
Majority Muslim Countries

Can you name the countries of the world where at least 50% of residents are Islamic.
According to Wikipedia, most of which comes from Pew Research Center (2017)
Problem with the data? Refer it to Wikipedia, please.
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: November 27, 2023
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First submittedJuly 26, 2010
Times taken288,840
Average score77.1%
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Saudi Arabia
Sierra Leone
United Arab Emirates
Burkina Faso
Bosnia and Herzegovina
102 Recent Comments
Level 36
Oct 11, 2017
Iraq deffo doesn't have that amount of muslims. And Saudi Deffo has 100% There is no alternative answer.
Level 82
Oct 11, 2017
I guess it's settled then.
Level 26
Jul 24, 2024
wot about foreign engineers and workers in the oil industry
Level 46
Oct 11, 2017
All countries with so much equality and progression!
Level 67
Oct 11, 2017
Yes, yes. We know. But Buddhist Myanmar is just as bad. And, honestly, I think there are pockets of the United States Bible Belt where people would be all too happy to implement the kind of violence and oppression that these countries use, as long as it was done in the name of "Christianity." Religious zealotry tends to lead to savagery. These countries have more fundamentalists than most, but fundamentalism -- and all its moronic, violent tendencies are not unique to Islam.
Level 82
Oct 12, 2017
I miss the long and interesting conversation that used to be at the top of this page in response to a similar comment I left. Still don't understand why it was deleted so many years after it began.

To quote and then paraphrase Sam Harris: the problem with Islamic fundamentalism is the fundamentals of Islam. While granted the Old Testament contains some of the worst books ever written in human history, Christianity has somewhat reformed. Certain flavors of Buddhism can provide a rationale for kamikaze attacks, but in most the logical path to justifying suicide bombing is a tortured one. And the more crazy Jain fundamentalists get... the *less* we have to worry about them.

Level 26
Jul 24, 2024
bro quoting sam harris😭😭😭😭
Level 49
May 10, 2019
Comparing Georgia, South Carolina, or Arkansas to Saudi Arabia is a bit of a stretch.
Level 67
Jun 6, 2019
I did not mean to compare entire states to the most oppressive Islamic regimes, but I really don't think it is a stretch in 2019 to say that there are certain places in the US where you can find an appreciable percentage of the population that is every bit as backwards, fundamentalist, and savage as you'd find in the worst Muslim countries. The US states are too big to assign those characteristics generally, but there are counties where fundamentalism is rampant. Gay conversion therapy, science denial, literal worship of weapons, and a sincere belief that Donald freaking Trump is the second coming of Christ. (I am not making that up. I spoke to one of these people and I still can't get over it.) I honestly think if these people had their way, they'd be happy to stone gays, immigrants, and atheists to death. And as a final clarification: I am not suggesting this is true of all southerners, Trump supporters, or religious people. But there are pockets where it's prevalent.
Level ∞
Jun 6, 2019
"I honestly think if these people had their way, they'd be happy to stone gays, immigrants, and atheists to death".

Surely, there are some people who would do this. The question is - what percent? In the United States, probably less than 1%. In some other countries it is much higher. In Belgium, of course, the level of psychopathy is off the charts.

Level 71
Mar 15, 2021
I was just gonna say this. I don't think that's related to religion jmellor--that's related to human nature. There are plenty of people who promote violence because of politics, cultural/racial reasons, or just because that's their personality. Fundamentalism doesn't just have to be a religious thing.
Level 67
Aug 15, 2021
Yes, but religion is the most dangerous because it provides such a sense of moral superiority. Thinking God is on your side will empower you to do all manner of unconscionable things.
Level 28
Apr 18, 2024
islam is not oppresive
Level 38
Jun 6, 2024
it is extremely oppressive.
Level 68
Oct 12, 2017
Oh man. Saudi Arabia went out of my head!
Level 46
Apr 14, 2018
Same, with the United Arab Emirates. Only missed that with the Maldives.
Level 65
Feb 16, 2018
Lol, got Burkina faso but forgot afghanistan. Smh
Level 3
Apr 15, 2018
99.8% in Tunisia ?

This is litterally an unbelievable figure. Society there has been more and more secular since at least 40 years, and as of now any figure above 90% would look very suspicious to me. Now, 99.8 ??? Come on...

Level 31
Apr 15, 2018
The figures are from 2010 - a lot may have changed since the Arab Spring.
Level 82
May 26, 2018
In most of these countries the religion you profess has more to do with who your parents were than any actual beliefs you hold. But, having been to Tunisia a couple years ago, it's still a pretty religious and conservative place. It was much more like Saudi Arabia than I was expecting it to be.
Level 28
Apr 15, 2018
I got 36, but missed the little known Muslim country Saudi Arabia.
Level 16
Apr 16, 2018
Level 32
Apr 16, 2018
I missed Burkina Faso, Maldives, Kosovo and Comoros. I think with more time I would have caught them
Level 49
Jul 14, 2018
Bosnia and Hezegovina is a majority Muslim country as well, but it's missing here.
Level 33
Oct 2, 2018
Lebanon is not at all majority muslim
Level 82
Oct 14, 2018
How do you figure?
Level 67
Dec 16, 2018
You're right. Lebanon isn't ALL majority muslim. But it's enough to make it to this quiz.
Level 33
Jun 5, 2019
The muslim population in Lebanon is less then 50%
Level 82
Jun 5, 2019
It's either majority Muslim or not. There are not degrees to being a majority.
Level 68
May 8, 2020
Then that makes it a plurality
Level 82
Apr 27, 2021
If you split islam between shia and sunni, then Lebanon is majority christian. Otherwise, it is a majority muslim country.
Level 67
Jan 10, 2019
forgot burkina faso and the maldives
Level 47
Feb 20, 2019
Lots of constructive and intelligent comments here.
Level 79
Mar 22, 2019
I'm from Malaysia (but not Muslim) and living in China!
Level 66
May 10, 2019
Didn't think to meander through the Balkans.
Level 75
May 10, 2019
Got them all but Brunei
Level 68
May 10, 2019
Lol missed a few obvious ones like Syria, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan, which I would have gotten if I had thought of them. Got 27/48. I was impressed how I got Mauritania, though.
Level 33
Jun 6, 2024
I, too, would have gotten the ones I didn't if I had thought of them. Crazy, huh
Level 67
May 10, 2019
Had a first try, if not so, than first in a LONG time...and was just 1 off. Annoying first world issue, i know. Only one i forgot was Bangladesh.
Level 56
May 10, 2019
can't believe I missed UAE. It has Arab in it's country name for crying out loud lol
Level 82
May 11, 2019
Arab isn't exactly the same thing as Muslim. Did you get Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, and Mauritania? They all have "Islamic Republic" in their official country names. And none of them are Arab.
Level 76
May 13, 2019
I mean, there are non-Muslim Arabs, but let's be honest, the association between Arabs and Islam is pretty strong for obvious reasons.
Level 67
Jun 5, 2019
Well Tramp I know a lot of Arabs who aren't muslim. What you're saying doesn't make sense.
Level 51
Nov 9, 2019
There are millions of Arab Christians in nearly all Arab countries so I never understood why people saw "Arab" and "Muslim" as being synonymous...or they're just ignorant I guess
Level 83
Jan 2, 2021
Is this a serious question? Christian Arabs are a tiny minority, there's no majority non-Muslim Arab country, Arabic is the holy language of Islam and you don't see many non-Arab inscriptions on mosques. The association is obvious ...
Level 48
Jul 9, 2024
Lebanon is half Muslim and half Christian,
Level 70
Aug 10, 2021
Arabic predates Islam.
Level 14
Aug 14, 2019
Very nice and interesting quiz
Level 35
Oct 30, 2019
I somehow forgot Saudi Arabia...
Level 56
Apr 22, 2020
Almost forgot Kosovo..... overall, though, 100% first try and I'm pretty happy.
Level 35
May 12, 2020
i only got half because i'm a dumb american :"(
Level 57
Dec 18, 2020
A fellow dumb American, got them all
Level 49
Dec 21, 2020
man i always forget jordan exists
Level 29
Dec 29, 2020
I wonder what this list would look like come 2100
Level 65
Jun 2, 2021
honestly i think the percentages would drop especially in southeast asia and the balkans since they are focus areas for christian missionaries, arabia and north africa would stay stable, sub saharan africa would also drop from christian missionaries, maybe the stan countries too, but it'll probably rise in percentage somewhere
Level 93
Jul 13, 2023
It's actually mind-boggling how rapidly Christianity is rising in Africa, even in the last decade alone.
Level 51
Jan 6, 2021
Level 28
Feb 15, 2021


Level 21
Apr 18, 2021
Fun Fact did you know any country ending with Stan is a Muslim country
Level 23
Feb 26, 2024
Not Hindustan.
Level 21
Apr 24, 2021
I scored 43/48
Level 21
Apr 24, 2021
Nice but
Level 21
Apr 24, 2021
+more people
Level 21
Apr 24, 2021
Eid Mo Barik
Level 21
Apr 24, 2021
Any countries in the Middle East other than Cyprus and Israel are Muslim countries.
Level 23
Feb 26, 2024
And even Northern Cyprus is Muslim.
Level 21
Apr 24, 2021
The name is Islam
Level 82
Aug 15, 2021
Is that you, Mr. Stevens?
Level 26
May 17, 2021
I listed some southeastern European countries and was surprised when I got Kosovo
Level 27
Jun 22, 2021
Level 32
Jul 18, 2021
Add Palestine
Level 82
Aug 15, 2021
Not a sovereign country
Level 60
Aug 16, 2021
Not only is it a sovereign country, it's one recognised by more UN members than Kosovo which is on this list
Level 82
Aug 17, 2021
winning a popularity contest at the UN doesn't make you sovereign.
Level 54
May 23, 2022
It actually is a sovereign nation.
Level 93
Jul 13, 2023
No, it definitely is not. It's no more a sovereign nation than Somaliland or North Cyprus.
Level 93
Jul 13, 2023
No, it definitely is not. It's no more a sovereign nation than Somaliland or North Cyprus.
Level 68
Aug 15, 2021
Got Comoros and Bahrain with 1:19 remaining
Level 71
Aug 15, 2021
Did anything new happen to Turkey? Like, did they change their census data or the way they classify religious groups? Last time I took this quiz, I think they were pretty close to the top of the list with around 99% (although I could be misremembering).
Level 82
Aug 15, 2021
Seems plausible. A very small percentage (under 1%) of Turkish citizens are Christian, Jewish, or some other religion. The majority of the gap between the 89% cited here and 100 are various flavors of agnostic, atheist, deist, irreligious, secularist, or "none," but these people usually had observant Muslim parents or grandparents or great grandparents, and a lot of polls done in this area of the world would count all of those people as Muslim, too. The Wikipedia article may have switched to a different source that used different categorizations.
Level 73
Aug 18, 2021
Shouldn't you add Vatican City? (
Level 78
Jun 1, 2022
If one Muslim family moved to the Holy See, it would change the percentages a bit.
Level 24
Dec 24, 2021
I was expecting Saudi Arabia in the first place, but Maldives? wow...
Level 82
Feb 2, 2022
The Maldives is a smaller and more homogenous country with fewer resident expats. To gain Saudi citizenship you must be Muslim, if you are born to Muslim parents in Saudi Arabia you are by default a Muslim, and apostasy is still punishable by death there, so, I assume the 2% that are non-Muslim are all expats.
Level 43
Apr 28, 2022
How come there is no Palestine here? There is so called Kosovo here and it is not the member of the UN!
Level 54
May 23, 2022
This irritates me as well about JetPunk leaving out Palestine from their list of recognised countries. I read somewhere that the reason was the territory of Palestine is disputed. But Kosovo is also disputed AND with less international recognition by UN member states. At least if Kosovo is recognised by JetPunk, they should recognise Palestine. Or if they don't recognise Palestine, they should also not recognise Kosovo.
Level 82
Jul 8, 2022
That's not the reason. The reason is that Palestine is not a sovereign country. Kosovo is. International recognition is one component of sovereignty, but far from the only one.
Level 30
Jul 3, 2022
I forgot UAE


Level 74
Nov 27, 2022
isnt Eritrea debatable
Level 74
Nov 27, 2022
isnt Eritrea debatable
Level 33
Dec 10, 2022
Great quiz!
Level 69
Jan 26, 2023
PLEASE accept UAE for United Arab Emirates
Level ∞
Jan 26, 2023
We do of course
Level 47
Apr 23, 2023
I like this quiz
Level 28
Jun 12, 2023
Aw man, missed Qatar and Brunei...
Level 65
Jul 4, 2023

forgot saudi arabia...

Level 52
Feb 21, 2024
So frightening!
Level 59
Apr 4, 2024
How so?
Level 23
Feb 26, 2024
Missed out on two: Sierra Leone and... Saudi Arabia (can you believe it?). It was also surprising to see Africa's most populated country as a Muslim majority country.
Level 28
Apr 17, 2024
nigeria isnt muslim is it?
Level 59
May 23, 2024
the north is
Level 28
Apr 17, 2024
missed libya and guinea🫢