There is a Japanese version of chess with over 400 pieces per side.
Level 52
Jan 13, 2021
Only one vote was cast in the 1803 Gatton by-election.
Level 52
Jan 13, 2021
The 1927 Liberian presidential election had a "turnout" of 1,680%.
Level 67
Jan 15, 2021
Seems legit.
Level 52
Jan 13, 2021
In the 2018 Mayoral Election in Makassar (an Indonesian city), a man named Munafri Arifuddin ran unopposed, got 264,245 votes - and lost.
Level 52
Jan 13, 2021
According to ancient artwork, Charles the Bald of the Carolingian Empire had hair.
Level 60
Feb 6, 2021
Level 52
Jan 13, 2021
Pedro Lascuráin was president of Mexico for 45 minutes.
Level 84
Mar 16, 2021
Explanation: General Victoriano Huerta couped the recently formed government of Francisco Madero and, for some kind of legitimacy, arranged for his legal successor to give him the power.

During the Decena Trágica (Tragic Ten Days), both President Madero and Vice-President José María Pino Suárez were assassinated. Next in line would've been Attorney General Adolfo Valles Baca, but Valles had already resigned (since, well, his life was in the line).

Next then was our pal Foreign Secretary Pedro Lascuráin, who got to the presidency and, in just 45 minutes, appointed Huerta as his Interior Secretary (the next in line), then resigned from the presidency, thus the power falling into Huerta... not to last. He stood for 17 months.

And this, my friends, is just another chapter of the Mexican Revolution, which can be resumed as: Several caciques (fat cats) backstabbing each other... and a brand new Constitution!!!!

Level 52
Jan 13, 2021
The Rhinoceros Party, a satirical political party in Canada, has made crazy promises such as:

Rather than awarding money as prizes in the lottery, the winners would be appointed to the Senate of Canada.

Make Great Britain Canada's eleventh province.

Building one nuclear power plant per household.

Level 52
Jan 13, 2021
I seriously advise you to read the page on Wikipedia. Their promises are good for a laugh!
Level 45
Mar 15, 2021
They also want to repeal the law of gravity and tear down the Rocky Mountains so that Albertans can see the Pacific sunset.

Its a good laugh, this party.

Level 65
Mar 6, 2024
Level 84
Mar 16, 2021
"I got in there then"

Then the writer proceeds to thank everyone and their granny for "letting get in there then".


Level 51
Jan 13, 2021
Level 52
Jan 13, 2021
It's great!
Level 51
Jan 14, 2021
John Farmer Jr. was governor of New Jersey for 90 minutes on January 8, 2002. Even weirder, Christine Todd Whitman, the incumbent governor of New Jersey, was running for re-election. She won. 1 year before finishing her term, she resigned. 4 other people served as governor before Whitman's second term ended.
Level 52
Jan 14, 2021
Oh, yeah? Well I was gov'nuh of New York for 89 minutes!
Level 66
Feb 24, 2021
but I was -0 recurring.1 YOCTOSECONDS
Level 66
Jan 14, 2021
You are being crazy with facts like I did on page 103. I only got 1 on :(
Level 66
Jan 14, 2021
In 2014, a dog named Duke won an election to become mayor. He won his 4th consecutive term in May 2017. The reason he won is because twelve votes were cast.


Level 42
Jan 14, 2021
Vending machines kill up to 4 times as many people as sharks.
Level 42
Jan 14, 2021
Los Angeles has more cars than people
Level 42
Jan 14, 2021
36 human hearts is the same as 1 giraffe's heart.
Level 42
Jan 14, 2021
Florida's disney world is bigger than 17 countries
Level 42
Jan 14, 2021
Over 100,000 Facebook accounts are used every day
Level 59
Feb 11, 2021
not very interesting
Level 51
Jan 15, 2021
Dallas is closer to Acadia National Park than it is to Seattle
Level 51
Jan 15, 2021
Source: Google maps
Level 51
Jan 15, 2021
Reunion once got 71 inches of rain

Level 52
Jan 15, 2021
Would've thought it got more due to it being so tropical
Level 51
Jan 15, 2021
in 24 hours
Level 63
Jan 15, 2021
Centralia, Pennsylvania has been on fire since 1962.,_Pennsylvania

Level 63
Jan 15, 2021
A small single-story building called the Corporation Trust Center is where over 285,000 companies, or over 15% of all companies in the United States, are legally based.

Level 74
Mar 4, 2021
The Delaware Loophole be like
Level 67
Nov 17, 2021
Does Delaware get anything out of that?

Or, is it just like a formality for everyone involved?

Level 63
Jan 15, 2021
The City of Colma, California's population of the dead outnumbers the population of the living nearly a thousand to one.,_California

Level 63
Jan 15, 2021
I don't know if it's been done before, but Mill Ends Park is the smallest park in the world (according to Guinness World Records) with a total area of 452 square inches.
Level 59
Jan 15, 2021
The Easternmost point of Texas is closer to Chicago than it is to the Westernmost point.
Level 42
Jan 15, 2021
Raw nutmeg is poisinous
Level 46
Jan 15, 2021
571 is like that because they originate in the Andes and they go down to the Atlantic, including the Amazon.
Level 52
Jan 15, 2021
While on an expedition in Africa, British Admiral F. W. Kennedy discovered the following flag, thought to belong to the Benin Empire.

Level 43
Jan 17, 2021
I know this flag too LOL
Level 46
Jan 15, 2021
The biggest city in the world is Hulun Buir, in Inner Mongolia, a region in China. Its size is 101,913 mi², the size of New Zealand, although having only a quarter of a million people live there.
Level 42
Jan 15, 2021
Nagqu is larger than Hulun Buir so it is not true. Nagqu is 174,000 square miles.
Level 52
Jan 15, 2021
Tru facts
Level 46
Jan 20, 2021
but it isnt a city
Level 63
Jan 15, 2021
Source? According to Wikipedia, Chongqing is the largest at 31,815 square miles (82,403 sq. km.).

Level 52
Jan 15, 2021
That's a list by population, with area too, so only the world's most populated cities are included. Try here (I would personally exclude these Greenlandic municipalities).
Level 74
Mar 4, 2021
You can definitely exclude them, if the thing you are looking for is the largest city, which without doubt is Nagqu.
Level 55
Jan 15, 2021
Kenya is bigger than Sweden in area
Level 59
Jan 18, 2021
Yeah, because of Mercator maps
Level 42
Jan 15, 2021
You can eat a 5000 year old honey
Level 52
Jan 15, 2021
I can also technically eat 20 billion years old honey. Whether it would taste good, go down or if it actually exists is another story.
Level ∞
Jan 16, 2021
I'm not sure you can. Atoms decay into other atoms over (very long) periods of time. Lots of other things could happen as well. I'd say this is at best unlikely.
Level 85
Feb 25, 2021
Eating 20 billion year old honey is further complicated by determining a way to get it to our universe, as that age predates the big bang by about 6 billion years. (Assuming it's even possible to universe-hop!)
Level ∞
Feb 25, 2021
It's not that complicated, all we have to do is get some honey and wait for 20 billion years :)
Level 42
Jan 16, 2021
Leonardo Da Vinci invented scissors.
Level 52
Jan 16, 2021
...which he stole from Tom Hanks while on his time traveling plane.
Level ∞
Jan 16, 2021
While I appreciate the facts, I'd also appreciate it if you could check Wikipedia first.

Level 43
Jan 17, 2021
Very cool facts! I have one in the pages 114 and 116. If you can check, please do it. ;)
Level 85
Feb 26, 2021
So, no punishment for escaping from prison in Germany, but Germans got punished for escaping from their flats during Covid lockdown. Makes perfect sense.
Level 85
Feb 26, 2021
A line from Scott Miller's "Appalachian Refugee":

"the oldest river they call New"

Level 74
Mar 4, 2021
The tree Methuselah in California lived when the Pyramids of Giza were built and is still alive.
Level 67
May 6, 2021
Parts of Florida are west of parts of Chicago.
Level 41
Oct 4, 2021
For #572, if the pursuit of freedom is considered to be a universal right, wouldn't denying someone freedom be considered a crime? How do the Mexican and German legal systems get around this, I wonder.
Level 67
Nov 17, 2021
Person: *escapes.*

Prison Guard: *gets arrested trying to stop them.*

Level 83
Apr 2, 2024
The explanation of the fact is doubtful, or at best oversimplified. It's a philosophical justification, not legal. Escaping from prison is still illegal, it just doesn't carry additional sentence by itself, strictly speaking. You can be prosecuted of course for damaging the property, injuries, helping others to escape etc, and most importantly it affects the reduction of sentence, which is otherwise pretty much automatic if you behave.
Level 41
Oct 4, 2021
It makes it appear as though an inmate could not be pursued by the law if they just walked out of the prison as long as they could prove that they had no connection to the criminal mastermind who actually arranged for all of the doors to be opened.
Level 56
Apr 26, 2022
I don't know about you, but I would rather go to prison in Germany than in Mexico.