
English Monarchs Quiz

Can you guess the names of the kings and queens who have ruled England since the time of the Norman conquest?
Includes uncrowned monarchs, but not disputed claimants
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: September 8, 2022
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First submittedFebruary 2, 2013
Times taken392,102
Average score76.9%
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House of Windsor
House of Hanover
House of Stuart
House of Tudor
House of York
House of Lancaster
House of York
House of Lancaster
House of Plantagenet
House of Anjou
House of Blois
House of Normandy
100 Recent Comments
Level 63
Nov 28, 2015
Surprisingly easy- most Kings were named Henry, William, George or Edward. That handles 26 of them already, and it's MUCH easier to remember the Queens since there were far fewer of them.
Level 91
Feb 10, 2016
Roman numeral is wrong for Edward VII (currently shows as VIII).
Level ∞
Feb 10, 2016
Level 68
Aug 28, 2016
Only forgot Anne. Sorry about that, Anne.
Level 54
May 6, 2024
She was a pretty miserable person... you probably didn't help by forgetting her.
Level 53
Nov 18, 2016
I am curious as to why Lady Jane Grey is not on the list. The 9 day queen.
Level 38
Dec 4, 2016
Level 57
Feb 10, 2017
forgot JOhn and Stephen
Level 89
Jun 26, 2019
Stephen seems totally random. Nobody wanted to be named after him.

I can remember King John because he was played by some kind of a panther thing with a pet snake wearing a short, short cape in Robin Hood by Disney. Sir Hiss.

Level 76
Feb 20, 2017
Edward VIII's house was Saxe-Coburg, not Windsor.
Level 63
Feb 25, 2017
All of them with 0:58 remaining. I'm trying the Name the Popes quiz after this.
Level 76
Mar 7, 2017
Edward VII was House of Saxe-Coburg Gotha - his son George V started out as that too then changed the name to Windsor during WW1
Level 47
Mar 19, 2017
Anyone else sing the horrible histories song?
Level 44
May 19, 2017
Please accept Ann for Anne.
Level 70
May 25, 2017
That's not how she spelled her name; it was always Anne.
Level 30
Jul 27, 2017
Level 38
Jul 3, 2024
Glad I'm not the only one! I stared at 1837-1901 for many seconds, remembering William preceded Victoria; Edward followed her, but.... Did get it before time ran out.
Level 74
Aug 20, 2017
Freaking unimaginative lot, our "royal family". Only 13 different names in a millennium, and not as if the next three in line will change it (by which time, hopefully it'll disappear as the anachronism it is, but that's another story)
Level 83
Oct 16, 2017
They can always choose a different name, like the previous king, known as Bertie. But looking around Europe this is out of fashion now, apart from the popes.
Level 79
Apr 29, 2020
there are plenty of other monarchies in Europe. I'm a (British) republican but it's not something I feel really strongly about. It's rather a daft system but it does kind of work.
Level 28
Nov 22, 2017
Why does Elizabeth give two answers, but George only one?
Level 35
Dec 15, 2017
Easy! Should do a quiz where you have to get them in order.
Level 47
Dec 19, 2017
Lady Jane Grey really should be on this list. She was definitely the monarch for 9 days, disputed or not.
Level 22
Dec 25, 2017
exactly 2:00 left
Level 73
May 15, 2018
You Americans do know there's a difference between England and Great Britain, right?
Level 35
Jun 10, 2018
Henry VIII (Protestant) died and his son Edward (Protestant) became King.When he died, aged 15, in his will he stated his half-sister, Elizabeth (Protestant) was illegitimate, because even though she was born in wedlock, Henry VIII and Anne Bolyen's marriage had been annulled (it basically never happened...) and because Mary was a Catholic and he wanted to carry on the Protestant way of things, he wanted his cousin Jane (Protestant) to be Queen. But years before, his dad, Henry VIII and Parliament had brought a law in, the Act of Succession, that put Mary and Elizabeth in line behind his son Edward. the Treason Act made it an offence to interrupt that line of Succession, so what Edward wanted, he could not have without Parliament changing that law. Edward could cry "Jane" from the rooftops, but the Law said different. The Privy Council changed their collective mind, and declared Mary as Queen. Jane was never crowned.
Level 63
Aug 17, 2020
although being crowned isnt necessary to be monarch

Edward the 8th was never crowned, and Elizabeth 2 became queen in 1952, but wasnt crowned until 1953

Level 56
Jan 12, 2021
Henry VIII wasn't a Protestant by the way – he never allowed any changes to church practices during his reign, but did allow an arrest warrant to be issued for his last wife because of her outspokenly Protestant views.
Level 81
Aug 10, 2023
Agreed. Henry VIII was in fact a Catholic. When the Pope wouldn't allow the annulment of his (heirless) marriage to Catherine of Aragon it led to the English Reformation and separation from the authority of the Pope. The Church of England was formed, and Henry was thereafter Supreme Head of it. He never aligned himself with Protestantism per se, but posited a kind of mixture of Catholicism and Protestantism.
Level 60
Feb 18, 2024
Not sure I'd call Henry a 'Protestant'. yes, he broke with Rome but not over any doctrinal issue. Essentially he wanted to be head of an English Catholic Church.

This still comes down to the current day with some sections of the CofE describing themselves as Catholics but not Roman Catholics.

Level 28
Jun 11, 2018
Try the yellow box version here
Level 23
Jun 13, 2018
I am personally NOT a fan of yellow box!
Level 59
Jul 27, 2018
No King Arthur?! Pffff. I call bollocks!
Level 76
Sep 24, 2018
Edward VII did not belong to the House of Windsor. He belonged to the House of Saxe-Coburg Gotha as indeed did his son George V until the name was changed to the less German sounding more patriotic Windsor during the First World War in 1916 or 1917...
Level 40
Nov 17, 2022
Oh. I see how the houses in Harry Potter came into being, a British thing. Or should i have said an English thing?

In my country we have this presidential thing which seems to work, kind-a, sort-of, mostly

Level 71
Dec 16, 2018
43 rulers, 13 names :)
Level 27
Feb 10, 2019
I would love the same quiz but where you actually have to know each persons name like in the right order (in addition to this quiz which is also great)
Level 25
Mar 21, 2019
Did this quiz while listening to the Horrible Histories song
Level 85
Nov 7, 2019
Clicked on this quiz with forlorn hope only to find it much easier than I anticipated. Only missed Steve.
Level 71
Jan 29, 2020
He asked to tell you he misses you too!
Level 53
Feb 14, 2020
Just putting in most stereotypical old British names and got this done with like 1 minute left :D
Level 64
Feb 22, 2020
A song to help you remember them all in order:
Level 53
Apr 29, 2020
Next time you edit, could you please add the Saxon/Viking kings? Fun quiz!
Level 68
Apr 29, 2020
Any chance of a one where you have to include the number also? This one is too easy :) I've been using this as a quiz for my 9 year old while in lockdown
Level 64
Apr 29, 2020
*every child that grew up with horrible histories rises slowly from their seat*
Level 38
Apr 29, 2020
There hasn't been a English monarch since 1706 it turned into the British monarchy

So this is incorrect

Level 49
Dec 15, 2020
theyre still the english monarch too :)
Level 39
Apr 29, 2020
CGP Grey helps with this
Level 76
May 21, 2020
Good quiz but it could be even better if one had to name them in order - too easy otherwise. The title of course is wrong - it should be English and British monarchs. And finally, Edward VII and George V were of the House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha until the latter changed the family name to Windsor in World War One...
Level 28
Jun 19, 2020
Lady Jane Grey is missing, Queen for 9 days in 1553
Level 53
Apr 4, 2021
She's a disputed claimant. Not included in the quiz.
Level 43
Apr 27, 2021
The Horrible Histories monarchs song actually came in handy after all nearly ten years after memorising it XD
Level 23
May 12, 2021
did it with 2:36 left :)
Level 32
Jul 31, 2021
All monarchs are BRITISH from 1603. The last English monarch was QE first!

Therefore the title of the quiz is a little misleading.

Level 76
Aug 9, 2021
how come henry vi and edward iv are listed twice?
Level 57
Aug 12, 2021
Henry was the king for a bit, then he was taken off the throne and Edward was put on, then Henry got the throne back and then lost it again a year later, leading to Edward regaining power
Level 15
Aug 28, 2021
I always thought it started with Egbert and the 2 dozen plus before William. Or are we just counting the French and German Monarchs? Alfred the Great may be upset.
Level 23
Jun 11, 2022
There were many more before William but we generally start from him because that was the last time we were invaded.
Level 49
Jun 11, 2024
That is a strange way of doing it though - England as a political entity existed before the Norman Conquest, so why do we often ignore those kings so often or that period in general. Other countries also don't have a cutoff based on when they were last invaded (France would have a very short history otherwise...! :-D )
Level 29
Oct 28, 2021
EZ they had 13 names
Level 16
May 19, 2022
Thanks horrible historys monarch song lol
Level 23
Jun 11, 2022
William, William, Henry, Stephen

Henry, Richard, John, oi!

Henry, Ed, Ed, Ed, Rich two

Then three more Henrys join our song

Edward, Edward, Rich the third

Henry, Henry, Ed again

Mary one, good Queen Bess

Jimmy, Charles and Charles and then

Jim, Will, Mary, Anna Gloria

George, George, George, George

Will, Victoria

Edward, George, Edward, George six

And Queen Liz two completes the mix

Level 89
Sep 8, 2022
Charlie 3 is getting tons of clicks.
Level 23
Jun 11, 2022
Where is Lady Jane Grey?!
Level 64
Jul 12, 2022
was she ever sworn in? i mean totally girlboss but apart from being named queen after edward was she ever officially crowned?
Level 82
Sep 8, 2022
Somewhere under the Tower of London, I believe.
Level 87
Jul 14, 2022
Edward VII was *not* part of the House of Windsor. George V changed the family name in 1917, seven years after the death of Edward VII. He should be listed under the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha.
Level 64
Sep 8, 2022
Rest In Peace Her Majesty, Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of Her other Realms and Territories, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith.
Level 76
Sep 9, 2022
All hail Charles, third of his name, godfather of a dragon. Long may he reign!
Level 91
Sep 8, 2022
Quickest update to a Jetpunk quiz I've ever seen. RIP Queen Elizabeth II.
Level 61
Sep 8, 2022
rip legend :(
Level 66
Sep 8, 2022
the only things faster than light are wikipedia editors and jetpunk users
Level 87
Sep 8, 2022
Interesting to see that my points still remain since Charles has the same name as previous kings. And with William and George next in line, I probably won't see a differently named British monarch in my lifetime.
Level 82
Sep 8, 2022
Depends on what name they decide on - they can choose any of their names as their official monarch name. So we could have an Arthur I, a Philip I, or a Louis I, potentially followed by an Alexander I or a Louis I or II...
Level 89
Sep 8, 2022
Interesting there are only 9 names for 37 male monarchs and 4 names for only 6 females. Maybe they can start using modern naming trends and have a Queen Zandaryna or King Fyllip.
Level 85
Sep 9, 2022
I thought "royal speculation" was that the former Prince Charles would never choose to reign as King Charles. But now he's done exactly that. Perhaps he figures he can wear the name better than his predecessors!
Level 28
Sep 8, 2022
they really updated this quiz already
Level 63
Sep 9, 2022
My thoughts exactly
Level 78
Sep 9, 2022
They had the “next in line” answer cued up for Charles III already, so it didn’t reset the answer stats or anything. Although… I wonder if the quizmaster predicted this was going to happen this year by having then Prince now King Charles in the quiz already.
Level 81
Sep 9, 2022
I doubt it because in his predictions for the year he had an 85% chance that Queen Elizabeth would still be alive at the end of 2022.
Level 71
Sep 9, 2022
God save King Charles III
Level 67
Sep 9, 2022

God Save The King

Sept. 2022

Level 68
Sep 9, 2022
May her majesty rest in peace
Level 31
Sep 9, 2022
Type in Henry and you will get tons of ones right lol
Level 36
Sep 9, 2022
I got 7/13 and I'm american. good enough for me
Level 33
Sep 9, 2022
ain't no way this is already updated
Level 74
Sep 9, 2022
Please please please amend Edward VII to be under House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. Putting him under Windsor is grossly historically incorrect.

Rest in peace HM The Queen; God save the King.

Level 43
Sep 9, 2022
It's still weird to read Charles name on here. RIP to our Queen, from Brazil.
Level 40
Sep 10, 2022
RIP to the queen, from Ireland. King Charles doesn't sound right.
Level 73
Sep 12, 2022
Why do Americans not get the difference between English and British?
Level ∞
Sep 12, 2022
You do realize that some of these monarchs did not rule Scotland and Wales, right?
Level 78
Oct 19, 2022
Stereotypically, I thought Americans were the ones who were supposed to go around asking, "why doesn't the entire world know everything about us?"
Level 37
Feb 3, 2023
While that may be true, mixing up English and British is like calling the US, Washington or the EU, Belgium.
Level 54
Jan 12, 2023
Edward VII was not House Windsor.

The name didn't change until the reign of George V.

Edward VII was House Saxe-Coburg and Gotha

Level 37
Feb 3, 2023
I believe King James I is correct as he was King James the sixth and first or first and sixth.
Level 38
Apr 15, 2023
Do you mind if I borrow this for an “all british and English monarchs ever” quiz going all the way back to Offa, the first ever monarch of England (later becoming Great Britain/UK)?
Level 38
Apr 17, 2023
It’s missing Lady Jane Grey, unless she was a disputed claimant. But a National Geographic (Dorling Kindersley) book I have says she was a monarch…
Level 53
May 8, 2023
Screw the monarchy. They're using tax money to spend a party to say "yep, this guy is king now" instead of using it on anything in a cost of living crisis.
Level 49
Jun 11, 2024
England existed before 1066 - please don't do that lazy thing of starting the list of English monarchs from the Norman Conquest - you're missing such an interesting period of history.
Level 38
Jun 24, 2024
If this is too easy, try my quiz on all the English monarchs. It includes all monarchs well before 1066.