
Countries with the Highest Life Expectancy

Try to the 20 countries with the highest life expectancies at birth.
According to the CIA World Factbook. Date accessed: 18 January 2023.
Countries marked in blue have a population less than 1 million
There is no data for the Vatican.
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: January 19, 2023
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First submittedFebruary 3, 2012
Times taken166,140
Average score75.0%
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San Marino
South Korea
New Zealand
102 Recent Comments
Level 67
Jun 22, 2016
There is a fantastic graduation speech by Adrian Tan to a group of students in Singapore, in which he says "Singapore has the third-longest life expectancy, behind only Monaco and Japan, and ahead of Iceland and San Marino. Do you know what these countries all have in common? Our football teams are hopeless. Fans are unlikely to be thrown in draining fits during a game. They are more likely to lulled into a gentle and restful nap." And that is the only reason I know the top five countries in this category.
Level 82
Jun 22, 2016
Japan's women's football team is pretty good.
Level 36
Jun 22, 2016
Nobody watches the Japan's women's team play, even if they are more famous then Japan's men's team.
Level 82
Jun 23, 2016
Well I'm not as sexist as European football fans, so I watched them play. My grandmother and I saw their upset victory over the American team in the World Cup final. One of the only football games I've ever sat through in my life.
Level 67
Jun 23, 2016
That game was so great. I was sad to see the U.S. lose, but it was a lot of fun to watch, and the Japanese women had a great story of their own.
Level 83
Jun 23, 2016
Hmmm, USA has a crap team, yet it hasn't helped our life expectancy.
Level 67
Jun 23, 2016
Our team isn't really "crap" though. Americans just dismiss anything we aren't the best at. The U.S. men's team consistently makes the World Cup, and has advanced to the knockout round several times in recent memory. Certainly, we're not close to competing with the likes of Germany, Brazil, Spain, Argentina, Italy, etc., but our team isn't terrible. We're a second-tier team.

And our women's team is probably the best in the world.

Level 82
Jun 26, 2016
probably? probably?? The US women's soccer team is the most dominant football squad in the history of the game, period. Just since 1996, they've won FOUR Olympic gold medals and one silver. No men's football team has managed to do that and they've been playing men's football at the Olympics since 1900. Let that sink in. They've managed to get more medals in less than 20 years than ANY men's team has gotten in 120. They've also won the World Cup three times since the first Women's World Cup in 1991, and have NEVER not finished in the top 3. Again, something that no men's team has ever done.

And, considering that soccer is like the 20th most popular sport in the USA and nobody gives a crap, the men's team is outstanding. I mean in 2009 they beat Spain, the No. 1 team in the world. In 1998 they beat Brazil, also ranked No. 1 in the world. In 2010 their draw against England allowed them to win their group. They're not terrible. But they should be. Which makes them remarkable.

Level 56
Sep 30, 2021
The reply button doesn't work for the post 2 down from here which seems to suggest that the US mens team punches above it's weight. Here are some figures:-

The number of participants in outdoor "soccer" in the US: 12 million.

The entire population of Belgium: 11 million

The entire population of Netherlands: 17 million.

Hence the suggestion that few play "soccer" in the US is not correct. There are more people playing it in the US than the entire population of the country ranked number 1 in the world.

Level 82
Nov 15, 2022
most of those 12 million people playing it in the US are 5-8 year old girls, though. If someone in the US has any athletic talent at all, they tend to play something else. It's a relevant point.
Level 60
Jun 24, 2016
I know the U.S. has a different lifestyle and all, but it is a shame we can't seem to get on the list with all the modern medicines we have. Also, as a side note, I wonder where Finland ranks. I don't think it would be that far away because Sweden and Norway are on here.
Level 82
Jun 26, 2016
Finland: 80.77. USA: 79.68.
Level 75
Jul 3, 2018
Have you checked the price of those modern medicines? I am on two tier-three drugs for an auto-immune disorder which cost me $241 out-of-pocket each until I reach my yearly deductible - after that they cost $64 per prescription. It's not easy for retirees and others who are on those modern drugs. (That's after paying the monthly charges of $134 for required Medicare Part B, $188 for required supplemental insurance, and $33 for the drug plan.) If it weren't for modern medical science I wouldn't be alive today, so I'm grateful for that, but it is expensive just to stay alive in America. What angers me is that those same drugs can be purchased in other countries for much less.
Level 66
Mar 9, 2023
Those modern medicines cost obscene amounts, which is why so many more people die early than they should; they simply can't afford the high prices of medicine from greedy companies.
Level 72
Mar 9, 2023
While true, it's not really a leading factor in lower life expectancies: that is more due to a lack of exercise and proper diet.
Level 74
Jul 1, 2016
Nothing from the Americas... So dissapointing.
Level 82
Dec 5, 2017
The list of countries that could ever hope to make it is exactly two entries long. Unless you believe Michael Moore. :D
Level 49
Jun 16, 2018
Except Canada. That's included.
Level 74
Oct 19, 2020
Not when I wrote the comment.
Level 69
Jan 21, 2017
Interesting that there seems to be no correlation with the quiz on GDP
Level 82
Dec 5, 2017
huh? There's a pretty damn high correlation. What are you talking about?
Level 82
Dec 5, 2017
Do you mean total GDP and not GDP per capita?
Level ∞
Mar 14, 2018
There is a very high correlation between life expectancy and GDP per capita. Although, @kalbahamut, you'll be disappointed to know that life expectancy correlates slightly more strongly with PPP GDP than with nominal GDP.
Level 82
Mar 14, 2018
Why would I be disappointed? I'm absolutely not wrong about the fact that it is incredibly silly to measure a whole nation's overall GDP in terms of PPP... but PPP DOES make sense used in other ways, for example, in measuring the ability of people within a country to obtain healthcare.... THEN it actually makes a lot of sense to look at PPP per capita.
Level 82
Jul 3, 2018
I never asserted PPP was useless or meaningless. It has its uses. For measuring things like poverty, or minimum wages, which of course correlates to the ability of people to purchase healthcare or basic necessities like shelter and baseline nutrition. It is misused when trying to apply it to the total size of a country's economy, though.
Level 39
Nov 4, 2017
Current rank sees Japan at 1s, then Switzerland, then Singapore, Australia, Spain, Iceland, Italy and Israel... This seems a bit old.

Also, in most cases micronations rank high because the old people from other nations go there to live

Level 43
Jan 31, 2018
Israel is surprise for me same as Australia.
Level 68
Mar 14, 2018
Description says 20 countries when there are 21!
Level 91
Mar 14, 2018
Blame it on the kiwis!
Level 82
Mar 14, 2018
Almost 90 years in Monaco? Damn.
Level 81
Jun 4, 2022
Well when you’re rich, you can afford to be on life support for a long time...
Level 12
Mar 14, 2018
Good old Israel, where all you neighbors want you dead because you're Jewish. It's a miracle that they have the life expectancy they do.
Level 89
Mar 16, 2019
That's really not why the world wants Israel to stop cramming the natives of the country into an embargoed pocket of poverty. Quit using the knee jerk defense.
Level 77
Mar 14, 2018
This quiz got me to level 66. It was nearly six months ago that I got to level 65. So I might be quite old when I get a few more levels higher!
Level 90
Mar 16, 2018
I'm sure the quizmaster will soon reset a whole lot of quizzes that will destroy your hard work and bring your level back down.
Level 75
Jul 3, 2018
Yep. He did.
Level 71
Mar 9, 2020
I'm here to tell you you'll do better in the future ;) In the next 4 six months you will rise 5 levels instead of the expected 4
Level 35
May 10, 2018
I always forget Austria, despite the fact that I have actually been there!
Level 32
May 18, 2018
how the hell is israel higher than countries like sweden and luxembourg
Level 48
May 27, 2018
Exactly my thinking!
Level 49
Jun 16, 2018
Surprised not to see Finland, Germany, Denmark and the UK. I guess they must be among the next on the list.
Level 78
Jul 3, 2018
Germans die from exhaustion because they must wörk wörk wörk all the time.
Level 52
Aug 17, 2019
Those countries don't eat very good food probably lol

Also notice that most of these countries are next to the sea. A fish based diet should help apparently. Notice how Spain and Italy rank so high compared to the rest of Europe even tho their income isn't on top.

Level 78
Jan 25, 2020
In all honesty, your explanation is better (and mine wasn't serious).
Level 71
Mar 9, 2020
Finland is less like sweden and norway than people think. I definitely did not expect uk, had hope for denmark though
Level 6
Jul 3, 2018
Most of them are European.. Good job Europe!
Level 75
Jul 3, 2018
For the umpteenth time, the only one I missed was one I was sure I'd already typed. That hole in my brain is growing bigger.
Level 39
Jul 3, 2018
I got Iceland because i thought the pic of the old man looked like he was from there :D
Level 82
Jul 5, 2018
I think he's Japanese.
Level 39
Jul 6, 2018
OK, I just immediately imagined him as from Iceland or Norway or somewhere there...not sure why, I've never been up there before...
Level 82
Jan 26, 2019
QM has since changed the picture. Don't know where that guy is from. Monaco, maybe?
Level 60
Oct 26, 2022
That makes sense, I was about to say that it's questionable that the man is Japanese...
Level 32
Jul 5, 2018
Spelt Liechtenstein wrong and didn't get Israel

Please include other spellings from Liechtenstein as many people could get that wrong

Level 47
Jan 6, 2019
Got em all with 14 second left. Guessed Monaco last.
Level 73
Jun 27, 2019
Why on earth is Denmark not on this list?
Level ∞
Mar 9, 2020
Too many Danishes.
Level 63
Mar 9, 2023
They were in the pastry, but they’re not any more.
Level 66
Jul 10, 2019
Didn't guess Monaco, Andorra and Israel. I don't know how, but when I was trying the smallest countries of Europe I stopped and try others. :D
Level 60
Dec 3, 2019
Israel only when you can avoid being shot I suppose. Belgium not on the list ? And Luxemburg ?
Level 71
Mar 9, 2020
belgium is behind the netherlands and austria, both júst missing the list.
Level 72
Mar 10, 2020
Nobody shoots you in Israel unless you're shooting first. God, so much blind hate, stop believe EVERYTHING you hear on the news...
Level 82
Mar 10, 2020
Getting shot is proven to lower your life expectancy regardless of where you are when you get shot.
Level 81
Mar 22, 2020
@ingriddurden: I'm guessing you aren't American?
Level 70
Mar 10, 2020
Comparison with the 20 most wealthy countries (by median wealth and assuming high wealth for Monaco, San Marino, and Andorra): Belgium, UK, and Austria are missing and instead Sweden, Israel, and Norway (just the 21st most wealthy country -wtf?!) are on the list. In short, the wealthier the older.
Level 56
Mar 10, 2020
Im from Israel and it was the only i did'nt get! I did not know that we were so healthy.
Level 72
Mar 11, 2020
Really? The Maltese live longer than we do in the US? What is it, the falcons? The chocolate balls?
Level 72
Mar 11, 2020
And Frenchmen, Spaniards and Italians live longer than Germans??
Level 52
Mar 12, 2020
Spain, Italy, France consume more olive oil, seafood, wine and have better weather
Level 67
Mar 22, 2020
Also much earlier retirement.
Level 41
Mar 10, 2023
not in italy
Level 78
Mar 22, 2020
Perhaps stronger family ties are further reasons for Spain, Italy and Japan.
Level 56
Sep 30, 2021
That's why I was surprised not to see Greece on the list.
Level 71
Jul 1, 2024
It's the bratwurst and beer ;)

Edit and of course, no siesta's!

Level 29
May 1, 2020
Ummm UK has a life expectancy of 83
Level 31
May 3, 2020
I didn't even think of Israel at first, I guess I assumed Palestine was more dangerous
Level 46
Jun 13, 2020
We need to get these numbers up. Noah lived in the most dangerous time of the Great Flood and yet he lived to be 950. smh
Level 59
Aug 28, 2020
I always forget Iceland has very few people...
Level 53
Jun 4, 2021
Whaaat, didnt expect Israel
Level 82
Jul 13, 2021
should have. It's much nicer there than some malicious international stereotypes would lead one to believe.
Level 83
Dec 19, 2023
It's more a metodological question of which parts (or inhabitants) of Israel are included in the statistics.
Level 26
Sep 6, 2021
i got canada last second :0
Level 72
Sep 28, 2021
I wonder if Monaco’s average is skewed by the number of non-native residents? It would be interesting to see how they calculate the average and whether or not the result is weighted to take into account factors which may not be as relevant to other countries. My first question would be: how many of them are born, or die, in Monaco itself? Or would they have to discount all of the ‘foreign’ residents that do either, and just base the data on native births and deaths? Is Monaco even big enough to have a maternity ward? :-D
Level 82
Sep 28, 2021
I'm curious on where the Vatican City stands, and if you can even count life expectancy there.
Level 82
Sep 29, 2021
answered in comments above
Level 74
Sep 29, 2021
Instructions : "Try to the 20 countries"... Try to name?
Level 52
Oct 13, 2021
I can understand why Monaco has higher life expetancy than USA

First of all look at USA crime

healthcare is not free

Monaco is very rich country

Level 78
Aug 26, 2022
Monaco is incredibly rich and has a population of under 40,000. I do wonder how it made the list.
Level 24
Apr 27, 2022
Level 68
Aug 1, 2022
surprised to not see denmark or taiwan here
Level 78
Aug 26, 2022
Some of these are very unexpected. Some countries with very high HDIs don't even make the list
Level 82
Nov 15, 2022
After the first couple, the differences between these countries becomes pretty trivial, and this trend continues on down the list past the 20th spot...
Level 43
Feb 2, 2023
Iceland also has a population under 1 million but it isn't marked in blue. I don't know if that's on purpose but it seemed a bit odd to me.
Level ∞
Feb 2, 2023
Level 34
Mar 9, 2023
I would never guess Australia bcs of all the dangerous animals and tge giant spiders. 🤣
Level 56
Mar 9, 2023
You're probably one of the very few in the world that don't know we have a top ranked universal healthcare system. I could get my leg bitten off by a croc and wouldn't have to pay a cent at the hospital. It's a marvellous system.
Level 68
May 5, 2023
Just missed Malta
Level 72
Jun 4, 2023
Interesting that Southern European states France, Italy, Spain make the list, while economically stronger Northern European states like Denmark, Netherlands, Germany, Sweden don't.
Level 22
Jan 4, 2024
If we include Palestinians in Israel's statistics, the life expectancy goes down by 40-50 years at least.
Level 35
Mar 6, 2024
Is it because of the war?
Level 57
May 27, 2024
Great quiz! There's an error in the description though:

"Try to the 20 countries with the highest life expectancies at birth." I assume you meant "Try to guess the [...]"?

Level 22
Jun 2, 2024
please fix the quiz, israel is not a country. it's the zionist entity that's living in PALESTINE. Ironically they're "living long" but shortening new borns' lives in Palestine everyday for the past 75 years.
Level 58
Jun 21, 2024
I missed Italy, France and Spain. I got everything else, but somehow managed to miss three of the biggest countries in Europe. I think the dementia’s setting in.