
Asia Capital to Country

For each capital city, name the Asian country that it is capital of.
Answer must correspond to highlighted box!
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: December 23, 2019
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First submittedDecember 26, 2013
Times taken97,985
Average score77.1%
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 / 48 guessed
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Sri Jayewardenepura
Sri Lanka
Kuala Lumpur
East Timor
North Korea
Saudi Arabia
Kuwait City
Phnom Penh
Abu Dhabi
United Arab
New Delhi
Bandar Seri
South Korea
Level 74
Jan 2, 2014
Never thought Cyprus was in Asia.
Level 78
Jan 3, 2014
That is a matter of contention in every quiz that differentiates between Europe and Asia. This website consistently considers it part of Asia, but it causes lots of arguments.
Level 71
Sep 9, 2017
I use it in Europe AND Asia
Level 69
Jan 28, 2021
Cyprus, the country, is in Europe, but for some reason, Cyprus, the Jetpunk answer, is in Asia. Who knows what exactly it is - I've only ever been to the country!
Level 69
Jan 28, 2021
It's lovely, by the way! I highly recommend the mosaics and Tombs of the Kings in Paphos, or the beach of Petra Tou Romiou, where Aphrodite was allegedly born. Also, walking through No-Man's-Land in Nicosia, between the Cypriot and the Turkish-occupied sector gives a sort of cold-war feel to those too young to have experienced the real deal.
Level 67
Feb 1, 2022
It is geographically in Asia. Politically, it's very much part of Europe, but we speak georgraphy here. So Asia
Level 43
May 6, 2024
Because geographically there close to Anatolia and Levant regions in Asia. But culturally is closer to Europe.
Level 21
Nov 21, 2021
This was fun!
Level 66
Jan 31, 2022
It is.
Level 76
Mar 7, 2023
Cyprus: Is in the EU

jetpunk users: we're gonna pretend we didn't see that

Level 66
Oct 2, 2023
...and Türkiye is in the NATO while Australia is in Eurovision. Your point?
Level 43
May 6, 2024
Your point for Turkey? the Mediterranean is part of the North Atlantic a better example would be like Hungary or Slovakia landlocked countries of NATO.
Level 66
Feb 8, 2024
Israel, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Azerbaijan etc.'s football teams all participate in the European Championship qualification matches, but they're definitely not European.
Level 66
Mar 12, 2024
All of those except Israel have land in Europe
Level 66
Mar 12, 2024
it's not :(
Level 55
May 23, 2024
This Cyprus thing is getting out of hand just let it be it's own continent
Level 38
Feb 27, 2014
Missed Brunei. I knew that Bandar Seri Begawan is a capital of some country starting with letter 'B' and hence, I ended up trying Bahrain and Burundi which are not even in Asia.
Level 82
Feb 27, 2014
Bahrain is in Asia, I've got an apartment there, but looks like 68% of people taking this quiz didn't know that.
Level 67
Jun 23, 2014
Where do you live? o.o
Level 22
Jul 23, 2016
"Is this a smudge on my screen or Bahrain?"
Level 82
Aug 15, 2016
Quizzo: when I posted this comment, I had dual residence in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia, along with a mailing address in the United States. Currently, I am homeless. But I'm typing this from Estonia.
Level 70
Dec 17, 2016
I'm not surprised.
Level 82
Jun 21, 2019
What nasty thing are you insinuating? I can think of four off the top of my head.
Level 66
Oct 2, 2023
I think Malbaby's insinuating that they're not surprised.
Level 21
Dec 14, 2021
Are you still homeless in Estonia?
Level 82
Dec 20, 2021
I'm not.
Level 77
Aug 16, 2022
which country are you homeless in now?
Level 63
Feb 27, 2014
Burma is Myanmaar now isn't it?
Level 35
Feb 27, 2014
Another point of contention - the name change (as well as the change of capital to Naypidaw from Rangoon/Yangon) was at the behest of the ruling military junta, which is not a fluffy hugs and bunnies government. Many people refuse to recognise the change and continue to refer to the country as Burma, though most agree that the de facto capital is indeed Naypidaw.
Level 91
Feb 27, 2014
I'm befuddled by the fact that I got all but one correct (blanked on Bhutan for some reason), but only ended up in the 81st percentile of quiz takers, when so many of the answers have results in the 30 and 40 percent range. That seems mathematically impossible to me.
Level 92
Feb 27, 2014
the more stats link up in the Scoring box might help you out. As of this writing, 18.6% of all quiz takers have scored 100% on this test. A mathematical improbability, perhaps, but not an impossibility (those 18.6 percent make up over half of those who knew Manama). This would seem improbable at first glance, but regular users of this site have probably learned the capitals for/from the world capitals quiz, which requires you to know all 196. After being able to ace that one, this is a walk in the park.
Level 43
Dec 3, 2019
A super easy way to remember Bhutan is to look at the last 3 letters of its capital. Thimphu. Phu - Bhu(tan)
Level 59
May 6, 2024
Just like Vientiane is like Vietn...Laos
Level 40
Feb 27, 2014
Very nice quiz!
Level 52
Mar 18, 2014
Could You Please add Colombo as another capital for Sri Lanka- that confused me
Level 38
May 19, 2016
I know, I'm used to saying Colombo, Sri Lanka, but now the long name really confuses me and its...hard to spell.
Level 39
Sep 26, 2018
just write kotte
Level 72
May 19, 2023
or SJK.
Level 47
Jun 21, 2019
My friends and I like saying Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte
Level 36
Mar 24, 2021
Yes agreed
Level 32
Apr 16, 2015
Cyprus is in Asia? Well, not hard...
Level 74
Sep 14, 2015
SO, 3% of people didn't get that Singapore was the capital of Singapore. Interesting...
Level 73
Nov 24, 2015
And twice as many (6%) didn't recognize Kuwait city as Kuwait's capital...
Level 76
Aug 14, 2016
I thought Indonesia would be part of Oceania, especially if Papua New Guinea is.
Level 76
Jun 25, 2017
All of these categorizations are arbitrary, but Oceania might be defined as the area in which Melanesian, Micronesian, and Polynesian people are indigenous. So that would include the entire area usually referred to as Oceania, as well as the eastern portion (vaguely defined, I know) of Indonesia, including the island of Timor - and thus East Timor as well. For the sake of simplicity, perhaps, Indonesia usually gets tossed into the Asia basket. Because there's not a White, Christian "continent" at stake, few people tend to get worked up about this, unlike the angst over the identity of Russia and (especially) Turkey.
Level 69
Jan 28, 2021
No, that can't be it, because if you used indigenous people as a criteria, you'd be forced to recognise that Cyprus, which has been populated by Greeks for two and a half milennia, is in Europe.
Level 63
Aug 30, 2021
Well, most people do recognise Cyprus as part of Europe; it's quite a unique thing to Jetpunk not to. But as for Indonesia, it is simply a bi-continental country, like Russia, Turkey, Egypt, Panama and others. The western islands are most definitely in Asia, Papua is most definitely in Oceania, and exactly where you draw the line around the Moluccas, Timor and Flores is debatable, but either way, Indonesia holds territory on both continents.
Level 67
Feb 8, 2024
well Canada is also mostly populated by people of European origin, but that does not make it European.

When you look, which countries are closest to Cyprus, you get a handful of ASIAN countries, than Egypt in AFRICA and then Greece in Europe.....

Level 79
Aug 15, 2016
Has anyone ever counted the number of times that a Jetpunk quiz claims that the cap of Israel is Jersusalem (not Tel Aviv)?
Level 47
Aug 15, 2016
According to the Constitution of Israel, the capital is Jerusalem, but many countries have their embassies/consulate offices in Tel Aviv.
Level 66
Aug 30, 2019
I doubt anyone has counted, but expect that JetPunk "claims" that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel as often as it "claims" that the capital of the USA is Washington, which is to say every time the matter arises, and for the same reason.
Level 72
Sep 17, 2016
You should add an accent for Malé
Level 70
Jun 25, 2017
randomdude wins the 'Gold Nitpicker' award for Sept. 2016 ...... congratulations!
Level 78
Jun 24, 2019
You must be fun at quiz sites.
Level 66
Mar 9, 2018
I agree. The capital is not called 'male', it is the capital of a country and deserves to have its e-acute. Please change it to 'Malé' if possible, as can be seen on other quizzes.
Level 70
May 20, 2019
Sorry MrBlister....... only one Gold Nitpick award per month:
Level 75
Jun 21, 2019
Mal, isn't that a bit... picky..?
Level 76
Jun 21, 2019
Well, if we're going to nitpick, the standard way of writing the capital in the Maldives is Male' - with an apostraphe, rather than an accent. At least some there believe that it signifies an abbreviation. There's no consensus on this though.
Level 66
Mar 12, 2024
I agree, it's rude not to have it
Level 45
Dec 31, 2017
Thanks to jet punk, I know every single country in the world and 102 capitals
Level 51
Jan 6, 2018
Thanks to JetPunk, I know every single country in the world, all their locations, and ALL their capitals!
Level 72
Jun 21, 2019
Thanks to JetPunk, I know every single country in the world, all their locations, ALL their capitals, how to cook eggs benedict and make Pinacolada, how to fix a broken 737max and how to make children
Level 57
Oct 28, 2020
@joedimaggio: Lol you win
Level 20
Nov 6, 2023
I created JetPunk.
Level 66
Sep 7, 2022
You learned how to "make children" on JETPUNK??
Level 55
Jan 1, 2019
3:23 left, despite the many typos I made
Level 28
Apr 21, 2019
Could you please accept s.korea for south korea?! Preety please!!!
Level 28
Apr 21, 2019
oh and also n .korea for north korea
Level 28
Apr 21, 2019
Level 80
Jun 21, 2019
Astana has changed its name to Nur-Sultan
Level 35
Jun 21, 2019
On 19 March 2019, the Kazakh president Nursultan Nazarbayev resigned, and on 23 March the capital Astana was renamed Nur-Sultan.
Level 37
Jun 23, 2019
Interesting. Now let's see how quickly Jetpunk adopts the new name. (I hope it doesn't take as long as it has for the site to accept Cote d'Ivoire).
Level 73
Jun 21, 2019
Why doesn't the quiz accept "democratic people's republic of korea" for North Korea?
Level 79
Jun 21, 2019
Because they aren't democratic (just kidding but I don't know the actual reason sorry)
Level 81
Dec 8, 2022
Dprk works
Level 67
Jul 17, 2019
Kazakhstan renamed their capital to Nur-Sultan, but Astana would still be a great type-in
Level 68
Nov 5, 2019
Like saying add Boston and Philadelphia as a type in for "Washington DC" in regards to american capitals
Level 78
Feb 29, 2020
They renamed it, not relocated it.
Level 43
Dec 3, 2019
Great quiz! Africa is the only continent I have left to conquer the capitals of.
Level 66
Jun 10, 2020
100%with 2:22 left. great quiz
Level 59
Sep 29, 2020
1:40 remaining! Hesitated on the "stan" countries a bit.
Level 28
Nov 1, 2021
2:55 Great quiz, I love it! Can you link a series?
Level 66
Dec 4, 2021
Why aren't the answer stats appearing?
Level 68
Dec 20, 2021
Level 68
Dec 20, 2021
Just missed East Timor
Level 33
Jan 31, 2022
I bet 50% of u didnt know that east timor existed...
Level 57
Jan 31, 2022
You'd probably lose that bet, considering the JetPunk community.
Level 84
Dec 26, 2023
That would be pretty shocking, since 65% of people got East Timor right.
Level 65
Jan 31, 2022
for Dili, I wasn't able to type in east timor, and when i put it in, it kept saying that I was wrong. Is this a bug?
Level 39
Feb 8, 2024
you might have only put in one t?
Level 57
Jan 12, 2023
Astana was renamed Nur-Sultan on 23 March 2019
Level 72
May 19, 2023
Nur-Sultan was renamed Astana on 16 September 2022.
Level 68
Jul 20, 2023
2 minutes
Level 39
Feb 8, 2024
finished all of them no cheating with one second to spare!!!
Level 39
Feb 8, 2024
wait astana is nur sultan?
Level 43
Feb 8, 2024
not anymore
Level 66
Mar 12, 2024
they changed it back to Astana
Level 49
Feb 9, 2024
Went from 19/48 to 100% in one day due to this quiz 😁